One of my favorites
Drop dead gorgeous bartender she's serving drinks and this guy who's clearly had a few comes up to her
He says to her "I'd love to grab you and suck kiss and bite those big red lips baby"
To which she replys " man I don't want no trouble my boyfriend is the bouncer don't even try anything with me or else"
The man replys " okay okay I'm sorry" staggers off and has a few more drinks comes back " I'd love to put my face in your boobs and suck your tits hard"
She replys " once again sir my boyfriend is the bouncer come at me again ill tell him and have him throw u out"
He replys " okay I'm sorry won't happen again"
A few more drinks in he comes back " hey baby you know what I wanna do is fill your love canal with whiskey and drink it dry"
"That's it sir" she storms off to the back room where her boyfriend is sitting playing cards,
And now she repeats all that's happened
"There's a man out there who's saying he want to kiss suck and bite my lip"
Bf throws table up "what!"
"He says he wants to suck on my tits too!"
He rips off his shirt her boyfriend exposing his massive muscles,
To which she says "and he says he's gonna fill my love canal with whiskey and drink it dry"
Her bf calmly puts the table back up puts his shirt back on and goes to his games again
Girlfriend in disbelief says " well are you gonna do something"
Boyfriend calmly turns to her and says
"Any man that can drink that much whiskey must be one hell of a man"