Originally Posted by Anastasia Roberts
I am a huge fan of simple and easy booking. You get brownie points if it has all needed details in the first contact.
Totally agree with you +1
to get your brownie points that means write about a paragraph about yourself and why you have chosen me/noticed about me. Make it have substance and sound like the business man you have to be to even afford to hobby lol. Don't reply to my ad/profile as though you are just monger responding to a CL ad... sending a email with no substance because you expect no reply anyways...
one lines like "are you available" "where are you located" "are you gfe" etc etc usually come off as red flags to me as LE, or a very lazy guy. A formal phone call, or a formal email is what looks best. For newbies

you will be surprised at how a well written email with substance can go with a woman, and getting your first reference.
Of course adding your refrences or p411/datecheck in the initial email should be standard if you have these tools to your disposal; for first time appointment requests.