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Old 07-09-2013, 08:16 AM   #46
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
I know you are, Corpy, but what am I?
I know you are, Corpy, but what am I?
I know you are, Corpy, but what am I?
I know you are, Corpy, but what am I?
I know you are, Corpy, but what am I?


Your COMMODUS Operandi is showing Corpy!

Surely you've got better than that ... Nah, probably not. You ever taken a shit on the short bus? Did you play with it? Did you get it all over your protective headgear?

This is ALL that remains of your LIFE on ECCIE, Corpy.

Since you don't contribute elsewhere
Since you don't write reviews off women
Since you don't author threads with original premise
Since this is all you do

This is the totality of your existence on this board.

Sucks to be you.

Oh yeah ... Poo poo! Pee pee! Fuck! fuck! Shit!

Do your part for America! Urge IBSyndrome (aka "Corpy") to post a link to my original Dipshit of the Year poll and admit his blatant lies to the posters of ECCIE.

Tick, tock, Corpy!
What are you blabbering about, you dumb-fuck golem jackass? It was your ignorant, reprobate, dumb-fuck golem ass that was elected:

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Old 07-09-2013, 09:10 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by timpage View Post
He didn't need a single suture....not one stitch anywhere. His injuries were superficial at best. A few cuts and bruises.

Here's a picture of his face after his "MMA asswhipping"

I looked worse after a few high school football games. You don't kill a man for an ass-kicking anyway, at least in the world I live in....especially when you started it by butting your nose into somebody else's business with zero justification.

And, you are dreaming if you think race, on both sides of the issue, hasn't been the pivotal fact in the entire mess. Zimmerman never would have approached a white kid or called the cops on him.

That fact is none of us ever would have heard a word about any of this if it had been one black guy killing another black, a white killing another white, etc etc. The entire thing is about race.

This is the face of someone who took an "asswhipping"? He barely has a mark on him. No busted lips, no black eyes, a slight bruise on his nose and some barely visible scratches. You're definition of an MMA asswhipping is different than mine. It's bullshit and you know it. As for him walking or not, I tend to agree with you. But, anybody thinking they have any clue about what a jury might or might not do, hasn't spent much time in a court room.
TP, all that counts in the eventual verdict is what Zimmerman was thinking when he took the shot, not anyone else, including Trayvon. The neighbor said (testified) that it was an MMA style beating taking place, not Zimmerman...or me. Even if all the kid did was backhand him across the head a couple times, it boils down to Zimmerman's frame of mind.

You conveniently ignore the other two comments in my post, where Trayvon told him he was gonna die tonight and Zimmerman thinking he was going for his gun. MMA style or not, if someone is carrying and gets into any kind of struggle and thinks there is a chance his opponent will take his weapon, he can't let that happen.

Race was without a doubt a factor, after the fact, once the likes of Sharpton and Jackson got involved. Zimmerman had no history of racism that any of his detractors have been able to highlight. In fact, he actually lobbied on behalf of some AA kids that he thought were being treated unfairly not long before this incident. BTW, how do you know how he would have reacted if the kid was white?? Fact is, you don't. You can't even state for certain that he knew Trayvon was black when he first saw him creeping the neighborhood. In the dark, with a dark hoodie over his head. It's bullshit, and you know it.
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Old 07-09-2013, 09:53 AM   #48
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Even if all the kid did was backhand him across the head a couple times, it boils down to Zimmerman's frame of mind.

exactly ...

speaking of MMA

how many people that practice MMA 3 times a week are afraid of contact

how many people that practice MMA 3 times a week scream in the ring when they get their face and head bashed in by elbows, fists, and knees? get their nose REALLY broken and require REAL stitches to fix real lacerations ?

how may people that practice MMA 3 times a week don't have the ability to get a 17 year old kid off them who has no MMA experience, then literally kick their ass after that

people that practice MMA love that shit ...

his frame of mind wasn't to use the skills he practiced 3 times a week and defend himself

the jury has that in the back of their minds
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Old 07-09-2013, 10:38 AM   #49
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He ought to walk the "Green Mile"
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Old 07-09-2013, 10:43 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by acp5762 View Post
He ought to walk the "Green Mile"
Lol, now that was funny
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Old 07-09-2013, 11:00 AM   #51
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I don't think Zimmerman's state of mind matters per se, but what the jury decides if it was reasonable that Zimmerman needed to use lethal force to avoid serious injury / death.

I have no horse in this race, but I think the prosecution from the get go had a hell of a time proving this case. Regardless of what actually happened, the only real witnesses are Zimmerman and Martin... and Martin is dead. Given that we only have Zimmerman's testimony to go by, it'll be tough for the prosecution to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he intended to kill Martin.

