If you've never tried natural lamb (only from Trojan), you should! I got the hottest dancer alive one afternoon and put one on - she jumped up after penetration and said "Do you really have a condom on?" They are totally amazing - very expensive (comparatively) but well worth it. Downside - they don't protect against many STDs but do stop sperm!
A little side note - one time I fucked a really hot stripper with one on! We took a break for a few minutes and she went down on junior, with the condom still on, said it tasted fantastic. I then made the mistake of telling her they were made from the intestines of lambs - that did it, condom came off QUICK

Oh shit - I just noticed, you said no lamb skin discussion allowed! Oh we'll, I enjoy living on the edge! Actually, I don't use them much anymore except with one very special girl - and we've both been tested recently!