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Old 08-03-2013, 01:32 PM   #1
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Default The Hard thing about a review?

So I have noticed there will be guys who have 75 OK's on p411 and have plenty of girls on eccie they have seen yet has not written one review been on the site for years but never written what they read before seeing a provider and that is reviews....
Si I asked a few why they have not and they said they do not know how or they get kicked out cause there isn't enough detail...Yadda yadda yadda.....? What gives?
So someone wrote one first time ever on a friend of mine and sure enough it got kicked out because not of ROS info....HMMMM they were frustrated the girl was frustrated.
no one got credit...
I was the one telling him of the benefits of writing reviews etc. etc. and he got hammered on his first attempt.... Have a few that have tried and that happened to.

Just thought I would just ask how hard can it be?
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Old 08-03-2013, 07:32 PM   #2
Chica Chaser
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Its not hard at all, this is posted at the top of every Independent Review section in every city/state forum across the entire site. Its very detailed about the information needed to approve a review. If guys want credit for their effort to write a review they simply need to provide the required info.

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Old 08-03-2013, 08:58 PM   #3
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I rarely write reviews. I don't know if I am bored, jaded, or should give up hobbying. The past few years I have been less than satisfied with most of my encounters. I have not felt that died and gone to heaven or had a stupid smile on my face for hours in a number of years. Anyway, enough of that. On to why I rarely write reviews.

When I did encounter the great ladies I did post honest reviews of our encounters as I saw them. However, when I have a very mediocre encounter I am reluctant to review if there is a chance of a repeat encounter. We have a very limited number of ladies available and sometimes when we are desperate there is a need to repeat encounters with certain ladies. If I write a review that is less than glowing how might that lady react during our next encounter?

You said "no one got credit". Do the ladies get credit for reviews they receive? If so what are the benefits? Curious.
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Old 08-03-2013, 09:09 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Majichands View Post
I was the one telling him of the benefits of writing reviews etc. etc. and he got hammered on his first attempt.... Have a few that have tried and that happened to.
I've seen this phenomenon happen on this site, and the previous. It happens all too often. I was chastised and called a "quack" on my first review on ASPD.

Here's the breakdown of the phenomenon:
1) Guy is interested and joins the site. He DOES NOT have premium access.
2) He sees reviews, but does NOT see ROS information. He doesn't know what's IN the ROS cause he's never seen it. 3
) He gets the balls to see a provider. He gets his socks blown off cause it's likely his first pay for play experience and he's ecstatic.
4) He writes a review and doesn't know what to write in the ROS (see point 2). He gives a HELL YES recommendation to some provider everyone else thinks is marginal at best.
5) Here come the complaints from the seasoned hobby-ists about "no ROS" or "you call that a review" or "quack cause that girl is lame".
6) He doesn't know what hit me.

It's not right for newbies to get slammed for trying. We all started somewhere.

My $0.02
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Old 08-04-2013, 07:08 AM   #5
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At least in the areas I moderate, the review may get rejected but there is always a PM sent and/or a post on the review that directs the gent to the sticky post that is in every review forum on what is needed for PA access. He is also told that if he can still edit it to do so or send me the info and I'll add it and get his PA access added. A lot of times they do not respond or they respond and say they will do it next time and they never do. Unfortunately, Majichands has had several of her newbies do this.
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Old 08-04-2013, 09:28 AM   #6
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That's a good point, CK. And, you and the other mods on this site are better about not tolerating unnecessary "quacking" of reviews.
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Old 08-04-2013, 03:24 PM   #7
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As a relative newcomer and still a newbie in the eyes of some. This website does a takes sometime to learn how to navigate. Even if a newbie happens to click the Premium Access tab which explains how to earn premium access in one of two ways but does not go into any details when it comes to writing the review. Maybe in the future information should be provided that to earn premium access the the ROS must be completed with some details of the session.

As far as a reviewer getting hammered. There are times a reviewer is bragged on and other times you will be ragged on. One man`s YES will be another`s No. It just comes with the territory.
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Old 08-04-2013, 07:13 PM   #8
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This sticky http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=476987 and ones like it are in every Independent Provider Review Forum. All they have to do is read.
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Old 08-04-2013, 07:39 PM   #9
Keyhole Arc Blow
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All the reviews I've seen get rejected are basically no ROS at all or the same cliche line of "she likes what she does and it shows" or similar. Most get rejected for lack of sufficient contact info though.

Basically anyone with a memory longer than a few hours and a middle school level writing ability should be able to bang out a review that not only gets accepted but is actually helpful to let guys know if she's someone to see.

Seems to me, the guys you spoke with are giving you a load of BS.
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Old 08-04-2013, 11:35 PM   #10
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very good points I will send this thread to them..I can NOT write reviews or see ROS or private thoughts on some of the threads ..SO HELL I DO NOT KNOW... But the point that the last man said when he was trying to weite a review on SImone was.. Us FBSM Ladies are not going to have a lot of the ROS info for example . You can not say we can suck the sand out of concrete or can't do it at all, You cant say our pussy has a kung fu grip or is as loos as gutted watermelon..... I mean when a girls menu is very limited then there will be less ROS info I mean I gues he could say she had pink lipstick on fresh breath yadda yadda yadda...LOL Well I do not know that's why I asked. Thank yall
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Old 08-04-2013, 11:39 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Holedriller View Post

You said "no one got credit". Do the ladies get credit for reviews they receive? If so what are the benefits? Curious.
If it is not counted then it doesn't count on out numbers either so when it says she has 12 reviews or whatever if it did not count it did not count for him or the provider as a review
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Old 08-05-2013, 05:22 AM   #12
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A review that is rejected for premium access credit due to missing or limited infomation does still get assigned to the lady's list of reviews and still shows up on the gent's list as well.
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Old 08-05-2013, 05:27 AM   #13
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Default My mistake ...(MISTEAK) LOL

Originally Posted by CryptKicker View Post
A review that is rejected for premium access credit due to missing or limited infomation does still get assigned to the lady's list of reviews and still shows up on the gent's list as well.
OH REALLY good to know I'm going to pm ya doll about that with some handles and such later.... a few to some of my friends never got credited but I'll get my list in order...<><> thanks
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Old 08-05-2013, 08:00 AM   #14
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It's not that difficult. Fill in some details (who, where, when etc) then basically its like writing a letter to penthouse. I understand some people are not good writers etc but everyone has read letters to penthouse...that is what RoS basically are.
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Old 08-17-2013, 11:24 AM   #15
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some people just can't write coherently.

if you could read the ros you'd be surprised at how bad some guys can fuck it up. hell, some of them can't even manage to fill in the blanks correctly or include the girl's name in the title. call me harsh, but they SHOULD get hammered.
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