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Old 09-16-2013, 01:16 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by underthesun View Post
you guessed wrong, i never posted a self alert. eat another burger babe.

in response to kka.
What they mean by self alert is, part of most ladies screening process (for active board members) is to check your profile , read your reviews(whats visible) and statistics(posts, threads, type of comments and remarks) to get feel of what kind of person you might be based on your writing styles.

And yeah if you come off mean, rude, too demanding, complaining too much, then some ladies might not be interested in seeing you. That's the self alert
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Old 09-16-2013, 01:24 PM   #32
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So you only see guys you know won't complain or give a bad review ?
You screen their reviews to , what , find only pushovers ?
I don't agree with the tone of his review , but it is his experience .
Anybody that gives a NO gets the WK brigade hopping on their back .
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Old 09-16-2013, 02:22 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by rockerrick View Post
Anybody that gives a NO gets the WK brigade hopping on their back .
Not always true... See this review. The uncivil tone of the review is the offensive part and what I think most of us don't appreciate. A NO review if the provider and session merit it is valuable to me, especially if it's an honest assessment. We've read them... Pictures aren't accurate, up sells, hygiene, etc. All of these can be described matter of factly without the insults and vitriol. His successive comments in the review thread and this thread are further indications of his character.
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Old 09-16-2013, 02:24 PM   #34
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I said I don't agree with the tone of the review .
But also don't think reading post tells you anything about someone as stated . And what about p411 with no reviews ?
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Old 09-16-2013, 02:27 PM   #35
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Saw that rick... Should have acknowledged it... Just wanted to point out not all no reviews bring out the WKs.
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Old 09-16-2013, 02:32 PM   #36
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He was out of line .
There was a guy in Austin that would walk in throw down half the cash , leave , and then write a scathing NO review . The ladies pooled and got his p411 and he was put on NationalBlackList . Probably ProviderBuzz but I can't read that .
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Old 09-16-2013, 04:16 PM   #37
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Hey Chrissy...thumbs up to ya.....I don't know you but we have mutual friends and they think the world of you...So, do I.
This guy UTS, a common prick, will learn...the sun doesn't shine on the same dogs ass all the time..... but it can get pretty uncomfortable when it lingers on one dogs ass longer time than necessary....
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Old 09-16-2013, 06:03 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by handyGiraffe View Post
Hey Chrissy...thumbs up to ya.....I don't know you but we have mutual friends and they think the world of you...So, do I.
This guy UTS, a common prick, will learn...the sun doesn't shine on the same dogs ass all the time..... but it can get pretty uncomfortable when it lingers on one dogs ass longer time than necessary....


I miss you, Giraffe! When you gonna come over and let me wrap my legs around that long neck of yours once again? Hmmm?
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Old 09-16-2013, 06:42 PM   #39
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yea hes on the DNS list.....

no respect for women, I hope no one takes another appt from him just to teach him a lesson. I love the fact that he put "you think they see us cause they want to?" um ya we have a choice A-hole so u can go on and F yourself now because I'm sure no one is going to want to see you.....
your Luscious Leo
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Old 09-16-2013, 08:48 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by *LusciousLeo* View Post
yea hes on the DNS list.....

no respect for women, I hope no one takes another appt from him just to teach him a lesson. I love the fact that he put "you think they see us cause they want to?" um ya we have a choice A-hole so u can go on and F yourself now because I'm sure no one is going to want to see you.....
your Luscious Leo
Dang this just makes me want to see this Luscious Lady even more.
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Old 09-16-2013, 10:19 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Novatx View Post
to get feel of what kind of person you might be based on your writing styles.
Originally Posted by rockerrick View Post
I said I don't agree with the tone of the review .
But also don't think reading post tells you anything about someone as stated . And what about p411 with no reviews ?
I guess you misread something (I think youre talking to me)

Apologies, should've put more emphasis on the word MIGHT.
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Old 09-16-2013, 10:56 PM   #42
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Okay, sooooo...I thought I was through with this whole thing but after readinga complete LIE that he posted on his review, I'm going to try to set the record straight. What upset me about his review was the maliciousness with which it was written, not WHAT was written. My reviews and my showcase clearly state that I am a thick girl and not a Barbie doll. As for him stating that the bj was mediocre, I believe my previous reviewers would dispute that statement. There are numerous things I could mention about his appearance, smell, even taste, but I am not that type of person. I do want to warn people that after the bbj, we lay on the bed and had a nice, civil conversation for about ten minutes until he started talking really badly about a board member and several providers. So, ladies, just know that if you see him, you will most likely be talked about negatively to the next provider he sees.

