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Old 09-25-2013, 08:44 PM   #1
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Default Ted Cruz Does Nothing But Lie


Sen. Ted Cruz's 21-hour talk-a-thon was nothing but lies and half truths. From USA TODAY:

• Cruz falsely claimed that the spouses of 15,000 UPS employees will be "left without health insurance" and forced into "an exchange with no employer subsidy." UPS is dropping coverage for spouses only if they can get insurance with their own employer.

• Cruz said the "IRS employees union has asked to be exempted from Obamacare." Not so. The union wants its workers to be treated like any other worker with employer-provided health insurance. It opposes a GOP bill that it says, contrary to law, would "take coverage away from employees who already receive it through their employers."

• Cruz said the unemployment rate for black teens "is over 10 times higher than it is for college graduates — 38.2%." True, but that's comparing apples to oranges. The unemployment rate for white teens, aged 16 to 19, is also high, at 20.5%. There's still a racial disparity, but the rate is nearly double, not 10 times higher.

• Cruz cited an outdated quote from Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody's Analytics, to back up his claim that Obamacare is slowing job growth. Zandi told us the slowdown in job growth at small businesses is "no longer the case."

• Sen. Rand Paul wrongly argued that "everybody is going to pay more" for health insurance under the law. The fact is, some will pay more and some will pay less. Some currently uninsured Americans will pay little or nothing because of the law's expansion of Medicaid.

• Cruz said Obama promised three-and-a-half years ago — in 2010, when the Affordable Care Act was passed — that premiums "would drop $2,500? for the average family by the end of his first term. That's not exactly what the president said or when he said it.
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Old 09-25-2013, 08:57 PM   #2
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Must be nice to be misinformed!

Originally Posted by BigLouie View Post

Sen. Ted Cruz's 21-hour talk-a-thon was nothing but lies and half truths. From USA TODAY:

• Cruz falsely claimed that the spouses of 15,000 UPS employees will be "left without health insurance" and forced into "an exchange with no employer subsidy." UPS is dropping coverage for spouses only if they can get insurance with their own employer.

The change affects 15,000 employees

• Cruz said the "IRS employees union has asked to be exempted from Obamacare." Not so. The union wants its workers to be treated like any other worker with employer-provided health insurance. It opposes a GOP bill that it says, contrary to law, would "take coverage away from employees who already receive it through their employers."


• Cruz said the unemployment rate for black teens "is over 10 times higher than it is for college graduates — 38.2%." True, but that's comparing apples to oranges. The unemployment rate for white teens, aged 16 to 19, is also high, at 20.5%. There's still a racial disparity, but the rate is nearly double, not 10 times higher.

It's a fact!!!! He pointed out what Dumbama has done to his loyal followers! Other stats are irrelevant as the stats he is talking about apply to blacks!

• Cruz cited an outdated quote from Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody's Analytics, to back up his claim that Obamacare is slowing job growth. Zandi told us the slowdown in job growth at small businesses is "no longer the case."

And Harvard economists said Dumbamacare will lower costs and reduce the deficit. They LIED!!!! or used typical liberal creative accounting!

• Sen. Rand Paul wrongly argued that "everybody is going to pay more" for health insurance under the law. The fact is, some will pay more and some will pay less. Some currently uninsured Americans will pay little or nothing because of the law's expansion of Medicaid.

Wrong Again


• Cruz said Obama promised three-and-a-half years ago — in 2010, when the Affordable Care Act was passed — that premiums "would drop $2,500? for the average family by the end of his first term. That's not exactly what the president said or when he said it.
It is the lie dumbama told just like you can keep your doctor. Even LIBERAL NYT admits Obamacare is a failure - pure lie to the American people for the purpose of taking over health care and government intrusion into their lives!

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Old 09-25-2013, 09:58 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by therock18 View Post
Must be nice to be misinformed!

It is the lie dumbama told just like you can keep your doctor. Even LIBERAL NYT admits Obamacare is a failure - pure lie to the American people for the purpose of taking over health care and government intrusion into their lives!


so, if those are all lies prove it and quit talking kindergarten lingo.
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Old 09-25-2013, 10:25 PM   #4
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The biggest lie about Obamacare is that it is about health care. It's not. It is about centralizing control over people's lives in Washington, DC.

