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Old 07-23-2013, 08:52 AM   #1
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Default Race in America

I'm not necessarily a huge fan of Bill O'Reilly...he's a bit squishy on some issues that are important to me. That being said, his "Talking Points" memo from last night is the most honest piece of commentary I have heard on the issues facing the black community in a long time. He's dead on with every point he makes, and even liberal Juan Williams agreed with him later in the show. The transcript is below if don't want to take the time to watch the video.

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Bill O'Reilly: President Obama and the race problem
Published July 22, 2013 | O'Reilly Factor | Bill O'Reilly

By Bill O'Reilly

On Friday, the President delivered surprise remarks to the press about the Trayvon Martin case and race in general. His main point: a plea for understanding.

OBAMA: There are very few African-American men in this country who haven't had the experience of being followed when they were shopping in a department store, that includes me. I don't want to exaggerate this but those sets of experiences inform how the African-American community interprets what happened one night in Florida.

O'REILLY: And that's true. Many black Americans harbor at least some resentment for past injury. But what President Obama surely knows is that you cannot reach a fair criminal verdict or design effective public policy that solves present problems by dwelling on the sins of the past. "Talking Points" believes the President was correct in addressing the race issue and framing it with the Martin case. He's the leader of America and the country is talking about this.

By the way, when you hear a pundit or politician saying we should have a quote, "conversation" about race, that means you are in for a sea of bloviating which will likely lead nowhere.

The sad truth is that from the President on down, our leadership has no clue, no clue at all about how to solve problems within the black community. And many are frightened to even broach the issue. That's because race hustlers and the grievance industry have intimidated the so- called "conversation," turning any valid criticism of African-American culture into charges of racial bias.

So many in power simply walk away leaving millions of law abiding African-Americans to pretty much fend for themselves in violent neighborhoods. You want racism? That's racism.
Thus, it is time for some straight talk, and I hope the President is listening tonight because we need him to lead on this issue.

Trayvon Martin was killed because circumstances got out of control. He was scrutinized by a neighborhood watchman, George Zimmerman, because of the way he looked. Not necessarily his skin color, there is no evidence of that but because he was a stranger to Zimmerman and was dressed in clothing sometimes used by street criminals.

It was wrong for Zimmerman to confront Martin based on his appearance. But the culture that we have in this country does lead to criminal profiling because young black American men are so often involved in crime, the statistics overwhelming.

But here is the headline: young black men commit homicides at a rate 10 times greater than whites and Hispanics combined. When presented with damning evidence like that, and like the mini-holocaust in Chicago where hundreds of African-Americans are murdered each year the civil rights industry looks the other way or makes excuses. They blame guns, poor education, lack of jobs, rarely do they define the problem accurately. So here it is. The reason there is so much violence and chaos in the black precincts is the disintegration of the African-American family.

Right now about 73 percent of all black babies are born out of wedlock. That drives poverty. And the lack of involved fathers leads to young boys growing up resentful and unsupervised. When was the last time you saw a public service ad telling young black girls to avoid becoming pregnant? Has President Obama done such an ad? How about Jackson or Sharpton? Has the Congressional Black Caucus demanded an ad like that? How about the PC pundits who work for NBC News?

White people don't force black people to have babies out of wedlock. That's a personal decision; a decision that has devastated millions of children and led to disaster both socially and economically. So raised without much structure, young black men often reject education and gravitate towards the street culture, drugs, hustling, gangs. Nobody forces them to do that; again, it is a personal decision.

But the entertainment industry encourages the irresponsibility by marketing a gangster culture, hip hop, movies, trashy TV shows to impressionable children. In fact, President Obama has welcomed some of the worst offenders in that cesspool to the White House when he should be condemning what these weasels are doing. These so-called entertainers get rich while the kids who emulate their lyrics and attitude destroy themselves.

And then there is the drug situation. Go to Detroit and ask anyone living on the south side of the eight-mile road what destroyed their city? They will tell you narcotics. They know addiction leads to crime and debasement. But what do the race hustlers and limousine liberals yell about? The number of black men in prison for selling drugs. Oh, it's so unfair. It's a nonviolent crime and blacks are targeted. That is one of the biggest lies in the history of this country.

