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Old 08-14-2013, 03:44 PM   #61
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Like VK,I'm surprised this does not already happen in the powder room.
I'm not a braggard, I shower and brush my teeth, and can hold my own performance wise, so I don't care what is being said about me.
It is my opinion that if the ladies want to use something like this as a sort of referral or warning system, then they should. BUT it belongs in the powder room.
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Old 08-14-2013, 04:04 PM   #62
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Default Well how about that

Originally Posted by Gemma34 View Post
Well, hon, I could've posted this in the powder room... But then we would have missed out on your valuable posts. Lol!


Thanks for clearing that up.....I am always more than happy to join in on the fun!

Especially when I just sipping on my..... drink

Isn't that nice Grizzly, lol

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Old 08-14-2013, 04:33 PM   #63
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I don't like the provider participation at all outside posting ads. I really do frequent these types of services so that I DON'T have to hear what's on your mind, about anything. I can get a regular date if I want to hear the inner workings of the female mind.

<no offense intended although that's how it'll be taken>
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Old 08-14-2013, 05:11 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by VinnAY View Post
I don't like the provider participation at all outside posting ads. I really do frequent these types of services so that I DON'T have to hear what's on your mind, about anything. I can get a regular date if I want to hear the inner workings of the female mind.

<no offense intended although that's how it'll be taken>
Really Vinnay, I for one like the providers posting outside of their ads. The women should have as much right to post as you do,
Hell most of the providers post are entertaining and for the most part drama free than your post.
Do you feel threatened by women that are intelligent?
for me its a turn on and part of the fantasy for me

Climbing off my soapbox now,
Now back to Gemmas post
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Old 08-14-2013, 05:16 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by Grizzly View Post
Really Vinnay, I for one like the providers posting outside of their ads. The women should have as much right to post as you do,
Hell most of the providers post are entertaining and for the most part drama free than your post.
Do you feel threatened by women that are intelligent, for me its a turn on and part of the fantasy for me

Climbing off my soapbox now,
Now back to Gemmas post

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Old 08-14-2013, 05:18 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by dirty dog View Post
Can't help myself DD
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Old 08-14-2013, 05:53 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by Gemma34 View Post
I was a little taken back by the "I've marked so and so off my must see checklist due to them even thinking this was a good idea" comments.
Too bad. Be taken aback. If a woman thinks that this is a good idea, that means that she's willing to discuss me with other people. That's not what I pay for. Me - customer. You - service provider. And my philosophy is that if you'll talk about me a little to a few people, you'll talk about me a lot to a lot of people.
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Old 08-14-2013, 06:40 PM   #68
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My ECCIE Reviews

Originally Posted by Kshunter View Post
Too bad. Be taken aback. If a woman thinks that this is a good idea, that means that she's willing to discuss me with other people. That's not what I pay for. Me - customer. You - service provider. And my philosophy is that if you'll talk about me a little to a few people, you'll talk about me a lot to a lot of people.
Seriously, I don't know what your problem is with me, but where in the world have you gotten that I am going to talk about you,..or anybody else?? This is a 'hypothetically speaking' thread and was for fun. There are plenty of people responding on this thread and you continue to attack ONLY me and be rude to ONLY ME. I don't even know you nor do I want to. You are very rude and a bit on edge. Why are you reading more into this thread than you should be?? I have never had problems with discretion and I don't appreciate your indirect accusations. If you don't like the thread topic, then don't post on it.... Its that simple. But find someone else to be rude to, I haven't done anything to you. And thank you for your help in screening yourself. Now I can tell any provider that asks about you, that you are rude as hell.
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Old 08-14-2013, 07:00 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by Gemma34 View Post
Seriously, I don't know what your problem is with me, but where in the world have you gotten that I am going to talk about you,..or anybody else?? This is a 'hypothetically speaking' thread and was for fun. There are plenty of people responding on this thread and you continue to attack ONLY me and be rude to ONLY ME. I don't even know you nor do I want to. You are very rude and a bit on edge. Why are you reading more into this thread than you should be?? I have never had problems with discretion and I don't appreciate your indirect accusations. If you don't like the thread topic, then don't post on it.... Its that simple. But find someone else to be rude to, I haven't done anything to you. And thank you for your help in screening yourself. Now I can tell any provider that asks about you, that you are rude as hell.
Well said
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Old 08-14-2013, 08:17 PM   #70
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Angies List, where the best providers are reviewed.
So find a great Fuck at a great Deal.
Don't forget to post a review.
But you have to pay just to get on her site, just like here... LOL

