Your best bet is hopping on 215 and a couple of exits to the west, get off Green Valley Pkwy. Make a left and at the first light to your right is The District with quite a few shops, restaurants, bars, etc. They're doing construction work there until early October so it's not as open and inviting as it used to be, but businesses are all open and good to go. This open mall is right next to Green Valley Ranch Resort. Nice hotel/casino.
At that same light, you make a left and you'll have another few restaurants and shops and of course Wholefood Market which is great. I find myself shopping there at least twice a week.
On 215, you can continue west to Eastern. Go south on Eastern and there's a TON of shops, restaurants, and businesses. Depending on what exactly you're looking for, you should be able to find it on Eastern.
Oh and if you live in Henderson & don't go to Queen Vixen, I think you'll be in violation of some kind of a law! And somehow you strike me as a man who deals with law & legal matters. Call it a hunch

Henderson has the highest concentration of AMP's in one city anywhere I think.
If you need any more specific info, feel free to pm me instead also.