The thugs who sell hard drugs, no matter what color they are, deserve to be put away for long periods of time. They sell poison, they sell a product that enslaves and kills. They are scum.

When was the last time you heard the Congressional Black Caucus say that? How about Jackson and Sharpton? How about President Obama?

The solution to the epidemic of violent crime in poor black neighborhoods is to actively discourage pregnancies out of marriage, to impose strict discipline in the public schools, including mandatory student uniforms, and to create a zero tolerance policy for gun and drug crimes imposing harsh mandatory prison time on the offenders.

And finally, challenging the entertainment industry to stop peddling garbage. Hey listen up you greed heads, if a kid can't speak proper English, uses the "f" word in every sentence, it's disgraceful, it's disrespectful -- it's disrespectful in his or her manner. That child will never, never be able to compete in the marketplace of America... never. And it has nothing to do with slavery. It has everything to do with you Hollywood people and you derelict parents. You're the ones hurting these vulnerable children.

You want a conversation, you got it. You want a better situation for blacks, give them a chance to revive their neighborhoods and culture. Work with the good people to stop the bad people. Pumping money into the chaos does little. You can't legislate good parenting or responsible entertainment. But you can fight against the madness, with discipline, a firm message and little tolerance for excuse-making.

It is now time for the African-American leadership, including President Obama to stop the nonsense. Walk away from the world of victimization and grievance and lead the way out of this mess.

And that's "The Memo."

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/oreill...#ixzz2ZsdjeB1R
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Old 07-23-2013, 10:30 AM   #2
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You need to come to Austin for the next event at the Circuit of the Americas. They'll get well over a HUNDRED THOUSAND people marching into this town ... and ALL of them are as motivated by RACE as you are!

And you won't even see it on Fox News!
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Old 07-23-2013, 11:26 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
You need to come to Austin for the next event at the Circuit of the Americas. They'll get well over a HUNDRED THOUSAND people marching into this town ... and ALL of them are as motivated by RACE as you are!

And you won't even see it on Fox News!
Somehow I knew you'd be first to respond, Assup. And, as usual, you do not comment on the veracity of the commentary, you go directly into deflection mode, then throw in an insult for good measure.

Why don't you add something substantive to a thread for a change?? Tell us two things: 1) Where does O'Reilly go wrong??, and 2) Give us your sage wisdom on what exactly should be done.

On another note, provide one single statement I have ever made in this forum that marks me as a racist. You already creep my posts, so if it's there it should be easy to find. Happy hunting...
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Old 07-23-2013, 12:12 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN View Post
Somehow I knew you'd be first to respond, Assup. And, as usual, you do not comment on the veracity of the commentary, you go directly into deflection mode, then throw in an insult for good measure.

Why don't you add something substantive to a thread for a change?? Tell us two things: 1) Where does O'Reilly go wrong??, and 2) Give us your sage wisdom on what exactly should be done.

On another note, provide one single statement I have ever made in this forum that marks me as a racist. You already creep my posts, so if it's there it should be easy to find. Happy hunting...

He goes wrong here:

>>>>The solution to the epidemic of violent crime in poor black neighborhoods is to actively discourage pregnancies out of marriage, to impose strict discipline in the public schools, including mandatory student uniforms, and to create a zero tolerance policy for gun and drug crimes imposing harsh mandatory prison time on the offenders.<<<<

The solution to what's wrong with some segments of the black community isn't to lock more of those segments of the black community up for using or selling drugs. That's stupid, it's always been stupid and it aggravates the problem rather than doing anything to solve it. The other "solutions" he talks about are just as silly and ineffective. We already discourage pregnancies out of marriage, many many public schools are using uniform policies and in most major metropolitan areas, and many smaller towns, we have police officers patrolling the hallways.

The solution is education, employment and cessation of the cycle of poverty and hopelessness that many African-Americans are faced with every day. How those solutions should be implemented is the million dollar question. I know we don't get there by demonizing young black men like Travon Martin, in an effort to justify his killing, as so many, including lots of folks on this board, have done over the past months.

