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Old 08-26-2013, 10:30 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Are you sure you read that AT6Texan because Kitty's showcase list her age as 40- which would mean she had a son at 10????
She has not seen forty for some time, but who knows. I don't want to know.

I just wonder why she has not been banned forever and ever and 10 years past that.
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Old 08-26-2013, 10:37 PM   #32
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Default More Kitty Drama

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Old 08-26-2013, 11:01 PM   #33
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KittyLamour hon, You really need help... Honestly if my neighbors was on this site right now they would be saying the same thing I'm saying right now you was out of control with all that yelling & screaming in my house... then to run up on me in my house talking about I was trying to take your son...You have got to be kidding me... I don't need or want anyone else's kid... I did you a favor by picking you up... give you a cool place to rest your head, feed your ass with my money because your broke... KittyLamour you have absolutely nothing I want... You shop at bargins store remember I shop at JimmyChoo... Get yourself together.... Stop with all the lies... Learn to appreciate anything anybody does for you... Learn the difference between truth & fiction then you will have somewhat of a productive life... FIY... Your son is 20... he goes where he wants to... I don't want him... remember what he is.... I'm not going to out him on here.... GO UTR... Get the help you need before someone does someone to you because of your actions towards them... God have mercy on your soul for the lies you posted here.... This is why your karma is no go & you have so much bad luck...
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Old 08-27-2013, 01:57 AM   #34
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My son is 20 yrs old. My age is accurate.

BLT, you absolutely disgust me. You are the epitome of evil. Your lies are so immense and the way you have absolutely no conscience or concept of right and wrong absolutely turn my stomach. You are lying through your teeth. That's fine.

I have not had horrible luck. I have been the target of vultures who prey on people when they are desperately in need. Thankfully I am no longer in a position of vulnerability and intend to further stabilize my safety by purchasing a Doberman Pinscher.

Obviously, I do not need to prove myself since I managed to rent an apt and pay for it through Oct in the space of 2 days. In fact, Bosslady... tell the truth, who's phone kept ringing with appointment requests? Mine or yours? Lol.
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Old 08-27-2013, 02:01 AM   #35
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Bargain Stores???? LMFAO, please anyone can take a look at my portfolio and tell that I have expensive taste and clothes. I am always dressed immaculately. Jimmy Choo??? You wouldn't know Jimmy Choo if he walked up and slapped you in the face.

Ok then... Where's my goddamn stereo? Why don't you give it back along with my curling irons and my black light?
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Old 08-27-2013, 02:50 AM   #36
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Kitty, please don't buy a dog. Haven't you lost enough pets lately? Where are your cats and your horse?

Don't brag about your expensive tastes. For someone who just claimed to be homeless, it's comical to read such nonsense. Just a suggestion, but I think you need to take your "expensive" tastes to stores that you can actually afford so that you can stop coming to this board every few weeks begging for help.

As many have suggested, I really think you need to just walk away from the keyboard for a few days. I wish you just had a clue about how foolish you sound to everyone on here with half a brain.
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Old 08-27-2013, 03:10 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by KittyLamour View Post
I have not had horrible luck. I have been the target of vultures who prey on people when they are desperately in need. Thankfully I am no longer in a position of vulnerability and intend to further stabilize my safety by purchasing a Doberman Pinscher.

Obviously, I do not need to prove myself since I managed to rent an apt and pay for it through Oct in the space of 2 days.
So tell us all, just how many times have you posted you were desperately in need, and don't lie the posts are out there. You wouldn't wanna be a hypocrite.
You can't be a victim if you keep your ass out of positions of vulnerability which you have proven time and time again, you are very unable to do.

