Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Many times. I would have bet the farm that was going to be your answer.
What does the size of Yellowstone have to do w/ using "armed guards to "lock travelers inside a building" ? I would have bet the farm that was going to be your question.
Why the thuggish tactics ?
First, and foremost, at least in my mind as a sympathetic observer, I'm sure you have read the book "the boy who cried wolf" ... MANY TIMES ...
Does something "snap" up there between your ears? With the sound of a light going on?
Secondly, I suspect that there are a limited number of Rangers on duty and available to SEARCH THE ENTIRE 3,400 + square miles for some NonEnglish Speaking (Reading?) foreigners they graciously allowed to enter the park and spend a couple of days, because the NONENGLISH SPEAKING and NONENGLISH READING guests were allowed to wander around looking at boiling mud pits, scalding geysers, pissed off brown bears, angry moose, and endless trails up and down steep slippery slopes ... with the fall/winter chill beginning to blanket the area.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of Obaminable. I'm no fan of either house of Congress. And if I had my vote (which I don't) I would cut off funding for the lights at the WH and Congress; stop their pay checks and expense checks; impound funds for staff assistance, including maid service and security; halt travel services across the board; and tell them to start paying for all of that shit out of their pockets until you all sit down, act like adults, and follow the ADVICE and CONSENT of the TAXPAYERS and VOTERS who HIRED THEM. and are PAYING THEM. (I would recommend no one bite on that bait.
If anyone thinks that the 10% of the taxpayers who pay 90% of the taxes are Liberal/Democrats, then you might want to revisit some of the social/economic data of the BLS on just where the $$$ are coming to pay for all this shit this idiot wants to lay out as he INCREASES the DEBT CEILING to BORROW more CHINESE $$ ... to make the have-nots feel better and "enhance" his image as the greatest President who ever graced the halls of the WH .... aka his "legacy" .... then those folks have never heard of the "golden rule" ...
He who has the gold rules. The rich giveth; the rich can taketh away.