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Old 08-17-2013, 11:46 AM   #136
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Costs have been "reduced" overall because of the fall in the economy .. ACA hasn't even kicked in yet ... how the fuck can that stupid you-know-what claim that .....

.. Congress (separate from ACA) mandated reductions in Medicare ... not a friggin thing to do with ACA ... budget reductions and falling economy have reduced "overall" spending costs ... the individual user is paying more now than 2 years ago.

Those idiots are even counting the "surcharges" they have not collected yet.... funny money!

"Over six million people with Medicare have saved $7 billion under the Affordable Care Act, the Health and Human Services Department announced Monday." Who said this shit?

That has NOTHING to do with ACA!

its part of the ACA
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Old 08-17-2013, 12:59 PM   #137
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Glad you posted that pic which supports the disaster Obamacare is and I know you didn't read it as you have issues reading words that are longer than 3 characters.

Here is a link to the increase in costs by state. Funny how you INTENTIONALLY leave out the increase in costs by every other state. Only use stats to make yourself look good but we know you are a stupid libtard and smart enough to research.

Originally Posted by CJ7 View Post
you've read the bill, or parts of the bill ... I call bullshit

which page and paragraph ?
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Old 08-17-2013, 01:30 PM   #138
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funny you know how much it costs each state when it hasn't gone into effect yet

has anyone told you you're an idiot ???

you're an idiot !
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Old 08-17-2013, 01:39 PM   #139
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Originally Posted by CJ7 View Post
its part of the ACA
Nope it's not.

Separate legislation.

When the ACA refers to some other legislation it does not make that "other legislation" a part of the ACA even if specifically referenced.

BTW: calling someone something doesn't make a substance response or make them what you called them. It actually shows intellectual deficiencies,

.... of which you have many just based on your name calling alone.

Your hope is the name calling will actually be accepted by some as evidence that you are correct and they are wrong without having to provide any substantive responses.
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Old 08-17-2013, 01:48 PM   #140
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I know how much it costs in each state because, unlike you, I know how to read. If you think that I'm an idiot your fucked because they can't measure ignorance as low as yours!

Georgia insurance commissioner asks Sec. Sebelius to explain rate increases

Health insurance rates in Georgia are rising by up to 198 percent under Obamacare, the Georgia Insurance Commissioner said in a letter to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on Monday.

States are required by the Affordable Care Act to report new insurance premium rates for state exchanges run by the federal government by the end of July.

Commissioner Ralph Hudgens in his letter asked HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to extend Georgia’s deadline for reporting the insurance rates by one month to give his office more time to investigate and approve the new, higher rates.

“Georgia consumers cannot afford these massive rate increases,” Hudgens wrote to Sebelius.

The Georgia insurance department compared the cost of insurance within the exchanges to what people pay now for similar coverage, and the rates were going up for every age group, said Jay Florence, an insurance department official under Hudgens.

For an average 25 year-old male, premiums are set to rise 85 to 198 percent within the exchanges, while for a 45 year-old male, premiums will rise 40 to 100 percent, Florence said. A 64 year-old male will pay 18 to 48 percent more under Obamacare’s regime.

“The delay is simply trying to give the administration an opportunity to explain that and maybe explain what our actuaries weren’t able to determine, which is that these rates are excessive,” he said.

Hudgens requested that Sebelius respond by end of business today. As of 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, HHS had not responded, according to another official in the commissioner’s office. HHS did not return a request from the Washington Free Beacon for comment.

Healthcare experts pointed to several reasons that the premiums for individual plans on the exchanges are rising.

One is the “age rating,” which requires that insurance companies charge no more than three times what they charge younger people. Without this restriction, insurance companies would likely charge five times as much, which means that the restriction will lower prices for the elderly but raise them for younger people.

“That in and of itself would have a direct, almost mechanical impact on rates,” said Ed Haislmaier, a health care expert at the Heritage Foundation.

Obamacare also increases the minimum amount insurance companies must pay for procedures, driving up premiums, Haislmaier said. He compared this rule to mandating that everyone upgrade their plane ticket to first class and requiring everyone to pay for the extra space.

<b>There are some states, such as New York, that will see price reductions, noted James Capretta, a health policy expert at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. But these are the one that have “already pretty much destroyed the individual market” through prior healthcare reforms, he said, and other states with intact markets will see price increases.<b/>

“I have no reason to question their numbers,” Capretta said. “It’s going to be a big problem.”

Georgia is not the first state to make such an announcement. Indiana has already announced that insurance rates are rising 72 percent for an individual plan and 8 percent for a group plan.

Originally Posted by CJ7 View Post
funny you know how much it costs each state when it hasn't gone into effect yet

has anyone told you you're an idiot ???

you're an idiot !
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Old 08-17-2013, 01:48 PM   #141
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Nope it's not.

