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Old 10-02-2013, 03:25 PM   #376
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Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
You have the nerve to call out these three? WOW you got balls Mr. 3DGA
LOL! Now we need to keep the thread open til Rick gets back from his ban!.... Would be unfair of him not to be able to respond....
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Old 10-02-2013, 03:25 PM   #377
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Well, I for one, don't care about the supposedly great posters, the answers, the alleged victims, and the nay sayers.. I could be wrong, but personally, I've been having a great time lately with various ladies, and GUESS WHAT????? I didn't hear any "scoop", or rumors or inside info about anything, anyone or any event.. DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING WRONG, BUT I JUST GO, HAVE SEX, GET A BIT OF FUN, AND GO HOME.. I must be doing something wrong cause it's not causing a problem, and obviously, some think the purpose of the board is DRAMA, I guess I got it wrong.. cause I'm only having fun with some lovely ladies.. Thanks Girls!!!!
NOW, Back to your regularly scheduled drama.......
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Old 10-02-2013, 03:41 PM   #378
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
LOL! Now we need to keep the thread open til Rick gets back from his ban!.... Would be unfair of him not to be able to respond....
Maybe we can kill two birds with one stone! Make him a MOD so he will stop getting banned and fill the MOD position!


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Old 10-02-2013, 03:43 PM   #379
Iron Butterfly
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Wow Wispers, you are calling me out and saying I am driving hobbiest away and keeping them from posting and speaking there minds. You have lost touch with reality my friend, the only person as of late I have hade in response or conversation with is you. So by me questioning your actions I am driving away hobbiest, you got to be fucking kidding, right? LoL!

If anyone drives the good people from this board it is you and your self righteous BS.

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Old 10-02-2013, 03:58 PM   #380
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
LOL! Now we need to keep the thread open til Rick gets back from his ban!.... Would be unfair of him not to be able to respond....
He's more than welcome to answer: Who appointed you three as the local complaint department? And is that acceptable behavior? OR are all three of you violating the rules about accusations and sharing information you shouldn't (such as the contents of a PM) as you conspire against Trees?

Seriously, I could give a fuck about Trees, but what if it were one of us that made a mistake, would you break rules to mess with me? If so, then the rest of us DO have a dog in the fight.
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Old 10-02-2013, 04:07 PM   #381
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Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly View Post
Wow Wispers, you are calling me out and saying I am driving hobbiest away and keeping them from posting and speaking there minds.

I am saying that people LIKE you that question absolutely everything someone might have to say and look for absolutes tends to keep people from speaking up at times.... I did not imply that you are driving people away. Or if I did that was not my intention.

Thanks by the way..... I started a whole NEW thread to respond to you and you are continuing to drive this one!

You have lost touch with reality my friend, the only person as of late I have hade in response or conversation with is you. So by me questioning your actions I am driving away hobbiest, you got to be fucking kidding, right?

I guess so? I'm trying to see where I said that. Please provide the quote as you do tend to take things out of context.

If anyone drives the good people from this board it is you and your self righteous BS.

Well if I have the power to singlehandedly run people off from some SHMB simply with the words I post to a screen on the internet,,,,,,... They are obviously...... welll.... I won't go there....

But what are we missing with their absence?

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Old 10-02-2013, 04:14 PM   #382
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Originally Posted by 3daygetaway View Post
He's more than welcome to answer:

Duh.............He is currently banned at the moment......

Who appointed you three as the local complaint department?

You didn't get the memo? All of those that mattered got the Memo..... Hey Still Looking? You got the Memo right?

BTW... Did you forget or just ignore that there were women posting as well?

And is that acceptable behavior? OR are all three of you violating the rules about accusations and sharing information you shouldn't (such as the contents of a PM) as you conspire against Trees?

There are no rules about sharing information based upon where it comes from other than private areas. The rule addresses POSTING Private Correspondence. You can paraphrase almost anything you receive without violating and information.

Seriously, I could give a fuck about Trees, but what if it were one of us that made a mistake, would you break rules to mess with me?

Asked and Answered!. Nope! But you are too busy getting flustered to stop and read right?

If so, then the rest of us DO have a dog in the fight.

Cool. Dog Fights!

Who is taking the bets?

I gotta admit that I thought this tread was ready to die off.... I want to Thank all of you again for not just keeping it going but for pumping new life into it!
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Old 10-02-2013, 04:18 PM   #383
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Originally Posted by 3daygetaway View Post
Seriously, I could give a fuck about Trees, but what if it were one of us that made a mistake, would you break rules to mess with me? If so, then the rest of us DO have a dog in the fight.
1. Again, you and the many you see as "us" are not Mods.
2. Because you are not Mods, you are not held to a higher standard.
3. Because Trees was a Mod, he had the advantage of power and control of the Boards.
4. Because Trees had power and control of the Boards, he was in a position that threatens the young and naive (in their minds).
5. If you or others were Mods or Staff and committed these abuses (andsome of us knew), we would hunt you as well.

