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Old 07-21-2013, 05:26 PM   #16
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this is NOT an elephant in the room

just the op being an idiot on eccie
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Old 07-21-2013, 05:29 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne View Post
Also, dick by itself is not all that. Unless you have the body of an Adonis, and sling that dick and tongue like a whirlwind, its not all that. In fact, most times especially in civie situations, I prefer the tongue, you can keep the dick. Now some women do pay for dick, i.e. lazy boyfriend, etc, but they usually know that they had better be ready to please and sling that penis like none other to stick around..

In other words, unless you fit the criteria above, your dick is worthless. Lol, Just kidding but not really.

LD wants my tainted skills and wants to experience my 1.3" of dangling death. Yes, I am an Adonis ... Yo modtards, LD outed my male stripper name.
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Old 07-21-2013, 05:40 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Fast Gunn View Post
Okay, let's talk about the hulking elephant in the room that we have all been tiptoeing around pretending not even to see, much less discuss.
This will be a long thread because we need to cover centuries of misunderstanding of the value of pussy. Women have been fooling men about the value of pussy for centuries and they intend to continue the deception ad infinitum if we don't wake up and smell the pussy.

The question is: in this day and age, why do men pay so much money for pussy?

It is a well known fact that women like dick themselves, but yet, they don't pay for it. Except for wealthy widows who buy gigolos, they would not dream of it. And why would they when when they easily get eager dick free of charge. They can go out to any club, mall or cafe and get just about any dick they want in there free because the guys are so eager to give them their dick. There are probably 100 dicks wanting to get inside a single and attractive young tight pussy. So to her, those things are a dime a dozen.

So how come we don't get pussy for free? Isn't the supply of pussy about equal to the supply of dick? Actually, the latest estimates of these dynamic numbers show that there are about 101 men worldwide to every 100 women so that is close enough to call it an equal supply without quibbling.

Well, remember, that we used to get young pussy for free in high school most weekends and it would not occur to us to pay for it and we didn't have the money if it was for sale. Pussy was something that you boldly pursued by hook or by crook until you dominated it and you took it and she loved you for it.

Now, we are paying for pussy and it's not cheap either at about $250 for one hour of often mechanical and resentful sex.

I have been pondering on this social injustice and have hit upon a solution. Okay, let's admit here and now upfront that there will be some measure of pain involved to redress this inequality. Those that are weak cannot fight in this campaign, but they can still assist indirectly. They can publish the word. They disseminate the new doctrine and carry out such support measures.

However, remember that there is always some measure of pain involved in any great endeavor.

A great bridge is not built without sufficient skill, capital, labor and most importantly, honest sweat. No project will work without the addition of copious sweat into the mix.

Sweat is the sacred oil that turns the gears of the engine of Capitalism.

People used to think that it was money that ran the economy and maybe that is the useful common measure of an economy, but that money requires a measure of sweat to produce it. It's difficult to measure sweat as it evaporates and so we measure paper money that endures, but sweat is still the bedrock foundation that creates money.

So now, back to the original question, why do men pay for pussy now when they used to get the same product and arguably even much better quality for free?

Is this pussy available today really so much
better that somehow it demands payment and the payment is not paltry. It is not astronomical either, but only because the ladies know they would price themselves out of the market if they did.

So they charge whatever the market will bear. We bear about $250 for one hour of passionate sex, but even then often times, it is merely mechanical and lack luster as though the provider resents performing such a degrading act, but of course, she will not hesitate to take your money. Yes, the money is upfront so that if you are not satisfied with the service, well, too bad sir, but the donation is nonrefundable. This is a business, not a charity. And please get dressed as there is another customer coming with new money to buy old pussy.

So what is my solution? Okay, I know some will automatically laugh and call me an errant fool saying that such a scheme could ever work. But just how do you know it would never work if you have never tried it?

Okay, try to keep the catcalls down as I make my pitch,

but I propose that we deny dick to these uppity women. Yes, we deny them total supply of dick until they learn to value it again like they did in high school. How long will that take? Years, probably.

If you drill down to the core, the problem is that women think their pussy is worth gold, but our dicks are as common as dirt and worth about the same. Women convinced men that the scabbard is more valuable than the sword, but it is really the sword that has the value.

No, it won't happen overnight. All or at least, most men need to be convinced of the wisdom of such a bold and never-before-tried solution for it to have a chance of working worldwide. It must be worldwide or women would simply go to another country for free dick.

It won't happen if only a few men are convinced because then women will simply get dick from the unbelievers and there will be many more unbelievers than believers as this massive movement begins a ground swell.

Somewhere, somehow women in antiquity silently banded together and
surreptitiously agreed to value pussy much higher than dick and set the price range at $250, $350 and even up to a $1000 per hour of sex. Pussy used to be only five dollars in the old west, but part of the devilish plan is to keep inflating the price of pussy, but it's still the same old pussy.

Note carefully, that in the animal world, it is not at all remotely like this. The alpha males get all the pussy they want for free and the female is flattered that he chose her. Thoroughbred horses command upwards of a $1,000,000.00 or more to have sex with a mare and one time. The mare's pussy has no such value. It is just a receptacle to receive the sperm from the dick and produce a colt that can run as fast as his father, win races and begin the cycle once again.