It's great you're in a new place and paid up till Oct, I await the post about how the complex manager swindled you/ there was a mistake in the paper work/ wants sex for free/ stole from you/ locked you out and stole your stuff/ a metior fell and destroyed your place and all your stuff/ a freak tornado touched down in just your apt/ <insert insane no sence excuse for being in need here>

I give it a week before some new drama gets posted. I hope I'm wrong but history tells me I'm right.
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Old 08-27-2013, 03:10 AM   #38
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Expensive tastes are something that I was raised to appreciate. Not necessarily what I can afford.

I have had and I have had not... But believe me... At one time I was no stranger to Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom's, and Barney's.

One thing I do know... all the money in the world cannot buy you class nor can anything in the world convince me that Bossladythick has ever owned anything remotely Jimmy Choo.
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Old 08-27-2013, 03:19 AM   #39
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Yep keep attacking the person that helped you Kitty, and you wonder why no one ever wants to help you, could be this very exact thing here, quit blaming BLT, she was the one person left that was willing to help you and ignore all that she's seen and heard about you, that takes guts on her part. She didn't need this drama and BS, she was doing just fine here. You keep talking about karma................ Kitty you ever stop to think that maybe just maybe it's karma that keeps kicking you in the nuts and puts you in these positions of vulnerability for all the times so far you've messed over people trying to help you........................... naaaaa couldn't be that I stupidly forgot, you are ALWAYS the victim and it's ALWAYS all our fault for it.
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Old 08-27-2013, 03:19 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by KittyLamour View Post
I am not going to try to defend myself.
The only smart thing you've typed.

And for the love of the animal, don't get a dog. Please.
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Old 08-27-2013, 03:43 AM   #41
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Hell, when the dog runs off, she'll claim it took all her stuff with it.
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Old 08-27-2013, 05:45 AM   #42
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I was joking about the Doberman. I think.

But Anyways... I'm still trying to understand what makes Bossladythick think she is so much more bourgeois than I... I resent the bargain store/Jimmy Choo comparison... But I wonder...

If we judge assets, who would be high end and who would be a bargain basement? I submit my case in point...

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Old 08-27-2013, 05:58 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by novacain View Post
Yep keep attacking the person that helped you Kitty, and you wonder why no one ever wants to help you, could be this very exact thing here, quit blaming BLT, she was the one person left that was willing to help you and ignore all that she's seen and heard about you, that takes guts on her part. She didn't need this drama and BS, she was doing just fine here. You keep talking about karma................ Kitty you ever stop to think that maybe just maybe it's karma that keeps kicking you in the nuts and puts you in these positions of vulnerability for all the times so far you've messed over people trying to help you........................... naaaaa couldn't be that I stupidly forgot, you are ALWAYS the victim and it's ALWAYS all our fault for it.
Get real Nova. She is lying through her teeth. Help me? Please if that's help.... I'd hate to see how she hurts someone. Guts? To manipulate someone? To steal her prize possession? To beat up someone a hundred pounds lighter than you are?

Karma? Like how even though I was faced with dire circumstances and severe negativity, even though I was being slaughtered online... I still managed to pull myself up by my boot straps and get my own place paid for through October? That sounds like karma kicking me in the crotch alright.

All I can say is that I am no longer a victim... I am no longer associating with ANY providers nor am I ever allowing myself to be in the position where I am so desperate I allow someone to take advantage of me for the simple luxury of not sleeping in the street.
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Old 08-27-2013, 06:30 AM   #44
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Ah Tuesday morning, I once feared it might be a dull slow day. I was wrong.
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Old 08-27-2013, 07:02 AM   #45
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Well Blt is clearly wayyyy bigger than you are, you are pretty small as I remember from seeing u in person a few years back. If this big black girl who is clearly way stronger than you are, beat you up and chocked you out shouldn't there be photos of your injuries? A police report? Something?

And for fucks sake how are you talking about getting a dog and you can't even take care of yourself or your son or all the poor pets you have adopted over the past few years. I remember horses cats and a Rottweiler being mentioned. Where are they?

You are only making a further fool of yourself by continuing to post these lies and made up stories.
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