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Security Matters Personal security is of the utmost priority. Discussions regarding every aspect of personal security within the hobby can be found here.

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Old 10-17-2013, 02:13 PM   #1
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Default Newb checklist - thoughts and tips please?

Ok, so I thought about it and have decided to dive in. In reading some of the threads on here, I've built myself a little checklist of things to do in order to play safe, for discretion. Need help with some of these. (I do travel around the US a bit)

1) burner email not linked to my name - check.
2) Eccie account to talk to you awesome people - check
3) hobby phone - so I've done a little research and think I want a smart phone for my hobby phone so I can do all the browsing and email from that... no link to my home computer, laptop, etc. There are a LOT of SIM options out there both phones and packages - anyone have anything they like for phone, text and data?
4) hobby debit card - to pay for things like p411, occasional hotel, etc. What are good options to have?
5) wish list of beautiful ladies to visit - check

What am I overlooking, if anything? Please respond here or PM.

Thanks so much!
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Old 10-17-2013, 04:27 PM   #2
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If you really are "newb" with no P411 okays or reviews, then add

6) list of NEWBIE FRIENDLY providers on P411 to contact to get your first OK's.
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Old 10-17-2013, 04:51 PM   #3
Chica Chaser
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Here is a really good place to start
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Old 10-24-2013, 05:18 AM   #4
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Default Something I put together..... but it may need updating

How to Be A Successful Hobbiest
These are just Guidelines. Each person has to find his own level of security and procedures in this hobby!
Play safe, enjoy!

How to Use a Burnphone Wisely
- buy a burn phone (non-smart, pre-paid type) with cash.
- do not register/create an account with any pay-as-you go phones.
- always pay cash for more minutes.
- only turn on the burn phone when needed.
- turn on your phone approx 1-2 hours before appt.
- turn off your phone approx 1-2 hours after appt.
- do not store anything in contacts.
- delete your call history often.
- keep battery separate from the phone during down time.
- change to a new phone every 3-4 months, destroy the sim card from the old phone and get a new phone number each time; - if you find an ATF, set up a Safe word for texting/emailing. Find a simple word you will both remember.

Other Useful Things-
- at a hotel incall, always put the security bar on the door and check the bathroom before placing the donation
- be aware if the hotel room has an adjoining door to another room, think about your surroundings and why would a provider get adjoining rooms.
- if stopped by LE, consent for them to search your vehicle. Immediately after LE has verified your ID, ask to leave. If you are detained, ask for an attorney and then say nothing no matter how they act to you.
- only carry your ID and a small amount of folding money on your person to a date. Leave all else in your vehicle.
- create a separate email account for the hobby and do not use the same handle from any Hobby site for your hobby email. Never use your personal or work email for the hobby. Ever!
- handle as much of your communication by email using an on-line web-browser.
- be aware your ISP is required to keep logs of sites you visit. Use a anonymous connection. Search the web for them.
- be aware your computer keeps records of every website you visit.
- if you are signed into facebook or other social media sites they may Slurp your contacts out of your computer. Yes "Slurp" is the technical term.
- programs like ccleaner, or evidence eliminator are useful to cover your tracks from your pc.
- if you have a car GPS and use it to map to a provider, CLEAR its history as well.

Credit for this information go to all the successful Mongers who contribute to our boards.
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Old 10-24-2013, 11:47 AM   #5
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Thanks for all of the info JFrame2 and Chica Chaser. Not to redirect where the convo is going (maybe a like to a thread would work too) but how do you keep your hobby phone separate from prying eyes in general? Whether work, SO, friend, etc?
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Old 10-24-2013, 12:28 PM   #6
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Keep it locked, as in password. If someone finds it and starts grilling you, you found it in the street/coffee shop/hallway and were hoping someone would call it so you could find out whose it is, because you don't know the password, right?

