There are several things to do if things are a little slow. Soze's recommendation to pay for a TER account is a good one. I need to do that. Also, I have had good luck with EROS. It's expensive as escort ads go, but the couple of times I have used it, more than paid for itself. Also, investing in the featured ad and top ten listing on p411 helps. Another suggestion is to try a little traveling. A lot of great towns a couple of hours from Austin, mid-sized towns are great because they aren't inundated with local escorts. College Station springs to mind. I always do really well there. I know its hard when you are low on funds, but you really have to invest in advertising. I read somewhere that most small businesses fail because they don't have a marketing strategy. It's the same with this. One last thing, which I am terrible at, but pics, pics, pics. Our gentlemen friends are extremely visual creatures. New pics once a month would probably go a long way. Note to self: needs new pics
. That's my two cents. Hope you feel better. Nothing worse than being sick AND stressed out about money. Chin up, sweetie