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Old 08-03-2013, 08:56 AM   #76
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
Clinton did want to go after OBL but the party of NO put a stop to it.

Give it a rest. Where is the vote .. as in a link to the Congressional Record .. not a blog.

But before you waste a lot of time, you might want to check all the bragging Clinton has done about all he did to try to kill OBL .. CLAIMING he did more than anyone else .. since .. (that was before OBL was killed) ... and either he was lying or he was unaware of the behind the scene crap going on during the Bush administration ... (the intelligence gathered to locate OBL in Pakistan was developed during the Bush administration .. and the snitch was too).

There was substantial testimony (Cohen) before the 911 committee hearings regarding the lack of aggression on the part of the Clinton administration ... for various excuses (not reasons) .. they were treating it like a criminal matter .. issue a warrant and wait for him to get "pulled over"!
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Old 08-03-2013, 10:55 AM   #77
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post

Give it a rest. Where is the vote .. as in a link to the Congressional Record .. not a blog.

But before you waste a lot of time, you might want to check all the bragging Clinton has done about all he did to try to kill OBL .. CLAIMING he did more than anyone else .. since .. (that was before OBL was killed) ... and either he was lying or he was unaware of the behind the scene crap going on during the Bush administration ... (the intelligence gathered to locate OBL in Pakistan was developed during the Bush administration .. and the snitch was too).

There was substantial testimony (Cohen) before the 911 committee hearings regarding the lack of aggression on the part of the Clinton administration ... for various excuses (not reasons) .. they were treating it like a criminal matter .. issue a warrant and wait for him to get "pulled over"!

Another Bushie in denial....
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Old 08-03-2013, 02:06 PM   #78
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
Another Bushie living in reality....
There. I fixed it for you.

Apparently, you don't even like indictments against terrorists ..

.... you are afflicted with DENIALITIS.

But understandably you don't like them with arrest warrants.

Have to pull up your pants, help the little lady in the blue dress off her knees, pull out the cigar, and reach for the red phone without getting any more DNA on the front of her dress.

Tough work being the President.

Speaking of "tough work" ... why haven't you mentioned the NEWLY REVITALIZED AL QAEDA....

... you don't mind CNN do you? I mean as a source of INFORMATION!


Got any more "one-liners" .... LITTLE ONE
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Old 08-03-2013, 02:46 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
There. I fixed it for you.

Apparently, you don't even like indictments against terrorists ..

.... you are afflicted with DENIALITIS.

But understandably you don't like them with arrest warrants.

Have to pull up your pants, help the little lady in the blue dress off her knees, pull out the cigar, and reach for the red phone without getting any more DNA on the front of her dress.

Tough work being the President.

Speaking of "tough work" ... why haven't you mentioned the NEWLY REVITALIZED AL QAEDA....

... you don't mind CNN do you? I mean as a source of INFORMATION!


Got any more "one-liners" .... LITTLE ONE

You can't fix lunch much less my comment loser .
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Old 08-04-2013, 03:46 AM   #80
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
You can't fix lunch much less my comment loser .
That's all you got? Sounds like I "fixed" right on target. You can't deal with reality.

Too painful? That's what happens to momma's boys with penis envy.
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Old 08-04-2013, 05:27 AM   #81
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Originally Posted by Bebe Rebozo View Post
When we bring to justice the terrorists who killed 241 marines in the Beirut barracks on Reagan's watch, then maybe we can turn to the victims in Benghazi.

Fair enough?
As LL has already pointed out, the drivers died in their 'suicide' attacks. They're accounted for.

Evidently you have access to some prescient wisdom that is unavailable to most earth bound mortals. In October 2013 an obscure, "telephone organization" -- "Islamic Jihad" -- comprised of anonymous callers took credit for the attack. Known players (possible culprits) included Iran, Syria, various militant Lebanese factions, and the Soviet Union. Which one would you have chose, All Mighty Wise One, to attack?

To date, it is not known -- with 100% certainty -- who perpetrated that attack.

What Reagan did do was redeploy military assets, two Amphibious Battle Groups and two Carrier Battle Groups, to the Mediterranean, including the U.S.S. New Jersey. The U.S.S. New Jersey and carrier based planes shelled and bombed the hell out Syrian missile sites and Druze militia positions. The Druze were allied with the Soviet Union and Syria.

In 2001, Caspar Weinberger, the Secretary of Defense in 1983, told PBS, "We still do not have the actual knowledge of who did the bombing of the Marine barracks at the Beirut Airport, and we certainly didn't then."