Separate legislation.

When the ACA refers to some other legislation it does not make that "other legislation" a part of the ACA even if specifically referenced.

BTW: calling someone something doesn't make a substance response or make them what you called them. It actually shows intellectual deficiencies,

.... of which you have many just based on your name calling alone.

Your hope is the name calling will actually be accepted by some as evidence that you are correct and they are wrong without having to provide any substantive responses.

the rockhead deserves every negative comment in the book ... I'm being kind.

the list I posted is parts of ACA that have already gone into effect ... so yes it is.

Already in effect:
  • It allows the Food and Drug Administration to approve more generic drugs (making for more competition in the market to drive down prices) ( [1] Citation: An entire section of the bill, called Title VII, is devoted to this, starting on page 747 )
  • It increases the rebates on drugs people get through Medicare (so drugs cost less) ( [2] Citation: Page 216, sec. 2501 )
  • It establishes a non-profit group, that the government doesn't directly control, [3] PCORI, to study different kinds of treatments to see what works better and is the best use of money. ( [4] Citation: Page 665, sec. 1181 )
  • It makes chain restaurants like McDonalds display how many calories are in all of their foods, so people can have an easier time making choices to eat healthy. ( [5] Citation: Page 499, sec. 4205 )
  • It makes a "high-risk pool" for people with pre-existing conditions. Basically, this is a way to slowly ease into getting rid of "pre-existing conditions" altogether. For now, people who already have health issues that would be considered "pre-existing conditions" can still get insurance, but at different rates than people without them. ( [6] Citation: Page 30, sec. 1101, Page 45, sec. 2704, and Page 46, sec. 2702 )
  • It forbids insurance companies from discriminating based on a disability, or because they were the victim of domestic abuse in the past (yes, insurers really did deny coverage for that) ( [7] Citation: Page 47, sec. 2705)
  • It renews some old policies, and calls for the appointment of various positions.
  • It creates a new 10% tax on indoor tanning booths. ( [8] Citation: Page 923, sec. 5000B )
  • It says that health insurance companies can no longer tell customers that they won't get any more coverage because they have hit a "lifetime limit". Basically, if someone has paid for health insurance, that company can't tell that person that he's used that insurance too much throughout his life so they won't cover him any more. They can't do this for lifetime spending, and they're limited in how much they can do this for yearly spending. ( [9] Citation: Page 14, sec. 2711 )
  • Kids can continue to be covered by their parents' health insurance until they're 26. ( [10] Citation: Page 15, sec. 2714 )
  • No more "pre-existing conditions" for kids under the age of 19. ( [11] Citation: Page 45, sec. 2704 and Page 57, sec. 1255 )
  • Insurers have less ability to change the amount customers have to pay for their plans. ( [12] Citation: Page 47, sec. 2794 )
  • People in a "Medicare Gap" get a rebate to make up for the extra money they would otherwise have to spend. ( [13] Citation: Page 379, sec. 3301 )
  • Insurers can't just drop customers once they get sick. ( [14] Citation: Page 14, sec. 2712 )
  • Insurers have to tell customers what they're spending money on. (Instead of just "administrative fee", they have to be more specific).
  • Insurers need to have an appeals process for when they turn down a claim, so customers have some manner of recourse other than a lawsuit when they're turned down. ( [15] Citation: Page 42, sec. 2719 )
  • Anti-fraud funding is increased and new ways to stop fraud are created. ( [16] Citation: Page 699, sec. 6402 )
  • Medicare extends to smaller hospitals. ( [17] Citation: Starting on page 344, the entire section "Part II" seems to deal with this )
  • Medicare patients with chronic illnesses must be monitored more thoroughly.
  • Reduces the costs for some companies that handle benefits for the elderly. ( [18] Citation: Page 492, sec. 4202 )
  • A new website is made to give people insurance and health information. (I think this is it: [19]http://www.healthcare.gov/ ). ( [20] Citation: Page 36, sec. 1103 )
  • A credit program is made that will make it easier for business to invest in new ways to treat illness by paying half the cost of the investment. (Note - this program was temporary. It already ended) ( [21] Citation: Page 830, sec. 9023 )
  • A limit is placed on just how much of a percentage of the money an insurer makes can be profit, to make sure they're not price-gouging customers. ( [22] Citation: Page 22, sec. 1101 )
  • A limit is placed on what type of insurance accounts can be used to pay for over-the-counter drugs without a prescription. Basically, your insurer isn't paying for the Aspirin you bought for that hangover. ( [23] Citation: Page 800, sec. 9003 )
  • Employers need to list the benefits they provided to employees on their tax forms. ( [24] Citation: Page 800, sec. 9002 )
  • Any new health plans must provide preventative care (mammograms, colonoscopies, etc.) without requiring any sort of co-pay or charge. ( [25] Citation: Page 14, sec. 2713 )
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Old 08-17-2013, 02:50 PM   #142
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so, LoserLoser, are you going to wait until tonight after midnight to tell me my comprehension skills are lacking as a rebuttal to your ignorance about ACA ?
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Old 08-17-2013, 03:03 PM   #143
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Originally Posted by CJ7 View Post
so, LoserLoser, are you going to wait until tonight after midnight to tell me my comprehension skills are lacking as a rebuttal to your ignorance about ACA ?
No. What is this thread topic. And what did WTF post about "the tax" which does not go into effect until .... 2018 ...

