- Defendant does not accept (or is not offered) a plea and goes to trial, specifically a jury trial, the witnesses are the Undercover cop (UC) and the backup team. No audio or video evidence.
A jury from a more metropolitan area can see this case as a waste of time when there are more serious crimes in their community and find a not guilty.
Almost, almost always a trial before a Judge will result in a Guilty for various reasons; knows the criminal history of the defendant, knows how hard the UC unit works, personal problem with prostitution, etc.
So the bottom line really is that there is no sure answer to this question. It depends on a types of variables; trial before a Jury or Judge; skill of the UC unit at testifying, personal attitudes of a judge, on and on.
The one thing a defendant can control is the ability/preparation to hire the best (which equals more expensive defense attorney) that they can afford.
Now on with the day....
Originally Posted by 19Trees
Introduction of video evidence is fairly new when viewed in context of 200 years of jurisprudence. Its presence or absence does not (usually, but it could) make or break a case. Decisions (made by judges or juries) are supposed to be made by the "totality of the evidence," which includes witness testimony, depositions, physical and scientific evidence.
Without damming video/audio, State (depending on other evidence available, or not) more likely to accept a plea so as to avoid the possibility of going to trial and losing.