This is being done in the court of public opinion in our little Society.

Personally, I think he was lucky to resign when he did. Less messy that way.

Keep trying to distract and deflect. We will keep sending it back down the middle.

Old Dingus
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Old 10-02-2013, 04:18 PM   #384
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And to the women who have posted about corroborating evidence, shame on you too. Advising a fellow provider to do/not do something is cool (that's how we become better hobbyists and providers), but when you make this information public you violate the rest of our trust.
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Old 10-02-2013, 04:23 PM   #385
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Originally Posted by Old Dingus View Post

Keep trying to distract and deflect. We will keep sending it back down the middle.

Old Dingus

No; not a distraction--just addressing the part of this that could affect ME. Whispers says the point was to create a forum to dialogue about what to avoid in the future, right? I don't care to have my business discussed by providers or amongst hobbyists--that's what I DON'T want to see in the future.
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Old 10-02-2013, 04:35 PM   #386
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Since the girls had a change of mind on sharing I walked away from this and had every intent not to post here again but then read something aimed at me so I just want to say There is a huge difference about talking about other hobbyist vs. speaking up when someone with power is abusive with it...
If speaking up for them after they asked me to is wrong and shameful well then it is what it is I guess
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Old 10-02-2013, 04:48 PM   #387
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Originally Posted by 3daygetaway View Post
No; not a distraction--just addressing the part of this that could affect ME. Whispers says the point was to create a forum to dialogue about what to avoid in the future, right? I don't care to have my business discussed by providers or amongst hobbyists--that's what I DON'T want to see in the future.
What part of WE ARE ADDRESSING THE ACTIONS OF A MOD do you not understand?
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Old 10-02-2013, 04:50 PM   #388
boobs mcgee
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Everyone here knows I have locked horns with Whispers, so in no way am I cheerleading for him.

I don't really care how he got to know the info he obtained. I'm pretty sure he didn't go asking around aimlessly for it. I don't see any documented hatred between Trees and Whispers.

Yes Whispers talks a lot of shit here - he talks shit here with impunity. Mods won't touch him. That's just the way it is.

Strip away all of the personas here and you have one issue here - abusing the MODERATOR title. Plain and simple.

Did it happen here? Looks like it probably did but I don't know for sure.

Should any abuse of power be tolerated? Absolutely not.

Will it continue? Hell yes it will.

Have other mods been accused of it in the past? Yes

Will anyone in charge of the board handle it? Not sure

That is what I see as the issue, ignore for a second that it is Whispers calling a former mod on the carpet. Remove all the bias you see based upon what you know of Whispers, and ask yourself if this is a valid concern.
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Old 10-02-2013, 05:38 PM   #389
Iron Butterfly
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Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly
Wow Wispers, you are calling me out and saying I am driving hobbiest away and keeping them from posting and speaking there minds.

I am saying that people LIKE you that question absolutely everything someone might have to say and look for absolutes tends to keep people from speaking up at times.... I did not imply that you are driving people away. Or if I did that was not my intention.

Thanks by the way..... I started a whole NEW thread to respond to you and you are continuing to drive this one!

You have lost touch with reality my friend, the only person as of late I have hade in response or conversation with is you. So by me questioning your actions I am driving away hobbiest, you got to be fucking kidding, right?

I guess so? I'm trying to see where I said that. Please provide the quote as you do tend to take things out of context.

If anyone drives the good people from this board it is you and your self righteous BS.


Originally Posted by Whispers View Post

I guess so? I'm trying to see where I said that. Please provide the quote as you do tend to take things out of context.

Your words:
Many people here feel they cannot speak their mind. They are concerned with those like Codybeast or IronButterfly or others that will barrage them over and over and wear them down as they lack the ability to press it.....

I don’t barrage anyone over and over, I may be debating you in your thread but I rarely respond to others.

So this is what I meant by you saying I keep members from posting or speaking there minds. Maybe I miss understood you but maybe not.

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Old 10-02-2013, 05:51 PM   #390
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Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly View Post
I don’t barrage anyone over and over, I may be debating you in your thread but I rarely respond to others.

So this is what I meant by you saying I keep members from posting or speaking there minds. Maybe I miss understood you but maybe not.


Ok. I see what you are saying..... Let me rephrase it... Most people lack the tenacity to go back and forth. Assuming that is what is in store for them watching a thread like this they may be hesitant to post.
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