Which brings me to my biggest problem with this whole mess. UTS said that I knew he was going to write a bad review and I BEGGED him to wait until doing a discounted doubles session. THIS IS FALSE!!!! I had absolutely NO IDEA that he was not satisfied. His bbj may have only taken a few minutes but we talked for quite a while about where he moved from, why he moved, how he feels about San Antonio, etc...When he left he was friendly enough and every thing was fine. Aside from physical issues, the only complaint I would have had was his snarky attitude about other races, other providers, and other hobbyists. I never gave him a second thought until he called me to schedule again and decided he wanted to do a doubles session. I tried all day to get in touch with my partner, with no success. He couldn't even get in touch with her so I was unable to grant his request for a doubles session before 5:00. At this point, he became a petulant CHILD. He told me that it was his only day off and he REALLY WANTED A DOUBLE (insert him foot stomping and whining here). He told me, not asked, that I would be making it up to him by discounting the doubles session and told me that he could possibly schedule on his next day off, which was saturday. My doubles partner is not as passive as I am (she's a super cool, confident woman who knows how to stand up for herself) so I already knew that she wasn't going to like this guy and it wouldn't work out. Then, what do you know? The "scathing" review comes out. (UTS seems to love that word so I figured I'd use it here.

So, to summarize, this guy definitely has an issue with women, which is sad because he is too old to harbor such resentment. I would advise him to just try having fun with the hobby and treat people with respect. His negative review could have been done much more tastefully and without the hurtful words. He has pointed out many times that we only do this for the money. I think everyone here is mature and smart enough to understand that this is a business but there is a lot of opportunity for fun to be had by all. I would suggest UTS find a good therapist and put the hobbying on the back burner until his issues are resolved. In the meantime, UTS, why pay for a bng when you can find a girl like me at the closest fast food restaurant?
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Old 09-16-2013, 11:15 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Chrissy Cole View Post
Okay, sooooo...I thought I was through with this whole thing but after readinga complete LIE that he posted on his review, I'm going to try to set the record straight. What upset me about his review was the maliciousness with which it was written, not WHAT was written. My reviews and my showcase clearly state that I am a thick girl and not a Barbie doll. As for him stating that the bj was mediocre, I believe my previous reviewers would dispute that statement. There are numerous things I could mention about his appearance, smell, even taste, but I am not that type of person. I do want to warn people that after the bbj, we lay on the bed and had a nice, civil conversation for about ten minutes until he started talking really badly about a board member and several providers. So, ladies, just know that if you see him, you will most likely be talked about negatively to the next provider he sees.

Which brings me to my biggest problem with this whole mess. UTS said that I knew he was going to write a bad review and I BEGGED him to wait until doing a discounted doubles session. THIS IS FALSE!!!! I had absolutely NO IDEA that he was not satisfied. His bbj may have only taken a few minutes but we talked for quite a while about where he moved from, why he moved, how he feels about San Antonio, etc...When he left he was friendly enough and every thing was fine. Aside from physical issues, the only complaint I would have had was his snarky attitude about other races, other providers, and other hobbyists. I never gave him a second thought until he called me to schedule again and decided he wanted to do a doubles session. I tried all day to get in touch with my partner, with no success. He couldn't even get in touch with her so I was unable to grant his request for a doubles session before 5:00. At this point, he became a petulant CHILD. He told me that it was his only day off and he REALLY WANTED A DOUBLE (insert him foot stomping and whining here). He told me, not asked, that I would be making it up to him by discounting the doubles session and told me that he could possibly schedule on his next day off, which was saturday. My doubles partner is not as passive as I am (she's a super cool, confident woman who knows how to stand up for herself) so I already knew that she wasn't going to like this guy and it wouldn't work out. Then, what do you know? The "scathing" review comes out. (UTS seems to love that word so I figured I'd use it here.

So, to summarize, this guy definitely has an issue with women, which is sad because he is too old to harbor such resentment. I would advise him to just try having fun with the hobby and treat people with respect. His negative review could have been done much more tastefully and without the hurtful words. He has pointed out many times that we only do this for the money. I think everyone here is mature and smart enough to understand that this is a business but there is a lot of opportunity for fun to be had by all. I would suggest UTS find a good therapist and put the hobbying on the back burner until his issues are resolved. In the meantime, UTS, why pay for a bng when you can find a girl like me at the closest fast food restaurant?

Holy Hell!!! I think I love you!
Beautiful, just beautiful.

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Old 09-17-2013, 03:54 AM   #44
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So, underthesun doesn't think you can discern information from a persons post. Well, everyone seems to have drawn a very correct conclusion from his.
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Old 09-17-2013, 04:37 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by Chrissy Cole View Post
...but after reading a complete LIE that he posted on his review...
Uh-h-h...you mean the complete lie that only those with Premium Access can see?
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