As in all things racial, we tend to pick the worst from both groups and present it as representative of all. I get the white pushback against Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the other African-Americans who've made a career out of racial injustices, both real, perceived and, in some cases, even created. It seems like those guys are part of the problem, not part of the solution. But, white people don't get to pick the spokesmen for the black community....and while we may disagree with what they say, they keep the very real issues of racism and discrimination out there as an active topic of discussion. There is value in that, as aggravating as those guys may be at times.

Anyway....I don't know what the solution is....but, I know what we're doing isn't working. And, the only way we are going to solve this type of problem is by talking about it....and not being accused of "Race-baiting" every time that happens.
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Old 07-23-2013, 02:30 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by timpage View Post
He goes wrong here:

The solution is education, employment and cessation of the cycle of poverty and hopelessness that many African-Americans are faced with every day

But, white people don't get to pick the spokesmen for the black community....and while we may disagree with what they say, they keep the very real issues of racism and discrimination out there as an active topic of discussion. There is value in that, as aggravating as those guys may be at times.

Anyway....I don't know what the solution is....but, I know what we're doing isn't working. And, the only way we are going to solve this type of problem is by talking about it....and not being accused of "Race-baiting" every time that happens.
#1: Have you taught public school in a minority dominated school?
#2: Have you tried to hire minority members of the workforce and keep them working?
#3: In a severe economic downturn with high unemployment who goes back to work first?
#4: "The Man" said his "ObamaCare" would reduce the deficit and increase jobs!
#5: Do you think the Black community selected Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson?
#6: The Black community didn't even select Obaminable ...
#7: You don't know what the solution is?

Burning buildings, destroying businesses and others' property, threatening to kill people, name calling, and screaming is NOT "TALKING"! That's been going on for 6 plus years ... before Martin was killed. Martin's killing is just an excuse to start acting badly.

Don't put people in jail for committing crimes? You're kidding aren't you? What you gonna do with them? Hand them a Big Chief tablet and tell they to fill it with "I will never do that again"! Or shake your finger at them and tell them "never do that again, ok?"
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Old 07-23-2013, 02:52 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
#1: Have you taught public school in a minority dominated school?
#2: Have you tried to hire minority members of the workforce and keep them working?
#3: In a severe economic downturn with high unemployment who goes back to work first?
#4: "The Man" said his "ObamaCare" would reduce the deficit and increase jobs!
#5: Do you think the Black community selected Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson?
#6: The Black community didn't even select Obaminable ...
#7: You don't know what the solution is?

Burning buildings, destroying businesses and others' property, threatening to kill people, name calling, and screaming is NOT "TALKING"! That's been going on for 6 plus years ... before Martin was killed. Martin's killing is just an excuse to start acting badly.

Don't put people in jail for committing crimes? You're kidding aren't you? What you gonna do with them? Hand them a Big Chief tablet and tell they to fill it with "I will never do that again"! Or shake your finger at them and tell them "never do that again, ok?"
Is this the dialogue that we're supposed to have to solve the problem? You screeching about how terrible the blacks are? How is that going to solve anything?

Regarding running people wholesale into the criminal justice system for drug violations: I repeat that it is stupid, expensive, counterproductive and only breeds and fulminates more crime and more criminals.

Stop slobbering and spluttering in your outrage and post up something that makes sense and I'll respond.
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Old 07-23-2013, 04:33 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by timpage View Post
He goes wrong here:

>>>>The solution to the epidemic of violent crime in poor black neighborhoods is to actively discourage pregnancies out of marriage, to impose strict discipline in the public schools, including mandatory student uniforms, and to create a zero tolerance policy for gun and drug crimes imposing harsh mandatory prison time on the offenders.<<<<

The solution to what's wrong with some segments of the black community isn't to lock more of those segments of the black community up for using or selling drugs. That's stupid, it's always been stupid and it aggravates the problem rather than doing anything to solve it. The other "solutions" he talks about are just as silly and ineffective. We already discourage pregnancies out of marriage, many many public schools are using uniform policies and in most major metropolitan areas, and many smaller towns, we have police officers patrolling the hallways.

