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Old 09-01-2013, 10:37 PM   #1
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Default An open letter to Bailey the Pisol.

I've decided to retire from the hobby. I've done what I wanted to do, it's time to go.

I'd like to simply air what I've been trying to communicate for some time and have never been able to. This immense frustration has led me to great negativity much to the annoyance of all and for that I apologize. I'm sure this thread with produce prodigious amounts of negative and heckling responses, I could care less folks. I really need to get this off my chest. For those of you wondering about the incident referred to, read the Rest of Story here.


I know and understand that your friend bombed our session. Understood, as I did at the time. My frustration comes with your immediate attitude that despite being on the phone telling your friend to cut it out and off the bed entirely after being interrupted multiple times, you somehow deserved my money. You sat there and like a child chanted "rules are rules" when I expressed my dissatisfaction (very calmly, especially given the circumstances). I left quickly, because I actually felt anger which is very rare for me. Leaving was the responsible thing to do.

To clarify a few things, our session did not happen at 7 it happened at almost exactly 11 in the morning. You had already seen someone that morning by your account. Your friend did not think you were asleep after you opened the door and explained to her that you had a client. The session's failure was not my fault, as you've often implied with "if you know what I mean". Yes, after the third or fourth interruption getting hard yet again did prove to be very difficult. No, you did not ask me to leave and you were apparently clueless I should be upset over the incident (which is what you communicated to FireSerpent.) I have never lied about anything, everything was recorded just as it occurred. Your story has changed multiple times in a variety of ways, however. Your constant inability to take responsibility fueled this more than anything. A simple, "I'm sorry" with any qualifiers or "but"s would have made a world of difference to me.

Understood, you feel no responsibility. I did send you an email of the review before I posted it and I want you to understand that at any time you could have stopped all of this. You just needed to communicate and stop writing me off. It didn't work, you lost a ton of business and there are many copies of that review out there now. You should talk to people, it's cheaper.

That session was my first encounter after the death of my significant other. It was traumatic, horrible, and I still remember it clearly and probably will forever. What should have been a great moment was an atrocious one instead. I paid for the worst sex of my life, that's why it was important to get a refund. It really, really, bugged me. Your reviews seem to indicate your service has improved, so I suppose the review system worked in that sense. Too bad you couldn't just talk to me and settle this ages ago instead.

Go on community, do your worst. Heckle and accuse me of SPA, this has become the worst forum on ECCIE. It's so overwhelmingly negative and antagonizing it actually a bit sickening. By all means, prove me right with a never ending deluge of insults, personal attacks, and non-constructive comments for which our forum has become infamous for. It has made leaving so much easier. I stand by my reviews for their spot on accuracy and description, and feel my contribution has been better than my treatment. Goodbye folks.
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Old 09-02-2013, 12:02 AM   #2
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Just to clarify, this session happened TWO YEARS AGO, right? Holy shit man. I think it's time to move on. I hope you reconsider leaving both the board and the hobby but you need to move on from this. I'm not trying to kick you in the nuts here at all. My shot in the dark assumption is you aren't 19 years old. She WAS at the time (if her current age is correct and it can't be far off). Yeah, she could have handled it differently. She probably would handle it better today. She's a little older, probably a lot wiser, and has most likely learned from mistakes like the rest of us. You aren't 19 though (or probably even 21). You don't have that excuse. Move on man!!

This clearly bothers you and it's just not worth an ulcer or a stroke. Good luck and thanks for your contribution to the board over the last couple of years.
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Old 09-02-2013, 04:56 AM   #3
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+1 On moving on! Not worth it bro! Get it out, move on and consider it a lesson learned. We have all dealt or probably will deal with a bad situation on here. That's what we are here for and to keep the others from having to go through it if we can. Be the better person and walk away with your head up. Whatever decision you ultimately make, Thanks for the contribution and input over the years! Take Care
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Old 09-02-2013, 05:32 AM   #4
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Really? Not trying to be a smart a$$ here. But you need to get some help!
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Old 09-02-2013, 07:23 AM   #5
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Most of us have had some really bad sessions....which is why we have review boards - so we can share that type of information. I hope that sinks in - review boards exist because lots and lots of people have really bad sessions. It is a hazard of hobbying.

