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Old 07-12-2013, 12:58 PM   #1
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Angry Just need to do a safe work vent...

I need some place to bitch about this, and being that most of my other internet-based, public soap boxes could lead back to the person involved, I'm choosing here.

So, last Autumn we got a new director for the department I work in. They basically took on two titles and were doing double jobs. They came into my place of employment, not expecting two titles, but got them nonetheless. By November/December it was clear that they were in way over their head.

I was approached by a supervisor to possibly take on one of the titles. It would be a promotion, but it'd be a promotion that brought a lot more work, a lot more headaches, and not a lot more money. So, at first I was hesitant. It was discussed with me more, and the person even expressed their frustrations with me about the workload carrying both titles brought. My supervisor convinced me to take on a transition where I would perform more and more of the duties of one of the titles and eventually I would just take over. The idea was to make the transition smooth so I could learn my duties instead of just being dumped in the ocean.

Now I'm at the spot where I am supposed to be the director. My supervisor who wanted me in this position has left, gone on to a better promotion in another department. I am left with the person who came in as director, with the two of us "sharing" duties.

My problem is, I have realized that this person will rarely admit when they are wrong. And anytime I take the initiative to inform our supervisors of something, or to handle some part of the business - they seem to very passive-aggressively say that I have done something wrong. And when I, very professionally, private text this person to let them know that, in fact, they are mis-informing our supervisors and they are mistaken. They just send a one word "sorry" text to me, without taking steps to correct their mistake with our employers?

This is starting to piss me off to the point where shit is just going to need to go down. It just worries me that the supervisor that wanted me in this position is now gone, and they are someone I KNOW would've had my back. Now I don't know who of those in charge has my back.

There, I'm done. Hopefully that was vague enough.
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Old 07-12-2013, 01:27 PM   #2
Dorian Gray
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Stop doing the work of the person with two titles since you have not received your promotion & carry on. It's their problem now.
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Old 07-12-2013, 02:27 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Dorian Gray View Post
Stop doing the work of the person with two titles since you have not received your promotion & carry on. It's their problem now.
Well, I have the promotion now - this person and I are supposed to be kind of co-running our department. They just have a slightly lesser title than mine, I guess. It's just the passive aggressive shit and refusal to admit that they might be wrong. This is the kind of person that'll argue with you that there are 6 eggs in the fridge and not 1/2 a dozen till their blue in the face just so that they're right.

And now that my former supervisor is gone, I feel kind of left hanging in the wind here.

Thank you for the advice DG.
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Old 07-12-2013, 02:54 PM   #4
Old Dingus
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In general,
1. Keep accurate notes of requests, directives, problems, etc. Include dates.
2. Keep copies of key documents, e-mail, texts, memos, etc.
3. Be sure your records are not found by someone rumaging your desk or computer.
4. If there is an HR Department, start developing a relationship with someone in there
and carefully express that you have some concerns.
5. The situation might lead to a wrongful termination or simply an abusive hostile
environment. Do NOT make accusations until you speak with an attorney and
document your legal advice.
6. The above can serve as defense or offense. Either way, it is documentation.

I hope this helps.

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Old 07-12-2013, 02:59 PM   #5
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I guess the best thing you have a job Just go about your job and not fight it. That's life now days, their is always someone standing by that will fuck you at the drop of a hat. Times has changed, no such thing as loyalty.
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Old 07-12-2013, 06:00 PM   #6
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"""" Keep copies of key documents, e-mail, texts, memos, etc.""""

Keep everything at home, you never know when you are called into a office and told march straight out of the door WE will collect you personal stuff and send it to you

All your performance reviews are gold as there are references for a future job. keep those at home too! keep everything at home!
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Old 07-12-2013, 06:26 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by yardbird74 View Post
This is the kind of person that'll argue with you that there are 6 eggs in the fridge and not 1/2 a dozen till their blue in the face just so that they're right.
I didn't know you worked with wakeup.
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Old 07-12-2013, 06:46 PM   #8
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That's cold but funny.

As to the OP, if you can, reach out to your former mentor and ask them for advice. These problems can only get worse. It's best to address them early before things hit the fan. Your CO SUPERVISION status is not a workable situation. Someone has to be in charge. Unless this issue is resolved the only issue is who gets screwed first.
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Old 07-12-2013, 09:11 PM   #9
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This is the kind of person that'll argue with you that there are 6 eggs in the fridge and not 1/2 a dozen till their blue in the face just so that they're right.
Originally Posted by yardbird74
Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN View Post
I didn't know you worked with wakeup.
Am I the only one here who realizes that 1/2 a dozen IS six?!

I'm sorry about your job situation. Document everything, as previous posters stated. I hope things get better for you.
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Old 07-13-2013, 12:03 AM   #10
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Quit...problem solved...
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Old 07-13-2013, 06:22 AM   #11
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Your coworker is pissed about their loss of control. They are passive-aggressive. They passively acknowledge your comments while aggressively STABBING you in the back in an effort to regain their previous position. While you are seeking advice on this message board they are busily creating a perception of you as incompetent. They are burying you in bullshit. You need to "passively" approach your immediate supervisor/director/whatever and ask ....passively....for a clarification of job responsibilities.....passively share some of what you consider to be "confusion"...don't use that word".....created in the workplace and your efforts to minimize any "conflict".
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Old 07-13-2013, 07:48 AM   #12
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Thank you for the advice everyone.

Most of the communication has been through e-mail - so, if/when the shit hits the fan, there is documentation as to who said what and who knew what the hell was really going on.

I do know who our knew supervisor is going to be, and luckily I have more of a history with this person and they know I got my shit together. So, we'll just see what happens.

Oh, and I'll take Wake-Up's advice if someone is willing to pay my bills. Any sugar mama's out there?
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Old 07-13-2013, 10:51 AM   #13
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Be sure to keep any documents or create documentation of interactions where you were trying to help/fix/correct but getting rebuffed. That way you have not only found a problem but tried to correct it. Supervisors like solutions, or attempted solutions, when presented with a problem.
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Old 07-13-2013, 11:16 AM   #14
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Ultimately, Texas is an "AT WILL" employment state. Unless an employee has some contractual protection an employer can terminate for cause, just because, or even no freaking reason at all.
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Old 07-13-2013, 11:29 AM   #15
Liliana Vess
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Originally Posted by yardbird74 View Post
Oh, and I'll take Wake-Up's advice if someone is willing to pay my bills. Any sugar mama's out there?
WU does have a point in that eventually, you have to suck it up or quit and be done with it all. Being in a similar situation of extreme frustration at work and wanting to punch things, it's difficult to do the whole 'stop doing the extra work' thing, as my work ethic prevents me from doing so.

Originally Posted by lostincypress View Post
Ultimately, Texas is an "AT WILL" employment state. Unless an employee has some contractual protection an employer can terminate for cause, just because, or even no freaking reason at all.
While this is true, having back up evidence, info, etc. can be important for obtaining unemployment benefits if the employer should choose to fight the claim.
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