Okay... first of all my attempts to communicate were much more than just that one text. I have 5 others in my phone; I don't know if you received them or not but I know that I sent them. Now...
When I tried to contact you after you had posted this unexpected "review," but you didn't respond, you were (unknowingly, perhaps,) cutting out any opportunity that I had to tell you my side, and to make any attempts to reconcile and make this right. You told me the night before that you would be by in the morning. So once I calmed down and things seemed to be okay, I laid down on the couch thinking that you would come by once you came to check out, and we could meet then. That's actually why I laid on the couch in the front, just so you wouldn't miss me. Then I wake up to messages and postings, all knowing that my intent was to see you, meet my committment, and go from there.
Now... my trip was not cut short only bc of this event. As one gentleman mentioned, there were a myriad of problems that made my 8 hour trip to EPT into a 2 day ordeal. First, I don't have my own car. I haven't for years, although I have been able to use someone's on occasion since my seizures are now controlled. But that's besides that point. Since I don't have a car, I travel generally by bus, and planned to do so oriiginally. I had a ticket for 6 p.m. or so, and was told that it left the second stop in dallas at Westmoreland. Got there, and the lady pointed me to the wrong bus. My bus didn't actually stop there at all. So... waited for the next bus, which was supposed to go to South Dallas, once again, wrong information or incorrect understanding, so I missed that one. I was really wanting to get to EPT, as he had already made hotel arrangements, etc., so I posted an ad on CL for rides going that way, becasue the next bus wasn't for like 10 hrs. I got a million responses. First one no-showed. Second one was a creep who went the opposite direction of where we were supposed to be headed, to a theater that was seedy like a strawberry. I got uncomfortable and asked to just be droppped off at a Dennys or something to figure out my next move. He did. Then I went through my ad responses from CL again. Found one guy who was going that way... he actually was nice and didn't lay a finger on me, but I feel like he scammed me becasue he needed gas moneyor something. He said that his brother was in a wreck and being careflighted but when I offered to call the County the wreck was supposedly in, he had every excuse in the book. Plus once he got out of it and we went our own ways, I noticed quite a bit of my stuff missing. I'm not sure if I forgot it, but it was my favorite stuff so I'm thinking that isn't likely. Then, my actual friend for a few years said he would come and meet me in his Chevy pickup and take me to el paso. We were on the rd, but the fuel pump or something went out outside of Ft Stockton. We had a few hr delay there, during which time I answered an ISO or two, but with no immediate luck... then we hit the road. Later down the road the truck started acting up again, but after we stopped and looked at it we decided to chance it at least to Van Horn. Then, I started talking about what was up ahead on the road. I mentioned Border Patrol, and he freaked out. Now, I grew up in that area, and I remember checkpoints, and I remember one outside Van Horn, so I told him about it. He tells me that he has something on him that might not make it past the checkpoints. He said he was turning around and going back to Dallas. I told him to throw it out and I even (foollishly) volunteered to stash it for him. He wouldn't do it. By this time we were by Kent.... I told him tht I HAD to go to EPT. What he had was worth 200$. But he wouldn't throw it out. And so he left me at that Chevron and went back to Dallas. Funny thing was when I was told the checkpoint is on the OTHER side, leaving EPT. lol
I got a ride from a family, who kindly took me to my hotel, and I arrived there around 10 p.. I believe. I was looking forward to my stay there, even after the long journey and hell that went down to even make it there. Things didnt go as I hoped, my nerves were frazzled, and I really was afraid, but I never meant to rip anyone off, especially someone who had been so kind to me. So like I said, I stayed over to honor my commitment. Unfortunately though, it was too late. What confused me was that when I was texting the night before about my concerns, you seemed so understanding and supportive. What changed? I didn't see anyone else after that.... I only waited for you and tried to get home. That was it. To prove to you I was where I said, I sent tht picture.
So cutting my trip short was no admission of guilt or guilty conscience. I had just been through a lot and I wasn't mentally prepared to face more hurdles... at least not at that moment. And as for removing myself from the board, I'm stlll debating that one. On one hand, it would simplify things... maybe too much!

But on the other hand, it would really impede me from anymore of the great experiences I've had.
As for you Grasshopping, I plan to go back to visit family soon. If I don't miss the bus (twice,) it's a short trip. My offer to you is this: an overnight visit if you are able, or a multi-hour visit w/extras, and it's on me. I need you to know that I keep my commitments, even if their fulfillment is delayed.
As for anyone who hasn't yet met me, I encourage you to at least PM me any questions, or just to get to know me. I'm really not out to get anyone, and I try to keep my word whenever humanly possible. Thanks for your time.