It is nature who has set the pussy price structure correctly. It is man who has it backwards. We pay for pussy because we were conned into believing it is so valuable by the women holding the product.

So the first order of business is for men to band together and decide to withhold all supply of penis to women until they learn to value it as equal to their pussy.

Phase II of the project will be raise the value of dick above pussy by increments, but that is still far in the horizon.

It's going to take a long time to get all the men of the world to understand what is at stake here and agree to make the sacrifice until women all over the world are brought to their knees and pay homage to the dick they secretly love, but publicly scorn and devalue.

Will we get pussy for free in our life times? It is difficult to tell at such an early stage, but the sooner we start, the sooner we can correct this grave social injustice. Realize that over the horizon is a world with all the fresh pussy as free as oxygen for us to enjoy when we want it as is our natural birth right.

. . .So what are we to now to advance this cause? we band together,we discuss the wonderful rewards. Personally, I am going to see two lovely young girls tomorrow and make love to both of them. In the process, they will subliminally learn that my dick, the sword can go in either scabbard and entice the sword to their receptacle and thereby assign my dick the value of two young firm pussies to play with. This is how we start. We leverage two pussies with one dick wherever we can while we congretate and preach the new gospel of Fast Gunn. That is just an interm name until we find a more fitting, more description and more worldview description to introduce to the world, country by country.
what the fuck are you trying to say
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Old 07-21-2013, 06:29 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi View Post
. . . . We don't have to pay for pussy, we have to pay for the pussy we want.
Absolute finest quote of this entire, ridiculous thread!
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Old 07-21-2013, 07:39 PM   #20
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Exclamation Evolution

So is that experiment meant to validate evolution?

. . . Or does it show that man has not really evolved that much past the chimpanzee?

Originally Posted by Bobave View Post
Back when behavioral psychologists were just getting rolling well, they did an experiment with chimpanzees to test the efficacy of token economies (the chimps were given coins or colored strips of plastic which they could trade for food, treats, etc.).

The chimps figured it out pretty quickly... within a matter of days, the female chimps had all of the tokens (and yes, for the reason you suspect)... true story, google it.
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Old 07-21-2013, 07:42 PM   #21
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Exclamation Over-valued

I stated at the outset that it would be a long thread because we had many centuries to cover.

. . . The point is that pussy is overvalued in our society and it continues to be so because we, as men, continue to agree to the terms.

Originally Posted by eddielewis View Post
what the fuck are you trying to say
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Old 07-21-2013, 08:36 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by eddielewis View Post
what the fuck are you trying to say

He is stating he cannot get laid with a fistful of benjamins. I am very good at summarizing things.
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Old 07-21-2013, 11:14 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Fast Gunn View Post
I stated at the outset that it would be a long thread because we had many centuries to cover.

. . . The point is that pussy is overvalued in our society and it continues to be so because we, as men, continue to agree to the terms.

Honestly, that is the definition of properly valued, a willing buyer and a willing seller.
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Old 07-21-2013, 11:22 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi View Post
We are former monkeys. We don't have to pay for pussy, we have to pay for the pussy we want.
Yes, this is a great quote.
Further consider the natural order of society prior to the Western world fucking it up. In the natural order of things, women don't want to suck up to losers, they want a take charge mother fucker who kicks ass and can beat the shit out of the other losers. Hence, sports groupies, women who chase down sports stars and fuck for free. Alternately, the finest, best looking women chase highly successful businessmen, lawyers, doctors, self confident men - and scorn losers who cling to them and can't take care of themselves.
The natural order of things is men kicking the shit out of each other and the dominant males taking all the women they want, and the women being happy about it. The rest of us just have to make up the difference between our inadequacies and loser-dome with money. Money is a modern day proxy for youthful vigor, daring do, and alpha male status. Hence men will lie, cheat, steal, and kill to get it.
Western society fucked things up by allowing loser men to get an artificially created supply of women by curtailing the alpha male from getting all the women he wanted by creating the fucked up idea that outlaws polygamous marriage. Monogamous marriage benefits low status men, and hurts high status men - and benefits low status women, and hurts high status (young and beautiful) women.
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Old 07-22-2013, 03:35 AM   #25
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You want resentful and mechanical sex, try being married. Wives are the most expensive escorts there are.
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Old 07-22-2013, 05:19 AM   #26
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Then divorce them.
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Old 07-22-2013, 07:30 AM   #27
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I don't see the elephant in this thread. I do see the OP is loved for his blithe spirit.

Too funny for words. I will try - it is so sunny and festive
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Old 07-22-2013, 08:02 AM   #28
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I think that the main difference is that when women choose to have sexual relations with someone it often coincides with expectations for some sort of relationship, even if it is a short term one. At least that is the case with me.

There was once a madam that said something like, "In this industry men do not pay us to have sex, they pay us to leave."

I believe that there is some truth to that. The payment frees a gentleman from any relational obligation or responsibility.
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Old 07-22-2013, 08:09 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
Then divorce them.
talk about expensive, and the lawyer is the only one that fucks you
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Old 07-22-2013, 08:17 AM   #30
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Overvalued ?? No women = no pussy , no pussy = no population = it's huMAN nature
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