I would think by now that most of the Providers have fake client accounts to read the reviews any way's.
I don't think anyone on here is stupid and everyone knows how the game is played by now.
Just think if they ran an IP address check, they could track down a lot of Fake Information...
How do you think they Ban your account and computer, by blocking the IP Address... I guess I am one of the stupid ones...
But I think The Ladies have the same right's as the Clients, some guys act like pricks, treat them like trash, try to do or get things they don't want or will not do. then place a review and bitch about how bad the service was. but the Reader not knowing the whole story has to go by what was posted. Like there once was a client that wanted free services to help keep providers reviews clean, I forgot his handle (was a Mod), it has changed so many times now..
If a review is posted, the provider should have to right to post a Private Message that only other Providers can see in the same review. this way there won't be a he said, she said thing going on. the client should be able to see if she gave the client a YES or NO.... Just and Idea... yes they can make this happen... just have to change the Script for Providers Private Message Only... LOL
Just make some Tag information.
like what we start off with, when writing a review...
Description, followed by a Yes or NO see... ROS

If a Provider what's to talk about me, with each other, like they don't know... LOL..LOL...
I don't care... it's the Clients that talk about other Clients to the Providers... that sounds like a bigger problem.. and YES most Providers will let you know that they have heard some BS about you from one of their Clients... Names or Handles might come up... Just something for the Clients to think about if they want to speak out of turn... and tell a Provider who they should see and not see....

Back to;; Yes the Providers should be able to Post a Private Message on Their review only about them ONCE. but other Providers should not be able to post on the review...
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Old 08-14-2013, 08:47 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by Gemma34 View Post
So, Kaylen and I were talking and we wanted to see what others thought about the ladies doing reviews for the guys that review them.... Or even just random guys that they've seen. I've had good experiences and some not so good, but us ladies act as professionals and don't say anything publicly.

Whereas, the guys can post reviews for everyone to read. Sure there is a VIP area for more personal details of the session, and I always wonder what else is being said but we really don't know. And, the recommendation and brief description in the review is sometimes enough to figure out how the reviewer really feels. Not to mention the fellow hobbyists can follow up with their opinions in a post. But, us females cant defend ourselves, which is why providers often start threads defending themselves.

So, I wonder how the guys would like it if we reviewed them. Yea, we have our ladies powder room, but not much goes on in there.

And would it hurt our business if we reviewed the guys back?? Sometimes the reviews the guys give us can hurt our business and other times I don't think guys even care.

I've noticed a lot of ladies with a 'no' recommendation still get seen by plenty of guys.... Is it because of her extremely cheap donation? And yes, I say cheap because $60 is cheap for fs. Or is it curiosity? Or.....??? And then to top it off, other gentlemen give her a review with a 'no' recommendation as well....So what is the point of that negative review?

So, would it be useful and/or fun to review the guys too?

What do y'all think??
This isn't rocket surgery.

You can start a message board where providers review clients.

Who's going to pay for access?

No one.

What provider is going to pay for a review that says, Noahscape has the biggest johnson ever, plus he knows how to use it and is a great tipper? And didn't even have to use any of my towels!

Plus he read my website and bought me the latest Brad Paisley DVD and a Bebe gift certificate!

There are plenty of blacklist sites, too.

There are some sites that are supposed to make providers and clients feel better, too.