Delete everything, calls, texts, contacts, etc. Keep it hidden or locked up. Only turn it on when you need to use it.
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Old 10-24-2013, 01:28 PM   #7
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Good job. I doubt I could have done better as I made my own experienced quick check list and you hit all the points. I would add if at a Provider's place check around the other rooms and closets and Under the bed(s). Always Clean up after the fact and have some handiwipes (like from Chicken Take-out) in car for clean-ups. Always make sure you redress properly, and inside-out pair of underwear can get you busted as can putting on a tee shirt backwards. Never discuss your Hobby with family, friends or co-workers. Follow the Eccie Security Matters and Law tabs.
Lastly listen to that inner voice and those hairs on the back of your neck. If you don't feel Right, feel Safe or if something just doesn't add up get the hell out of there. \
And again should you encounter LE, be Polite, provide name and address and then STFU. You can not talk your way out of trouble BUT You Can dig a deeper Hole for yourself.
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Old 10-24-2013, 02:00 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Stud Daddy View Post
and inside-out pair of underwear can get you busted
Oh, fuck. I wear my underwear inside out every day. I figure let the rough side of the seam rub on my jeans, not on me.

I guess if you're busted, the inside out undies are probably not the determining factor.

Good points, though, especially the last. Don't say ANYTHING, other than providing ID and confirming it's correct. Ask if you're free to go. If so, LEAVE IMMEDIATELY, with NO further conversation. If not, ask if you're under arrest, otherwise don't say anything but that you want an attorney.

Anything you say may (and probably will) be used AGAINST you, but nothing you can possibly say will be used FOR you. They'll try to get you to talk about anything, just keep saying you want an attorney present before answering any further questions.

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Old 10-25-2013, 04:29 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by p98397 View Post
Ok, so I thought about it and have decided to dive in. In reading some of the threads on here, I've built myself a little checklist of things to do in order to play safe, for discretion. Need help with some of these. (I do travel around the US a bit)
1) burner email not linked to my name - check.
2) Eccie account to talk to you awesome people - check
3) hobby phone - so I've done a little research and think I want a smart phone for my hobby phone so I can do all the browsing and email from that... no link to my home computer, laptop, etc. There are a LOT of SIM options out there both phones and packages - anyone have anything they like for phone, text and data?
4) hobby debit card - to pay for things like p411, occasional hotel, etc. What are good options to have? Pre-paid Visa card? Although some hotels are getting picky about your name being on the card.
5) wish list of beautiful ladies to visit - check

What am I overlooking, if anything? Please respond here or PM.

Thanks so much!
Everything else the guys said is dead on. I rarely do outcalls and definitely rely on my spidey sense and am aware of surroundings when I do. We can be just as paranoid if not more!

RedLeg is correct with the P411 suggestion. It isn't the skeleton key of the hobby but it helps.
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Old 10-25-2013, 08:00 PM   #10
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Something else to add is to do your research. Much in the same manner that ladies screen and do their research, you also have to do your research to ensure (1) lady is legitimate; (2) she is compatible with you - what you like, she performs. This site and another national site does a good job of providing reviews (as well as advice)
Good luck, be safe, have fun...
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Old 10-25-2013, 08:58 PM   #11
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Thanks for the tips all - very helpful
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Old 10-26-2013, 09:36 AM   #12
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All of the above spot on. Now, consider "finances" and "resources" and "True Grit" and resulting "consequences."


Where is your hobby money coming from?
How do you hide that source or account for the diminished cash?


All true hobbyists need to have a stash of certain items, such as condoms, for emergencies (think Boy Scouts), so you need a place or a reason to have those and just in case they are discovered by a spouse or co-worker.... a reason comes in handy.

True Grit

Means being able to control your emotions ("love at last") and your environment (staying off the Street Action) and being able to be upfront with the experienced criminal attorney and divorce attorney you hire before the act, not after getting caught.

"Consequences" are those actions in which you get involved due to no fault of your own.... getting outed to your family, your employer, your friends, church assembly, dentist, doctor, etc. Are you ready for an STD that is carried home?

Best of luck in your path. Be careful, go slowly. You have already taken the better first step, asking for advice.
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Old 10-26-2013, 02:05 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by LNK View Post
Keep it locked, as in password. If someone finds it and starts grilling you, you found it in the street/coffee shop/hallway and were hoping someone would call it so you could find out whose it is, because you don't know the password, right?

Delete everything, calls, texts, contacts, etc. Keep it hidden or locked up. Only turn it on when you need to use it.
I disagree you can get a smart phone. You just need to encrypt it so pesky LE can't access it.
If you keep you phone locked and your privacy settings high there's no need for buying a new phone every couple of months.

Also, some ladies will make you go thru screening again if you do not have the same number. I know I do.

Changing numbers frequently makes it extremely difficult to obtain references from other ladies.
If a lady calls me for a reference and the number doesn't match I have no way of knowing if I met that person or not.
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