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Old 09-23-2013, 05:22 PM   #1
Miss Omaha O
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Default Wife Interference

Nothing more i don’t like than a woman who asks for Olivia or Miss O…. Right away i red-flag and know somebody is not playing by the rules. Men if you are in a relationship: PLEASE please use a burner phone when contacting me because I am a wonderful actress-but my abilities to deflect a calling wife is useless drama that i do not choose to participate within so please play safe and we can avoid this happening.

How do you other ladies deflect this situation? I pretend like a UNO student who just got this number from sprint a week ago, but sometimes it doesn’t work well if they found emails etc etc…..

I even once had a pastor call me and ask me directly if i knew who olivia was…. Clean it up guys and use a burner phone, it has happened to my twice in a year and that is too much!
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Old 09-23-2013, 05:52 PM   #2
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It shouldn't have happened once.

I think you have the right idea. Just play dumb, there's no way they can prove anything except that hubby called that number, not who had it then, nor who has it now, nor what was discussed, unless text messages were on the phone.

And yes, guys, especially newbies, go get a prepaid at Walgreens, CVS, Wal-mart, or wherever. The cost is small, and it will last you a year or so.

Find a hiding place to keep it, and make sure it's on vibrate only, or, better yet, silent (no vibrate). Take the battery out when you're not actively using it. Use the password feature to lock the phone, and test it.

And delete your call log and text messages, ffs!

I had a member here, who shall remain nameless, tell me he had a detective stop by his work to ask about calls that had been made from his work phone. He gave his best impression of a brick, and the detective went away. Needless to say, he went and got a burner.

They're cheap, easy, and safe for all involved. Get one.

To tell the truth, I would have one if I was single, just to keep it at one remove.
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Old 09-23-2013, 07:42 PM   #3
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Before I used a burner hobby phone, I kept a booty call number stored under the name of a guy I worked with.
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Old 09-23-2013, 08:03 PM   #4
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Get a cheap drop phone, now.

Always always ALWAYS DELETE YOUR CALL LOG AND TEXTS after a session. Don't get lazy. DO IT NOW.

Keep your phone at the office (best). Hidden around the house where no else in the family goes....a poor 2nd. In the car....a very poor third.

Store it without the battery. Have an explanation for its existence.

Set up a hobby email account(s). Only use it for hobby....nothing else.

Access hobby sites like this or P411 using TOR or Bootable jumpdrive IP spoofing.

If you have a smart phone/Ipad/laptop you use to view hobby sites or read email, PASSWORD PROTECT IT! Have a reason to give whoever asks you WHY it is protected. Best:financial info.

Clear you email accounts and web history daily.

Paranoid? Yes.....but just because you are doesn't mean she's not out to get you.


You only have to screw up once........
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Old 09-23-2013, 08:25 PM   #5
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Sorry for your misfortune Olivia. I have had this happen to me twice. I played stupid both times. One of them kept calling and that is when I got a Google voice account. Its great, I can have the calls forwarded to my "hobby phone" and if I don't want to hear from that person I can block them. Dah dah no more phone calls.
Both my Google voice and my hobby phone are nameless. Double protection from anyone knowing my biz. If you get a hobby phone please take the sim card out so info is not stored.
Another good thing about Google voice I have no records of anything on my hobby phone since it is forwarded from Google voice, I can reset it to factory everyday.
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Old 09-24-2013, 05:36 AM   #6
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I once had a provider tell me that her go to story was that her husband/boyfriend sold car parts on Craigslist. I'm sure you can come up with a similar story using Craigslist. Then play dumb beyond that.

As to a throw away phone, if ever found you can try the route that you found it abandoned in a restroom, a carwash, parking lot. Whatever, and you were going to try calling a number and blah, blah, blah. Not the best but it is some cover. Keeping it at work would be best.

Hmmmm, pretending to be a UNO student really feeds into my naughty old professor and coed fantasy........time to post this reply.
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Old 09-24-2013, 02:12 PM   #7
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That’s a good idea, i might change it up to the CL ad. I do make a good college student though, i have that soft sexy innocent voice.
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Old 09-24-2013, 04:05 PM   #8
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"Here's to wives and girlfriends. May they never meet!"
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Old 09-25-2013, 12:09 AM   #9
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Sucks when guys get sloppy in covering their tracks.
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Old 09-25-2013, 05:04 AM   #10
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Speaking of "covering tracks" on the guy's, or hobbyist, end of things.....

Here's how it is for guys in my position.

