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Old 07-18-2013, 02:49 PM   #16
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17 year olds should be allowed to vote. If you're old enough to be tried as an adult, you should be old enough to vote.

Likewise, the drinking age should be lowered to 18. Again, you're old enough to vote and forced to die for your country, but you can't legally purchase alcohol on your own?
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Old 07-18-2013, 05:02 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by jbravo_123 View Post
17 year olds should be allowed to vote. If you're old enough to be tried as an adult, you should be old enough to vote.

Likewise, the drinking age should be lowered to 18. Again, you're old enough to vote and forced to die for your country, but you can't legally purchase alcohol on your own?
That makes sense to me...
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Old 07-18-2013, 06:18 PM   #18
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My thoughts:

1) It would take several years of re-educating Rachel Jeantel before she should be the spokesperson for anything except maybe the voiceover for the Aflac duck. She is dumber than 2 sacks of rocks and comes off as a welfare stoner.

2) I don't believe in shooting rioters because sometimes protests are infiltrated by other organizations to have protests turn into violence. Now looters, that's a different story. They are thieves preying on the misfortune of others and it should be open season on them when there is a disaster. People should be able to buy a special license and your kill must be caught on film by an accomplice of the perpetrator caught in the act and shot immediately.

3) You should have to register as a Liberal or a Conservative with the definition and platforms of each spelled out clearly and specifically. Then, Liberals should pay 3X more taxes because their policies cost our country more in overspending and welfare programs.

4) Fuck Ivy League Universities, more fucking Liberals probably come out of those universities than anywhere. Just like SMU, they made their beds with their snobbish attitudes, let 'em crumble I say.

5) No way, it will be over regulated and mismanaged causing higher prices.

6) HELL NO !! I have no desire to get on a plane or on a surgeons table knowing they may party regularly and are still high. The percentages are lower the way it is now.

7) The U.S. Military and Defense spending is what runs this country, just ask fucking Obama. I agree and my policy would be from now on, you kill any of our people we bomb the shit out of you for 6 months, the pull back and say, "Okay, rebuild mother fuckers while we reload." That's it, no trying to have the son-of-bitches respect us or be democratic.

8) Maybe, but first just let 'em fight their fights on their own with our interference.

9) Now your dreaming!!

10) Only people who are not on a welfare assistance program can vote.
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Old 07-18-2013, 06:32 PM   #19
Juan Pablo de Marco
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the US govt admit all our wars are about OIL.

overturn Citizens United

no more tax exempt status for churches

stop giving Israel one dime. their economy seems to be ok. or at least admit the real reason we give them aid. surely i don't have to spell that out.

corporations can spend money lobbying congress based on how much they pay in taxes

watch fox news or listen to rush limbaugh...you're too fucking stupid to vote

slash military spending in half...use the money to fund alternative energy r&d because after all our military is used primarily to ensure the world uses the US dollar as the de facto trading currency for OIL.

move money to off-shore accounts to avoid paying taxes...no vote

stop subsidies to huge corporations in the farm bill every year

adopt the single payer health care system

let me smoke some fucking pot without fear of entering our corrupt judicial system. i'm going to do it anyway

bomb the Monsanto headquarters

close every wal-mart

no more free trade agreements...they exist for one reason. to increase corporate profits

this is fun...i could go on all night. but as long as corporations run our country we're fucked anyway. welcome to the machine!
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Old 07-18-2013, 06:55 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by ManSlut View Post
My thoughts:

1) It would take several years of re-educating Rachel Jeantel before she should be the spokesperson for anything except maybe the voiceover for the Aflac duck. She is dumber than 2 sacks of rocks and comes off as a welfare stoner.

2) I don't believe in shooting rioters because sometimes protests are infiltrated by other organizations to have protests turn into violence. Now looters, that's a different story. They are thieves preying on the misfortune of others and it should be open season on them when there is a disaster. People should be able to buy a special license and your kill must be caught on film by an accomplice of the perpetrator caught in the act and shot immediately.

