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Old 10-31-2013, 05:03 PM   #1
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Old 10-31-2013, 09:19 PM   #2
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Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, get re-elected.
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Old 11-01-2013, 06:52 AM   #3
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Save this to your favorites and read it at your leisure...http://nachumlist.com/
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Old 11-01-2013, 07:07 AM   #4
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If the POTUS can't get impeached for lying about a blow job by an "intern" ...

.. wonder if the POTUS can be impeached for lying to 300 million citizens about the butt-fucking he gave them?
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Old 11-01-2013, 09:02 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
If the POTUS can't get impeached for lying about a blow job by an "intern" ...
Technically, Clinton was impeached, then acquitted.
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Old 11-01-2013, 09:08 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by filbone View Post
Technically, Clinton was impeached, then acquitted.
Technically impeachment was ratified by the house and defeated in the Senate on a straight party line vote.
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Old 11-01-2013, 09:53 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Spad View Post
Technically impeachment was ratified by the house and defeated in the Senate on a straight party line vote.
"Technically" ... if it went to the distance, the trend would be against Mr. Obaminable for a "straight party line vote," ... he's now pissing off the liberal democrats and those in between.

(History: It wasn't the democrats that sank Nixon .. it was the Republicans ..

.......... his own party.)
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Old 11-01-2013, 11:59 PM   #8
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Actually Clinton was not acquitted. There is no finding in the Senate other than guilt. The House impeached him and he was not found guilty in the Senate on a party line vote even with several democrats saying he was guilty, reprehensible, and a pervert.

Of course Senate intern Hillary Rodham helped draft the documents of impeachment for Richard Nixon and lying to the American people was an impeachable offense as well as allowing the IRS to target enemies of the White House.
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Old 11-02-2013, 02:28 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Actually Clinton was not acquitted.....
uuuuhhhhh ... with all due respect I was using those terms in the "street" sense of the words, as opposed to the technical aspects .. if you can see the quotes I put around "technical" ..

the factual point is that Nixon was NOT "impeached" and/or "convicted" in Congress, but based on the bean counters the votes were there, which is probably why he "moved on" ... after a deal was made ... which was not the situation with Clinton .. more along party lines .....

but the more Obaminable squirms, ducks, sidesteps, dodges, lies, distorts, and finger points to avoid responsibility and ignore reality while attempting to divert attention ..

the less enchanted the rank-and-file Democrats (and Liberals) become with him and the more "dangerous" it is for them to stand behind him ... much like the Republicans of Nixon.

The generally supportive media is now turning on him and his "numbers" are falling ... with 3 + more years of this shit to endure.

The latest revelations concerning Biden and Biden's personal interest in running, will have Biden on the sidelines .... quickly, Obaminable will be isolated ... and I suspect that includes any support from his wife ... who has been unusually quiet the last few weeks!!!!

Which she should concerning the corruptness of her friend's "payday" of taxpayers' money!
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Old 11-02-2013, 07:36 AM   #10
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The issue was not that Clinton bot a bj from a fat little intern BUT that he LIED about it under oath.
This resulted in perjury and his disbarment from the legal profession which is the spawn of the oldest profession.
Obama has been careful to not take any oaths except for the oath of office which he has clearly violated on many occasions by not defending the Constitution and acting in violation of the same.
You can lie all you want as President as long as you have your fingers crossed and are not under oath. The general public expects him to lie because his followers so want to believe him.

I believe one of the most interesting things is how sheltered from the truth and what is going on in the nation and the world he is. I cannot count how many times he has had to "discover" what is going on in the world and his administration from the news media rather from his staff of advisors. I would hate to be the leader of the free world and be as ignorant as he is. I think that as embarrassing as these revelations would be that he would fire those that are failing to do their jobs of keeping him informed.

I suppose his supporters must be pleased with his level of ignorance. It more than likely makes them feel like equals.
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Old 11-02-2013, 09:20 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by The2Dogs View Post
The issue was not that Clinton bot a bj from a fat little intern BUT that he LIED about it under oath.
This resulted in perjury and his disbarment from the legal profession which is the spawn of the oldest profession.
Obama has been careful to not take any oaths except for the oath of office which he has clearly violated on many occasions by not defending the Constitution and acting in violation of the same.
You can lie all you want as President as long as you have your fingers crossed and are not under oath. The general public expects him to lie because his followers so want to believe him.

I believe one of the most interesting things is how sheltered from the truth and what is going on in the nation and the world he is. I cannot count how many times he has had to "discover" what is going on in the world and his administration from the news media rather from his staff of advisors. I would hate to be the leader of the free world and be as ignorant as he is. I think that as embarrassing as these revelations would be that he would fire those that are failing to do their jobs of keeping him informed.