Get a grip.
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Old 08-14-2013, 09:12 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by Helicopter206 View Post
Angies List, where the best providers are reviewed.
So find a great Fuck at a great Deal.
Don't forget to post a review.
But you have to pay just to get on her site, just like here... LOL

I would think by now that most of the Providers have fake client accounts to read the reviews any way's.
I don't think anyone on here is stupid and everyone knows how the game is played by now.
Just think if they ran an IP address check, they could track down a lot of Fake Information...
How do you think they Ban your account and computer, by blocking the IP Address... I guess I am one of the stupid ones...
But I think The Ladies have the same right's as the Clients, some guys act like pricks, treat them like trash, try to do or get things they don't want or will not do. then place a review and bitch about how bad the service was. but the Reader not knowing the whole story has to go by what was posted. Like there once was a client that wanted free services to help keep providers reviews clean, I forgot his handle (was a Mod), it has changed so many times now..
If a review is posted, the provider should have to right to post a Private Message that only other Providers can see in the same review. this way there won't be a he said, she said thing going on. the client should be able to see if she gave the client a YES or NO.... Just and Idea... yes they can make this happen... just have to change the Script for Providers Private Message Only... LOL
Just make some Tag information.
like what we start off with, when writing a review...
Description, followed by a Yes or NO see... ROS

If a Provider what's to talk about me, with each other, like they don't know... LOL..LOL...
I don't care... it's the Clients that talk about other Clients to the Providers... that sounds like a bigger problem.. and YES most Providers will let you know that they have heard some BS about you from one of their Clients... Names or Handles might come up... Just something for the Clients to think about if they want to speak out of turn... and tell a Provider who they should see and not see....

Back to;; Yes the Providers should be able to Post a Private Message on Their review only about them ONCE. but other Providers should not be able to post on the review...
Originally Posted by NoahScape View Post
This isn't rocket surgery.

You can start a message board where providers review clients.

Who's going to pay for access?

No one.

What provider is going to pay for a review that says, Noahscape has the biggest johnson ever, plus he knows how to use it and is a great tipper? And didn't even have to use any of my towels!

Plus he read my website and bought me the latest Brad Paisley DVD and a Bebe gift certificate!

There are plenty of blacklist sites, too.

There are some sites that are supposed to make providers and clients feel better, too.

Get a grip.
Wow you guys sure know how to ruin a civilized thread! I like hearing both sides without all the negativity and pot stirring.

Can we have just one thread that does not get hijacked by the highschool peanut gallery and drama queens.
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Old 08-14-2013, 09:25 PM   #73
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But can you ladies not do that in the powder room already? Can you not post info about a ECCIE member which is more detailed (without the invasion of privacy that some of the guys are concerned about) there that might not be completely appropriate in the Infoshare? What are you ladies really wanting? A separate searchable forum within the powder room to put info about clients? Is that what you want? You should reach out to some of the female mods to get with St C on the feasibility of it.

Originally Posted by DestinyInKC View Post
I completely understand what you are saying about confidentiality..
But at the same time I kind of see this whole review thing a different way...
The way i see it...
Your name and personal information such as your job should NOT be involved in the review.

The only link to the person should be the Eccie handle..
That is not an invasion of privacy considering you made an eccie account I don't think it would make one bit of difference if there was a review saying
"Yes JohnDoe26 was clean, on time, friendly, and I have no complaints"
Not to mention I am also picturing it in the Powder Room where only VERIFIED eccie providers would be allowed to access this information...

Maybe there is just something I am not getting about the privacy thing.. I am 100% for discretion ALL THE WAY
But I don't see how the above example would be anymore of an invasion of privacy than you writing your own review on a provider..

If there is something I am missing please fill me in I love hearing everyones side and I think this is an interesting conversation, too!
I am just not understanding what the discretion problem would be with that..
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Old 08-14-2013, 09:37 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by Grizzly View Post
Wow you guys sure know how to ruin a civilized thread! I like hearing both sides without all the negativity and pot stirring.

Can we have just one thread that does not get hijacked by the highschool peanut gallery and drama queens.
Is someone interfering with your courting efforts?

Didn't think so.
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Old 08-14-2013, 09:39 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by CryptKicker View Post
But can you ladies not do that in the powder room already? Can you not post info about a ECCIE member which is more detailed (without the invasion of privacy that some of the guys are concerned about) there that might not be completely appropriate in the Infoshare? What are you ladies really wanting? A separate searchable forum within the powder room to put info about clients? Is that what you want? You should reach out to some of the female mods to get with St C on the feasibility of it.
Crypt Kicker, not trying to get on your shit list or whatever list you mods have for trouble posters lol

But how is it an invasion of privacy when almost 99% of the board uses a false name?

I just don't get where theses guys are worried about invasion of privacay when only the lady knows his real name but would review under the dudes board persona.

Just curious is all
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