There were suspects, however, and one of those suspects was one Imad Mughniyah. Lebanese born Mughniyah was one of Yasser Arafat associates, adn Mughniyah was associated with the PLO, the elite Force 17, Fatah, Hezbollah, Hamas and the Islamic Jihad. As such, Mughniyah was the alleged mastermind of the terrorist attack against the MNF in Lebanon in October 1983. It is also alleged that Mughniyah masterminded other terrorist attacks against other American an Israeli targets in the 1980s and 1990s. As Weinberger stated above, there is no conclusive evidence to support those allegations.

"Imad Mughniyah was killed on 12 February 2008 by a car bomb blast around 11:00 pm local time in the Kfar Suseh neighborhood of Damascus, Syria. According to The Sunday Times, Mughniyah was at a reception marking the 29th anniversary of the Iranian Revolution hosted by Iranian ambassador to Syria, Hojatoleslam Ahmad Musavi. Mughniyah left the party shortly after 10:30 pm and went to his Mitsubishi Pajero. The driver seat headrest had been replaced by one with a high-explosive, which detonated when Mughniyah entered the vehicle. The blast completely destroyed his car, but left minimum damage on nearby buildings. It killed only Mughniyah.

"On 27 February 2008, Al-Quds Al-Arabi reported that several Arab states helped the Mossad carry out the bombing. He had been the target of Israeli Mossad assassination attempts since the 1990s. Accounts cited by the Jerusalem Post state that Mughniyeh was assassinated in revenge for the 2006 Lebanon War, which he had a role in instigating. Mossad tasked the Kidon Division, a unit of assassins which operates under the Caesarea Branch, with the mission. An account stated that a team of operatives entered Damascus, where they waited for Mughniyeh. When Mughniyeh walked past a car which had been loaded with explosives, it was detonated. Israel officially denied being behind the killing. Furthermore, The Times states that Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert met privately with Mossad Director-General Meir Dagan on the day of Mughniyeh's burial, reportedly to congratulate him."


So, do you have any other 'requests', rebozo?
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Old 08-04-2013, 07:39 AM   #82
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
That's all you got? Sounds like I "fixed" right on target. You can't deal with reality.

Too painful? That's what happens to momma's boys with penis envy.

Brought up the penis card again showes where your thoughts are. Dismissed , you aren't ready for prime time.
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Old 08-04-2013, 07:44 AM   #83
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Bin Ladin: We have seen in the last decade the decline of the American government and the weakness of the American soldier. He is ready to wage cold wars but unprepared to fight hot wars. This was proven in Beirut when the Marines fled after two explosions, showing they can run in less than twenty-four hours. This was then repeated in Somalia. We are ready for all occasions, we rely on God.


And it gave terrorists a major victory. The bombing drove the military from its peacekeeping mission in Lebanon and provided a blueprint for attacking Americans. The retreat of U.S. forces inspired Osama bin Laden and sent an unintended message to the Arab world that enough body bags would prompt Western withdrawal, not retaliation.
"There's no question it was a major cause of 9/11," said John Lehman, the then-secretary of the Navy, who today is a member of the independent commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks.
"We told the world that terrorism succeeds."

On February 7, 1984, President Reagan ordered the withdrawal of US forces from Lebanon after some light shelling of suspected Shia positions and some brief French air attacks in the Bekaa Valley. A raid on a camp where Iranian Revolutionary Guards were believed to be training Shia jihadists was called off by President Reagan because little evidence existed at the time that Iran was involved in the bombing.
The weak responses to the bombing by the US are believed to have emboldened jihadists around the world and contributed to the rise of Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed extremists in Lebanon.


Although New Jersey performed her job expertly during the intervention in Lebanon some have criticized the decision to have New Jersey shell Druze and Syrian forces. Members of this camp allege that this action forced a shift in the previously neutral U.S. forces by convincing local Lebanese Muslims that the United States had taken the Christian side;[33][34] New Jersey's shells had killed hundreds of people, mostly Shiites and Druze.[35] In his memoir, General Colin Powell (at the time an assistant to Caspar Weinberger) noted that "When the shells started falling on the Shiites, they assumed the American ‘referee’ had taken sides."[36]
The accuracy of New Jersey's guns was also called into question. An investigation into New Jersey's gunfire effectiveness in Lebanon, led by Marine Colonel Don Price, found that many of the ship's shells had missed their targets by as much as 10,000 yards (9,140 m) and therefore may have inadvertently killed civilians. Tim McNulty, a correspondent for the Chicago Tribune based in Lebanon said, "Everybody loved the New Jersey until she fired her guns. Once she fired, it was obvious she couldn't hit anything."[37] The inaccuracy is believed to have resulted because the ship's main gunpowder had been remixed by the Navy, under the direction of Captain Joseph Dominick Miceli at the Naval Weapons Support Center, and rebagged. Powder lots (an individual production of powder) burn at different rates. Therefore, remixing the powder lots could cause the guns to fire inconsistently. The problem was apparently resolved after the Navy was able to locate additional powder supplies which had not been remixed.[38]


