Originally Posted by OldGrump
Thanks pm, I got the tingles reading some of those techniques.
great, just as long as i'm not the one giving you tingles!
Originally Posted by daty/o
We're all metrosexual when it comes to our own pleasure. lol
well, i live in the metroplex. does that make me metroplexual?
Originally Posted by OldGrump
I plan on showing it to my SO as soon as I think of a good excuse explaining how I found it.
just find it online and click on their "share" or "email" link.
add a note saying "i'd like to talk about this with you."
and include a link to an article about cunnilingus and say "and this, too!"
Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
I think I have most of those covered, but MMM, I'll have to try #6 in the future.  Thank you for the info.
i will definitely help you in your research.
hmmmm, single blind sense test??
Originally Posted by Papacorn
Great thread and article PMD - any ideas on how I discreetly send the link to my SO? LOL
see my reply to OldGrump.
so, ladies, to paraphrase Mr. Natural "keep on sucking!!!"

ooops, not that :^)

a bit closer!

about the closest i can post w/out disregarding eccie image guidelines.
the original mr. natural