Because of this thread
and a few other ladies and gents comments about it slowing down in that area plus the recent arrest of girls etc. I had stayed away and was real hesitant about going there as planned mid this week. So I put a few feeler ads up etc....
Let's just say ladies the CALLS have NOT SLOWED down JIMMINY CRICKETS.. now none of these men KNOW HOW TO READ IT SAID COMING THE 7-9 but hey my phone rang like freaking crazy all night all morning ... NOW who knows by the time I get there may be a different story I will post on this thread on how it went though....
I know several ladies I mean hotties that want to come but are scared on what they are reading about other girls hot as well coming for a bad trip it scares them off. So I AM COMING to take one for the team.....And hotels have gone down a lot...I actually have a rent house when I come down but. I just went on just to see for a friend that might come down and travel with me if I can talk her into it and if you give a few days notice. A hotel that cost $275 just a few months ago is charging $125 and all hotels are cheaper on the weekend but business is slower on the weekend too.
Anyway the feelers are up and booming so we will see if it booms with real live appointments or if it's all fizzled out.
FYI everyone knows that one woman's success or failure in a city MEANS NOTHING.. her style looks services and her regulars ALL play a major factor in it. However if you read several horror stories you tend to stay away and if you hear several success stories you tend to go check it out. SO you will hear mine at the end of the week.

(I do hope its a success story cause that dang AC compressor going out and that scorpion sting sure did KILL MY POCKETS dang dang dang)