Unknown to us at the time, the National Security Agency had made a diplomatic communications intercept on 26 September (the same date as the cease-fire ending the September War) in which the Iranian Intelligence Service provided explicit instructions to the Iranian ambassador in Damascus (a known terrorist) to attack the Marines at Beirut International Airport. The suicide attackers struck us 28 days later, with word of the intercept stuck in the intelligence pipeline until days after the attack.


Mugniyah died in a mysterious car bombing in Damascus last year that may have been an Israeli counter-terrorist operation. He reportedly had been involved in the 1992 bombing of the Israeli Embassy in Argentina, which killed 29 people, and the 1994 bombing of a Buenos Aires Jewish community center, which killed 85 people. He also may have played a role in planning Hezbollah’s July 2006 kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers, which provoked a 34-day war in southern Lebanon.

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Old 08-04-2013, 07:56 AM   #84
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The congressional investigators cited Marine Corps Commandant Paul X. Kelley and other senior officials for testimony following the bombing that was ''often inaccurate, erroneous, and misleading.''
The House study also pointed to ''serious intelligence inadequacies'' that affected the Marine unit's ability to defend itself ''against the full spectrum of threat.'' Experts point to this failing as rooted in the traditional role of the Marines. Most Marine Corps training and combat involves amphibious assault rather than taking and holding fortified sites for extended periods.
''If you're going to send a unit in for defensive operations, the Marine Corps is probably a poor choice,'' says a senior officer.
Such critical analyses of US military forces in Lebanon come just as polls indicate declining public support for continued deployment. They also reflect increasing congressional criticism of the administration's position, even from Republican and conservative Democratic lawmakers with solid pro-defense credentials.
For some time, senior military officers have warned the administration that the Marines could not count themselves as neutral ''peacekeepers'' once naval gunfire was used to defend Marine positions against attack from Lebanese militias. While the ''rules of engagement'' for US forces there have remained the same during the past year, the use of those forces has steadily escalated in a way that reminds many observers of Vietnam.


Col. Timothy J. Geraghty, the man who commanded the Marines in Beirut 25 years ago. Geraghty wrote an article last year for the U.S. Naval Institute's publication Proceedings: "The Marine and the French headquarters were targeted primarily because of who we were and what we represented. ... It is noteworthy that the United States provided direct naval gunfire support -- which I strongly opposed for a week -- to the Lebanese Army at a mountain village called Suq-al-Garb on 19 September and that the French conducted an air strike on 23 September in the Bekaa Valley. American support removed any lingering doubts of our neutrality, and I stated to my staff at the time that we were going to pay in blood for this decision."


Osama bin Laden took inspiration from Mugniyah's 1983 bombings and used that model for al Qaeda's first successful dual suicide bombings against the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, on 7 August 1998. Before a meeting between bin Laden and Mugniyah in Sudan in 1996, al Qaeda did not have this expertise. But it later expanded the simultaneous, coordinated suicide bombing model for the four commercial airline hijackings and attacks on 11 September 2001.

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Old 08-04-2013, 08:10 AM   #85
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
Brought up the penis card again showes where your thoughts are. Dismissed , you aren't ready for prime time.
One only has to look at your screen name to understand where your mind is .. constantly.

It's the old saying about "money" ... if you have to talk about, probably don't have it.

End of story with you. Mr. Inadequate.

But aside from your silly little immature comments you really don't have much substance, do you?
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Old 08-04-2013, 08:32 AM   #86
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Originally Posted by lostincypress View Post
The congressional investigators

Osama bin Laden took inspiration from Mugniyah's 1983 bombings and used that model for al Qaeda's first successful dual suicide bombings against the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, on 7 August 1998. Before a meeting between bin Laden and Mugniyah in Sudan in 1996, al Qaeda did not have this expertise. But it later expanded the simultaneous, coordinated suicide bombing model for the four commercial airline hijackings and attacks on 11 September 2001.

A "problem" with "congressional investigations" is the purpose and focus, but the greatest problem is "Monday morning quarterbacking" ... when that many people die someone's head is going to "roll" and/or pay the price for not having 20-20 hindsight.