I suppose his supporters must be pleased with his level of ignorance. It more than likely makes them feel like equals.
And Progressive have to lie; if they ever told the truth about what they were doing they wouldn't win any elections.
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Old 11-02-2013, 09:26 AM   #12
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Old 11-02-2013, 09:31 AM   #13
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Obama donor’s firm hired to fix Web mess it created
By S.A. MillerNovember 1, 2013 | 1:25am

WASHINGTON — A tech firm linked to a campaign-donor crony of President Obama not only got the job to help build the federal health-insurance Web site — but also is getting paid to fix it.
Anthony Welters, a top campaign bundler for Obama and frequent White House guest, is the executive vice president of UnitedHealth Group, which owns the software company now at the center of the ObamaCare Web-site fiasco.
UnitedHealth Group subsidiary Quality Software Services Inc. (QSSI), which built the data hub for the ObamaCare system, has been named the new general contractor in charge of repairing the glitch-plagued HealthCare.gov.
Welters and his wife, Beatrice, have shoveled piles of cash into Obama’s campaign coffers and *apparently reaped the rewards.
Beatrice Welters bundled donations totaling between $200,000 and $500,000 for Obama’s campaign during the 2008 election *cycle, according to campaign- *finance data compiled by Center for Responsive Politics.
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SICK CALL: Obama bundler Anthony Welters’ firm owns the company picked to repair the health Web site.
SICK CALL: Obama bundler Anthony Welters’ firm owns the company picked to repair the health Web site.
The couple then became top donors for Obama’s inauguration festivities, kicking in $100,000 out of their own pockets and bundling another $300,000 from friends and business associates, according to the center.
The investments quickly paid off for Beatrice Welters. The Obama administration tapped her in 2009 for the plum job of US ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago, which she held through last November.
The couple have been frequent guests at the White House.
Visitors logs show at least a dozen visits between the two by the end of 2012, the most recent information available.
The entire Welters family has gotten into the donation game.
The Welters, along with their sons, Andrew and Bryant, have contributed more than $258,000 to mostly Democratic candidates and committees since 2007.
What’s more, UnitedHealth Group is one of the largest health-insurance companies in the country and spent millions lobbying for ObamaCare.
The insurance giant’s purchase of QSSI in 2012 raised eyebrows on Capitol Hill, but the tech firm nevertheless kept the job of building the data hub for the ObamaCare Web site where consumers buy the new mandatory health- *insurance plans.
QSSI has been paid an estimated $150 million so far, but officials couldn’t say how much more the company might collect on the *repair contract.
By all accounts, the data hub has run smoothly while many other components of the Web site have failed.
Meanwhile, tempers flared among Obama’s Democratic allies over the disastrous rollout of the president’s signature initiative.
“I’m extraordinarily frustrated,” said Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) *after top Obama-administration officials gave Senate Democrats a private briefing on the state of the Web-site repairs.
He said they were losing confidence the site could be quickly fixed.
“I don’t think there’s confidence by anyone in the room. This is more of a show-me moment,” said Merkley.
Additional reporting by Geoff Earle
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Old 11-02-2013, 09:35 AM   #14
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HEALTH CARE Sebelius Explains How Obamacare Isn't Like Tickle-Me Elmo

(Memphis Daily News/Andrew J. Breig)
By Andy MeekNovember 1, 2013SHARE

MEMPHIS -- Kathleen Sebelius brushed off questions Friday about reports saying only six people signed up for coverage on the first day of the Obamacare website's operation.

Speaking at a library in Memphis as part of an effort to encourage healthcare sign ups in the city, Sebelius said she didn't know where that figure came from and that the government doesn't have "reliable enrollment figures yet."

"I don't pay a lot of attention to these early reports, because the system was flawed," she said, adding that the flaws were partly because of demand. "This is month one. We're in football season now, and this is the first quarter. A lot of folks want to declare game over. I don't know where those figures came from, but we'll be giving out comprehensive figures once a month."

Those government figures, she said, would start coming out in a few weeks.

"There is nobody more frustrated with the website than I am," she said. "We should have done better."

(Robert Giroux/Getty Image)

She told community leaders the public needs to be reminded that the website does not function like Amazon.com, where customers are used to logging on to buy a product "like a Tickle Me Elmo doll" before someone else gets it. In this case, Sebelius said, the service is constant and doesn't run out.

Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) who invited Sebelius to the city, bristled at some of the questions she was asked, saying "Change is hard. Get over it. Barack Obama is president, and the Affordable Care Act is the law."

In the crowd was Republican state Sen. Brian Kelsey, the sponsor of a bill to block Medicaid expansion in Tennessee scheduled to be heard in January. He tried to give Sebelius a copy of the book "Websites for Dummies," which she appeared to hold briefly.
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Old 11-02-2013, 04:44 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by The2Dogs View Post
I believe one of the most interesting things is how sheltered from the truth and what is going on in the nation and the world he is. I cannot count how many times he has had to "discover" what is going on in the world and his administration from the news media rather from his staff of advisors. I would hate to be the leader of the free world and be as ignorant as he is. I think that as embarrassing as these revelations would be that he would fire those that are failing to do their jobs of keeping him informed.

I suppose his supporters must be pleased with his level of ignorance. It more than likely makes them feel like equals.
It's starting to all catch up with him. The MSM is turning on him at a very alarming rate. You are right, he is sheltered and it is phenomenal how many times he did not know about something until we did, but this in turn has made the MSM look as completely out of touch and incredible, and they can't afford to look as stupid and ignorant. You know it is bad when the MSM starts touting the Tea Party and showing clips from what they said three years ago, and saying "they were right" and the prez was wrong for deceiving us.
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