It's about control, people. Nothing else.
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Old 09-25-2013, 10:30 PM   #5
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You're a fucking loony bunker boy.

and JL/Rock, please quote something besides a RWW anti-Obamacare for your "facts." the spin on your source material indicated you're either misinformed or trying to spread ip misinformation. or both.
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Old 09-26-2013, 12:54 AM   #6
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You didn't ask Louie to prove shit and he didn't. He did another cut and paste without his own thoughts. Any robot could have done that. You know what I haven't seen here? I haven't seen anyone post that healthcare costs ARE going down, that healthcare coverage IS universal, and that Obama has kept all his promises because he is a special kind of person and not some Chicago politician. Why haven't I seen that posted here?

You see Louie only posted the claims and not the analysis of those claims. See if the lying little bastard posted this;
Cruz, the freshman senator from Texas, commandeered the Senate floor for 21 hours in a blistering attack on the Affordable Care Act. He even took a swipe at fact-checkers, calling their craft "a particularly pernicious bit of yellow journalism that has cropped up that lets journalists be editorial writers and pretend they are talking about objective facts." That's his opinion, and he's entitled to it. But, as Daniel Patrick Moynihan said, people are not entitled to "their own facts," and that would include Cruz and Obama.
So, let's see how they did in sticking to the facts.
Cruz, whose speech began the afternoon of Sept. 24, falsely claimed that the spouses of 15,000 UPS employees will be "left without health insurance" and forced into "an exchange with no employer subsidy." UPS is dropping coverage for spouses only if they can get insurance with their own employer.

Cruz: Just a few weeks ago UPS sent a letter to some 15,000 employees saying: We are dropping spousal health insurance because of ObamaCare. That is 15,000 UPS employees who had insurance for their husbands and wives, and suddenly those husbands and wives are left without health insurance and being told: Go on an exchange with no employer subsidy.
This misrepresents the impact that the UPS decision will have on spouses. It's true that UPS in August informed its employees that as of Jan. 1, 2014, it would no longer extend health insurance coverage to "working spouses" who are eligible to obtain coverage from their own employers. "Since the Affordable Care Act requires employers to provide affordable coverage, we believe your spouse should be covered by their own employer — just as U.P.S. has a responsibility to offer coverage to you, our employee," UPS said in a memo to employees.
But UPS said that it is "continuing to cover spouses who either don't work, or work for employers that don't provide health benefits." UPS said it currently covers about 33,000 spouses and it estimates that about 15,000 of those can get insurance through their employers.
Cruz mentioned UPS twice. The first time he used it — correctly — to illustrate the folly of President Obama's promise that "you can keep your own insurance." As we've said, Obama cannot make such a promise. Those working spouses of UPS employees won't be able to keep their insurance. Still, Cruz is wrong to say that those spouses will be "left without insurance."

It sounds like Cruz had it right but the timing is wrong. It hasn't happened yet like so much of Obamacare but it is on the table. So who is the liar, the person who reveals what is planned or the person who is trying to convince you that what they planned is not reality?

Louise, you little liar.
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Old 09-26-2013, 08:07 AM   #7
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The liar is the one who claims something has happened that has not. That's simple. Kinda like JL defecting to Israel.

Louie cited an analysis in USAToday, which is usually more than the proof you provide, Mr. Blow-It-All! Unless, of course, you missed it.

Well JDIdiot, just to be clear, Obamacare will impact the COST of health care in the long term... What you're pro ably mewling about is the cost of health insurance.

But, for the record, health care COSTS have actually begun declining as a result of new policies, according to this WSJ story, which I might add, is NOT an editorial.


Addiditonally, the news that insurance costs are going down across the country had been posted a number of times in this board, backed up with MSM citations, as opposed to batshit crazy blogger opinions that most of the freaks out there are citing.

I guess the underlying, universal question here is WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU BABBLING ABOUT JDIDIOT?
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Old 09-26-2013, 08:15 AM   #8
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double post...........sorry.
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Old 09-26-2013, 08:15 AM   #9
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All the attacking of Cruz (from the right and left) reminds me of candidate and Governor Ronald Reagan; he was viciously attacked by the Chamber of Commerce Republicans as well as the Democrats, well before he ever became president !

I am thinking he will make a great candidate in 2016.
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Old 09-26-2013, 08:16 AM   #10
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Of course you are Whirlyturd. of course you are.
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Old 09-26-2013, 08:18 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
The liar is the one who claims something has happened that has not.
Like this guy..........

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Old 09-26-2013, 08:19 AM   #12
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And this guy.............

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Old 09-26-2013, 08:21 AM   #13
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And this "Congential Liar".......................


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Old 09-26-2013, 08:32 AM   #14
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Any money Cruz will be our next President?
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Old 09-26-2013, 08:35 AM   #15
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that's not really what you asked, whirlygay. But have fun with this. We all know you're spinning again.

How did Cruz actually vote yesterday anyway?
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