It seems that those who weren't there and weren't tasked with the responsibilities always seem to have a better plan and a better understanding of "how to solve the problem in advance of the problem arising." ...

Marines are fine with any task you give them ... in my opinion if you are a Marine you want to be a Marine and you are not there because you wanted a college education. Well trained and disciplined. Effectively ready for the mission-task regardless of the odds.

As for OBL ... your time line is a bit off. OBL was active earlier than the mid 1990's. His "fingerprints" were believed to be on earlier attacks on the U.S. ... and it seems (perhaps for the Love of Clinton) that most arm-chair critics these days forget the FIRST attack on the WTC ... which only failed because of ill-placed charges and an underestimation of the "engineering" and "design" of the structure .. which BTW was "designed" to withstand a strike from a 747 ... as tall buildings should be. The "problem" is that the "modeling" was anticipating an ending Trans-Atlantic flight with much of the fuel exhausted from the trip.

The guy who knew more about OBL and his thugs died in the 911 attack in the building where his offices were located. He was reportedly seen walking back inside of the building immediately after the first strike. John Patrick O'Neill.

The loud mouth "Richard Clarke" constantly whined because no one seemed to pay attention to him, even though he kept getting "promoted" by his believers. The Clinton Administration knew about OBL and essentially didn't have the intestinal fortitude to do whatever it took to take him out and move forward with a full frontal assault on his thugs.

We go no better in there now, and Bill's wife wants her turn at the helm, which she may get because of name identification and that private thinking that if she gets in they get Bill back.

Here's what you had in the 1990's, what you have now, and what you will have with Hillary:

Larry King Live: 09/11/2001 Interview on CNN:

"KING: Senator Kerry did your -- did you committee on international operations and terrorism ever actually fear something like this?

"SEN. JOHN KERRY (R), MASSACHUSETTS: Absolutely. Absolutely. But let me join John and I know all my colleagues in just expressing -- I think all of us here in Washington are feeling in very personal ways the loss of what's happened here. I know that I had one friend I know of already on that plane from Boston, and I dread the learning of perhaps others. But for thousands of families tonight, there is just a huge loss, and I think in every American there's a sense -- there's a fury, an intense, burning fury about this and a determination to do what is right about it.

"We have always known this could happen. We've warned about it. We've talked about it. I regret to say, as -- I served on the Intelligence Committee up until last year. I can remember after the bombings of the embassies, after TWA 800, we went through this flurry of activity, talking about it, but not really doing hard work of responding."

Which is another "problem" with congressional investigations, ...

.... except at the moment it is disgustingly worse, because Susan Rice is giving advice!
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Old 08-04-2013, 08:56 AM   #87
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post

The loud mouth "Richard Clarke" constantly whined because no one seemed to pay attention to him, even though he kept getting "promoted" by his believers. The Clinton Administration knew about OBL and essentially didn't have the intestinal fortitude to do whatever it took to take him out and move forward with a full frontal assault on his thugs.

We go no better in there now, and Bill's wife wants her turn at the helm, which she may get because of name identification and that private thinking that if she gets in they get Bill back.

Here's what you had in the 1990's, what you have now, and what you will have with Hillary:

"KING: Senator Kerry did your -- did you committee on international operations and terrorism ever actually fear something like this?

Which is another "problem" with congressional investigations, ...

.... except at the moment it is disgustingly worse, because Susan Rice is giving advice!

More lame-ass finger pointing from the Master Lame-Ass Finger Pointer!

And he calls himself a Democrat!!!!!
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Old 08-04-2013, 10:38 AM   #88
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
One only has to look at your screen name to understand where your mind is .. constantly.

It's the old saying about "money" ... if you have to talk about, probably don't have it.

End of story with you. Mr. Inadequate.

But aside from your silly little immature comments you really don't have much substance, do you?

My screen name came from the Bennie Hill show immature fucktards like you always relate to penis, Sorry you have been shorted and have envy. Go back to grade school with your giggling over penis.
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Old 08-04-2013, 10:55 AM   #89
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
My screen name came from the Bennie Hill show.....
Yea, right. Keep trying. It shows.
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Old 08-04-2013, 10:59 AM   #90
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Originally Posted by bigtex View Post
More lame-ass finger pointing from the Master Lame-Ass Finger Pointer!

And he calls himself a Democrat!!!!!

This thread is about .... Benghazi? We don't need to point any fingers any more:


There's your girl!

That's who I want in charge ...

... someone who doesn't even know her husband is getting a BBBJ in the other end of the house!
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