And most of us value recent reviews. Things change so fast...two years ago is a long time back to worry about imho.

I can tell that you are looking for some sort of admission from Bailey to validate your complaints.

All I can say is that most of us forget about this story...until you bring it up again. It might be time for you to forget about it and chalk it up to being one of the hazards of the hobby.
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Old 09-02-2013, 07:56 AM   #6
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Good grief....
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Old 09-02-2013, 08:19 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Kshunter View Post
Good grief....
I agree.
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Old 09-02-2013, 09:05 AM   #8
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Mister, it was one hour out of your entire life. One hour. If that's the worst thing that ever happens to you, consider yourself a lucky guy.
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Old 09-02-2013, 09:17 AM   #9
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MisterSir, I understand your frustration at the time & your review was a reason that I did not see her for along while. I eventually did see her & I had a very nice time with her. Give her the credit that she deserves for changing things and improving her relationships & service.

Two years is a long time to hold a grudge. It can't be healthy for you.
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Old 09-02-2013, 09:45 AM   #10
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It's so overwhelmingly negative and antagonizing it actually a bit sickening..

from your post...

... that also describes your post and your obsession with this one incident, that you cant let go of.

I saw bailey, when she started, and I wont go back, I could tell a story about my dissapointment. Dont go back is the answer. Not letting it hang over you waiting for some resolution that will never come

I hope you are not leaving the board because of what you think is everybody elses negativity. We all, including me, and including you, get caught up in silly arguments. I was able to bury one, with malwoody. Stupid waste of energy. You should just bury this, and youll be surprised how much better you will feel, and how much more you will get out of this community.
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Old 09-02-2013, 09:49 AM   #11
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I am definitely no WK of Bailey...but I got to admit, the obsession being demonstrated by the OP, is merely another example why some providers have such strict referral process and have security backup.

As far as your troubles at the time of the review....well life sucks for all of us at times. How one deals with life's problems is what sets apart the adults from the kiddies. You can either continue to have a pity party about it, or you can be an adult and deal with it and move on!

The hobby is not about having therapeutic experiences...but instead having freaking fun, and the ladies making a little juice (and hopefully some fun too). There will be times it doesn't work out that way. We all learn from our mistakes....and then most of us, being adults move on!

If the reasons for you leaving the hobby are in anyway, related to one bad experience a couple of years ago, or the inability to be an adult in dealing with the drama of the board, well then...

Don't let the door, hit ya, where the good Lord split ya!!!

And what on Earth did you expect would be truly accomplished by this silly thread?? Perhaps a visit with Dr Phil may be appropriate!

This is a great example of Darwinism happening within the hobby

And now, more importantly....Johnny, exactly where did you bury MW???? (just kidding, lol)
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Old 09-02-2013, 11:45 AM   #12
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Looks like this as been eating at him for a very long time, he wanted to get this off his chest. He has vented and retired.
As we all know the hobby will cause drama for everyone, it's how we all deal with it which makes us all different.
Some don't say anything, some go on a rant, some just want to start drama.
I love being different, and doing my thing.
It's a love it or leave it kind of thing.
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Old 09-02-2013, 11:58 AM   #13
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Thanks for the Labor Day entertainment. I had forgotten all about this from two years back. Just like re-watching a favorite soap opera.
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Old 09-02-2013, 12:04 PM   #14
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Move on with your life, Mister Sir...
Originally Posted by vkmaster View Post
...And now, more importantly....Johnny, exactly where did you bury MW???? (just kidding, lol)
Find Malwoody and we find Jimmy Hoffa...?
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Old 09-02-2013, 12:13 PM   #15
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This is exactly why there's a DNS list.

Holding a grudge for over two years isn't healthy.
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