So show where any of the things on your list resulted in lower health care costs and lower premiums for consumers ... and I am talking about actual numbers and not speculation.

And finally show me the blog where you got that list! Link ... you know?

Because while you are doing that ... I'm looking up every friggin one of them ... got it?

So, you haven't read the ACA, just like WTF .... you let someone else tell you about it. So link? ...

Because you did not write the description of the citations and you did not find the citations....!!

The flaw in your "contributions" to the discussions, along with WTF (historically he has as well) is that you will take a discussion about topic A and inject topic B in it to prove you are "correct," without addressing the discussion in topic A ... then when topic B gets shot down ... you move on to Topic C ..... 15 pages later in the thread you start the name calling ... I suppose hoping that everyone will forget what you DIDN'T say about topic "A"!

So, CBJ7 where is the link?
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Old 08-17-2013, 03:09 PM   #144
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
No. What is this thread topic. And what did WTF post about "the tax" which does not go into effect until .... 2018 ...

So show where any of the things on your list resulted in lower health care costs and lower premiums for consumers ... and I am talking about actual numbers and not speculation.

And finally show me the blog where you got that list! Link ... you know?
you have a copy of the ACA and have read it, the portions of the bill that are in effect that I posted are clearly marked page, and section ... look them up sport.

and while you're at it, look this up too

Over six million people with Medicare have saved $7 billion under the Affordable Care Act, the Health and Human Services Department announced Monday.

Reducing individual prescription drug costs by $1,061, Obamacare has begun to reduce the existing gap in this coverage for seniors. With a $250 check to those in the "donut hole" - those without full prescription coverage - the Affordable Care Act began to reduce this discrepancy, which is set to close by 2020.

Though Medicare growth has been slower than average, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said these reduced expenses are a sign the program is "much stronger" than it was before the Affordable Care Act

need some help ?


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Old 08-17-2013, 03:29 PM   #145
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Originally Posted by CJ7 View Post
you have a copy of the ACA ....

need some help ?

http://www.cms.gov/Newsroom/MediaRel... .............
Not me! I already point out to you the flaw in Topic B ... but I am glad you endorse the CMS

as a source of reliable information ... since I already posted their "report" .. in response to your bullshit ...

rather than a PR release for the comatose media ... here .. I'll post again for you !

Did you read this REPORT? ... I'll take that as a "no"~!


Look at Table 17 and then reread what you are claiming.

Even though the government is reducing services provided under medicare/Medicaid the COSTS increase!!!

And the COSTS INCREASE at the rate of 4 to 40 times the rate of inflation.

They are saving soooooo much ...... money.
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Old 08-17-2013, 03:35 PM   #146
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Not me! I already point out to you the flaw in Topic B ... but I am glad you endorse the CMS

as a source of reliable information ... since I already posted their "report" .. in response to your bullshit ...

rather than a PR release for the comatose media ... here .. I'll post again for you !

Did you read this REPORT? ... I'll take that as a "no"~!


Look at Table 17 and then reread what you are claiming.

Even though the government is reducing services provided under medicare/Medicaid the COSTS increase!!!

And the COSTS INCREASE at the rate of 4 to 40 times the rate of inflation.

They are saving soooooo much ...... money.

oh, so you haven't read the bill ... who knew ?

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Old 08-17-2013, 06:11 PM   #147
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Ignorant motherfuckers. will you stop whining when the promise of affordable care is realized? probably not.
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Old 08-17-2013, 08:46 PM   #148
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Ignorant motherfuckers. will you stop whining when the promise of affordable care is realized? probably not.
Listen, you granny-euthanizing socioislamofascist, as much as I'd like to talk to you, I'd rather be waterboarding...LOL
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Old 08-17-2013, 09:30 PM   #149
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@Lexis Lover - you lost CJ7 after the word no. Too many big words for him. He is a typical Libtard just like assup rider and the rest!
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Old 08-17-2013, 09:41 PM   #150
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