I first have to call the lady and confirm that she is in the town I am in. It does not matter what she may have posted on here or on another site. Plans often change even if the lady has stated she will be in town and available. I need to confirm it before I even begin making my plans to cover my tracks. I know for many providers it can be annoying for them if there is a call that is not booking an appointment. But there is no other way without speaking to be sure.

Once that is confirmed, it is beneficial to get an idea of what part of town incall is located. Again, I'm only speaking as a guy in my circumstances. There might be certain places I just won't think about entering. Or perhaps certain places I can be spotted to easily by others who may know me.
There's really no point in booking an appointment if it's in a place I have absolutely no business being in and a high probability of being spotted.

Also, if I am covering my tracks by running some errand of some kind, having an idea which part of town I'm heading to is very helpful.

I do understand it can be annoying to answer some questions but without knowing a few basic things, I think there are some guys who just cannot begin to make plans, cover their tracks, and result in everyone being happy. It might seem like a wasted phone call on one end, but without nothing will begin on the other end.

Hey, this is not a bitchin' post on my part. Just doing some 'splaining of things while we are on this topic and it got me thinking. We all like anonymity in this hobby life and we will all do what we have to do so we can protect from the two different worlds colliding.

"In a world......"
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Old 09-25-2013, 06:52 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by mutualpleasur2 View Post
Speaking of "covering tracks" on the guy's, or hobbyist, end of things.....

Here's how it is for guys in my position.

I first have to call the lady and confirm that she is in the town I am in. It does not matter what she may have posted on here or on another site. Plans often change even if the lady has stated she will be in town and available. I need to confirm it before I even begin making my plans to cover my tracks. I know for many providers it can be annoying for them if there is a call that is not booking an appointment. But there is no other way without speaking to be sure.
If you call a lady and she gets annoyed because you are asking questions do you really want to see her? Part of being a provider is answering questions and making you feel safe about meeting us!
Once that is confirmed, it is beneficial to get an idea of what part of town incall is located. Again, I'm only speaking as a guy in my circumstances. There might be certain places I just won't think about entering. Or perhaps certain places I can be spotted to easily by others who may know me.
There's really no point in booking an appointment if it's in a place I have absolutely no business being in and a high probability of being spotted.
There are places I won't go to, because they are dirty, known for illegal stuff, bad neighborhood. It is up to the provider to make sure she has a safe, clean place if she wants to make her clients feel safe.

Also, if I am covering my tracks by running some errand of some kind, having an idea which part of town I'm heading to is very helpful.

I do understand it can be annoying to answer some questions but without knowing a few basic things, I think there are some guys who just cannot begin to make plans, cover their tracks, and result in everyone being happy. It might seem like a wasted phone call on one end, but without nothing will begin on the other end.
Phone calls only become wasted time when they start calling over and over asking questions that know one should be answering or asking over the phone. Phone calls are necessary to make both parties comfortable and although you may not schedule this time do to nerves, schedule etc.. The better we treat the potential client the more likely he will remember us and when he is ready will call!

Hey, this is not a bitchin' post on my part. Just doing some 'splaining of things while we are on this topic and it got me thinking. We all like anonymity in this hobby life and we will all do what we have to do so we can protect from the two different worlds colliding.

"In a world......"
Just my 2cents
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Old 09-25-2013, 07:09 AM   #12
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Everyone has a way of doing business. What I have discovered is that we select the ladies who conduct their business in a manner similar to how we conduct our business. So there are no right or wrong answers, just preferences.

There are some gals who want you to book the minute you call. I get that, "Go for the close". I had one gal who wanted me to send her two pics of myself (one regular and one naughty) before we scheduled. I get that as well. Ladies have their needs to verify and close business, gentlemen have a need to book meetings and find the ladies that match their needs.

While I never sent a "naughty pic" to the lady who requested it. I felt it was more "exposure" than I wanted. I am sure that there were some guys who were excited about the idea of sending a "naughty pic" in advance of their meeting.
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Old 09-25-2013, 09:19 AM   #13
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You should've asked the woman to join juzjokn
That may have not gone over well. MsO you handled yourself graciously. Taking the high road of not playing into it and acting as though you have no idea is best. That's what I would've done. Just for good measure I'd flog, gag, torture & whip the client when I saw him next! Get a dam track phone guys! Sheesh!
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Old 09-25-2013, 11:14 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by giabella View Post
... Just for good measure I'd flog, gag, torture & whip the client when I saw him next!
What does one need to do for this without going through all the other trouble? Jus' wonderin'
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Old 09-25-2013, 12:49 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Miss Omaha O View Post
I do make a good college student though, i have that soft sexy innocent voice.
Only for those that don't know your horny side. Then everything you say sounds seductive.
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