3) You should have to register as a Liberal or a Conservative with the definition and platforms of each spelled out clearly and specifically. Then, Liberals should pay 3X more taxes because their policies cost our country more in overspending and welfare programs.

4) Fuck Ivy League Universities, more fucking Liberals probably come out of those universities than anywhere. Just like SMU, they made their beds with their snobbish attitudes, let 'em crumble I say.

5) No way, it will be over regulated and mismanaged causing higher prices.

6) HELL NO !! I have no desire to get on a plane or on a surgeons table knowing they may party regularly and are still high. The percentages are lower the way it is now.

7) The U.S. Military and Defense spending is what runs this country, just ask fucking Obama. I agree and my policy would be from now on, you kill any of our people we bomb the shit out of you for 6 months, the pull back and say, "Okay, rebuild mother fuckers while we reload." That's it, no trying to have the son-of-bitches respect us or be democratic.

8) Maybe, but first just let 'em fight their fights on their own with our interference.

9) Now your dreaming!!

10) Only people who are not on a welfare assistance program can vote.
#3 and 4 were particularly excellent replies.
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Old 07-21-2013, 03:52 PM   #21
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Default Who the hell is forced to die for their country ?

I wish the hell people would stop thinking that you should be allowed to drink based on being able to go into the military.

You can drink all you want, see your recruiter.

Originally Posted by jbravo_123 View Post
17 year olds should be allowed to vote. If you're old enough to be tried as an adult, you should be old enough to vote.

Likewise, the drinking age should be lowered to 18. Again, you're old enough to vote and forced to die for your country, but you can't legally purchase alcohol on your own?
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Old 07-21-2013, 07:21 PM   #22
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5 8 9 and 10 are solid. Those others?? Well let's start with those four first ....
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Old 07-22-2013, 07:46 AM   #23
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5) No way, it will be over regulated and mismanaged causing higher prices.

6) HELL NO !! I have no desire to get on a plane or on a surgeons table knowing they may party regularly and are still high. The percentages are lower the way it is now.[/QUOTE]

If you think ppl are saying no to drugs now just because its illegal then you're wrong. People say no bc its not wise and very unhealthy - same reason there are less and less ppl smoking. Common sense. And if doctors wanna be high they have access to way better shit then what their local dealer has or ever would have, legalized or not.
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Old 07-23-2013, 03:04 PM   #24
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we should stop giving money to foreign countries and start rebuilding our own. just pick any rust belt city or state.
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Old 07-23-2013, 09:58 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by mayday View Post
we should stop giving money to foreign countries and start rebuilding our own. just pick any rust belt city or state.
It would make more sense to give money to Detroit rather than Mogadishu, after all Mogadishu is in better shape!
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Old 07-24-2013, 11:18 AM   #26
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14. Churches that support specific political parties or politicians lose their tax-exempt status.

15. Churches that pay their top ministers more than a capped amount in income and benefits lose their tax exempt status.

16. Businesses can't make campaign contributions or party donations. If you aren't a registered voter, you can't contribute.

17. If you don't have government ID, you can't vote.

18. If there isn't a previous year's tax filing mapped to your government ID, you don't get to vote (even if you only declared no income).

19. If you think Rick Perry or Ted Cruz are good guys, you're an idiot and you don't get to vote. I kid, I kid (at least about the don't get to vote part).
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Old 07-24-2013, 10:48 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife View Post
14. Churches that support specific political parties or politicians lose their tax-exempt status.

15. Churches that pay their top ministers more than a capped amount in income and benefits lose their tax exempt status.

16. Businesses can't make campaign contributions or party donations. If you aren't a registered voter, you can't contribute.

17. If you don't have government ID, you can't vote.

18. If there isn't a previous year's tax filing mapped to your government ID, you don't get to vote (even if you only declared no income).

19. If you think Rick Perry or Ted Cruz are good guys, you're an idiot and you don't get to vote. I kid, I kid (at least about the don't get to vote part).
Why not cut out all tax exempt statuses for all 501c3's?
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Old 07-26-2013, 04:03 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer View Post
Why not cut out all tax exempt statuses for all 501c3's?
Ok, sold.
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