The solution is education, employment and cessation of the cycle of poverty and hopelessness that many African-Americans are faced with every day. How those solutions should be implemented is the million dollar question. I know we don't get there by demonizing young black men like Travon Martin, in an effort to justify his killing, as so many, including lots of folks on this board, have done over the past months.

As in all things racial, we tend to pick the worst from both groups and present it as representative of all. I get the white pushback against Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the other African-Americans who've made a career out of racial injustices, both real, perceived and, in some cases, even created. It seems like those guys are part of the problem, not part of the solution. But, white people don't get to pick the spokesmen for the black community....and while we may disagree with what they say, they keep the very real issues of racism and discrimination out there as an active topic of discussion. There is value in that, as aggravating as those guys may be at times.

Anyway....I don't know what the solution is....but, I know what we're doing isn't working. And, the only way we are going to solve this type of problem is by talking about it....and not being accused of "Race-baiting" every time that happens.
You're an ignorant, lib-retard jackass, Little Timmy. Children mired in poverty giving birth to more children perpetuates poverty. Read Jared Diamond. The only way to break the cycle of poverty is to convince these children to forebear rearing children of their own until they themselves have gained an education, established their place in the economy and built up a financial basis to properly support a family before they have a family.
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Old 07-23-2013, 04:58 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
You're an ignorant, lib-retard jackass, Little Timmy. Children mired in poverty giving birth to more children perpetuates poverty. Read Jared Diamond. The only way to break the cycle of poverty is to convince these children to forebear rearing children of their own until they themselves have gained an education, established their place in the economy and built up a financial basis to properly support a family before they have one.

Should have taught your family line that then we wouldn't have a inbred like you. Well at least you are taking it not giving it.
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Old 07-23-2013, 05:25 PM   #9
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I have said it before and i will say it again, equality does not make a payday.
Perpetuating the divide is what sells and earns some, money.
The failure to accept equality is p0ounced upon by anyone that can see to make a buck or garner a vote.
Equality means making it on your own without crutches.

People that walk around with a chip on their shoulders generally are the ones that feel they are not treated fairly yet they fail to recognize how the chip on their shoulders affects all around them.
This is regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, or any other thing.
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Old 07-23-2013, 05:41 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
Should have taught your family line that then we wouldn't have a inbred like you. Well at least you are taking it not giving it.
Thanks for putting that HERO as your avatar. It shows you care.
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Old 07-23-2013, 06:58 PM   #11
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Can ALWAYS count on IBCorpy to turn a debate into a personal attack, chock full of juvenile name calling and banal, racist points drooled down from a false pulpit.

You conservatives stand with him? It dilutes your collective credibility more than the behavior of any of your screech owls.

Hikack a thread. But puh-leeze! No wonder people
Posted pictures of Corpy playing with his own feces.

(Wait... That was me! Never mind!)
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Old 07-23-2013, 07:19 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
Should have taught your family line that then we wouldn't have a inbred like you. Well at least you are taking it not giving it.
I B an Idiot....I see your response via this quote response from Biggen.

So....what do you propose? Enforced sterilization for those you deem to be less intellectually predisposed than you? You poor dumb fucker? That would mean a planet empty of humans in short order.
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Old 07-23-2013, 08:09 PM   #13
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[QUOTE=timpage;1053467080]I B an Idiot....yes you are...
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Old 07-23-2013, 10:31 PM   #14
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Bill is the only talking head saying that the "National Conversation on racism" line is political bullshit over the last two days. Meanwhile, the networks like MSNBC and CNN, who fanned the flames by incorrectly portraying Zimmerman as a racist INSIST on leading this "National Conversation".

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Old 07-24-2013, 04:32 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by timpage View Post
I B an Idiot....I see your response via this quote response from Biggen.

So....what do you propose? Enforced sterilization for those you deem to be less intellectually predisposed than you? You poor dumb fucker? That would mean a planet empty of humans in short order.
Typical lib-retard response, Little Timmy. When the facts don't fit your view, you deflect. Sterilization isn't required: social stigmatization is! Until you lib-retards quit enabling and bending-over backwards to defend the status quo, nothing will change.
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