Is Zimmerman a dumbass and asshole? Certainly, but proving that he had intent to kill is a completely different story.
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Old 07-09-2013, 11:10 AM   #52
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Man 2

10 years in a cell with Big Black Bubba who likes to talk dirty to screamers
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Old 07-09-2013, 11:26 AM   #53
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Manslaughter is a more reasonable crime to go after than murder in this particular case, imo.
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Old 07-09-2013, 11:50 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by jbravo_123 View Post
Manslaughter is a more reasonable crime to go after than murder in this particular case, imo.
Legally, there is a conflict between manslaughter (negligence) and his self-defense claim.

He intended to pull the trigger and he intended to shoot Martin.

There will be no evidence that Zimmerman was "negligent" in shooting Martin. None.

Following him, not "obeying" the dispatcher, not staying in his truck, etc. etc., are not "negligence" in the discharging of his firearm, which he intentionally removed from the holster, intentionally pointed it at Martin's "center mass," and intentionally pulled the trigger.

It may be easier to legally prove "negligence" for purposes of a manslaughter charged, so long as self-defense was not in play in the scenario. Since it is, it doesn't work.

What are you all going to post if the Judge doesn't submit "manslaughter"?

Play the "dumbshit" Judge card?

And for those of us who are still alive when the appeal is finished, will there be a new thread opened announcing the reversal of his manslaughter conviction?
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Old 07-09-2013, 12:19 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Legally, there is a conflict between manslaughter (negligence) and his self-defense claim.

He intended to pull the trigger and he intended to shoot Martin.

There will be no evidence that Zimmerman was "negligent" in shooting Martin. None.

Following him, not "obeying" the dispatcher, not staying in his truck, etc. etc., are not "negligence" in the discharging of his firearm, which he intentionally removed from the holster, intentionally pointed it at Martin's "center mass," and intentionally pulled the trigger.

It may be easier to legally prove "negligence" for purposes of a manslaughter charged, so long as self-defense was not in play in the scenario. Since it is, it doesn't work.

What are you all going to post if the Judge doesn't submit "manslaughter"?

Play the "dumbshit" Judge card?

And for those of us who are still alive when the appeal is finished, will there be a new thread opened announcing the reversal of his manslaughter conviction?
Everyone is pretty much familiar with 1st and 2nd Degree Murder, but when it comes to Manslaughter it can be confusing. In Zimmerman's case he could've have been charged with Manslaughter if he hadn't shot Martin or even mentioned Self Defense. If Zimmerman, lets say hit Martin several times and his punches caused Martin's death. Zimmerman's case could have gone something along these lines. " I really didn't think I hit him hard enough to kill him. I just wanted this kid to get off of me, I was tired of him sitting on my nuts"
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Old 07-09-2013, 12:54 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by acp5762 View Post
Everyone is pretty much familiar with 1st and 2nd Degree Murder, ...
Really? Not from reading many of the posts in threads on this board. And most didn't know the elements of "self-defense" and still don't, not to mention whose burden of proof it is .. But Hey ...

... they probably stayed at a Holiday Inn Express yesterday, at least for an hour!

As for Zimmerman's "state of mine" it is speculation based on circumstantial evidence as to what a reasonable person would do under the same or similar circumstances and the problem with the "formula" is that reasonable people would do differently, since it is not "one size fits all" when responding to an attack on one's person. It is repeatedly said in posts that Zimmerman intended to kill him or shot him through the heart, etc., ... it is as though in this struggle he was able to un-ass his pistol aim it at Martin's heart and pull. There is NO evidence of that happening and won't be none!
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Old 07-09-2013, 01:15 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Really? Not from reading many of the posts in threads on this board. And most didn't know the elements of "self-defense" and still don't, not to mention whose burden of proof it is .. But Hey ...

... they probably stayed at a Holiday Inn Express yesterday, at least for an hour!

As for Zimmerman's "state of mine" it is speculation based on circumstantial evidence as to what a reasonable person would do under the same or similar circumstances and the problem with the "formula" is that reasonable people would do differently, since it is not "one size fits all" when responding to an attack on one's person. It is repeatedly said in posts that Zimmerman intended to kill him or shot him through the heart, etc., ... it is as though in this struggle he was able to un-ass his pistol aim it at Martin's heart and pull. There is NO evidence of that happening and won't be none!
Well, I meant that in a general sense. I have some problems with this case. Mainly with the way Florida Law defines self defense. I haven't read or heard of anything where Zimmerman actually tried to subdue Martin. In other words did Zimmerman try to subdue Martin empty handed to minimize his assault. Then when Zimmerman realized his efforts where to no avail the use of deadly force was all he had left to keep Martin from projecting great bodily harm or possibly even death. Instead it looks as if Zimmerman immediately went for his gun. Apparently in Florida showing an escalation of force leading to the lawful use of deadly force on an unarmed subject isn't required.
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Old 07-09-2013, 01:28 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by acp5762 View Post
Well, I meant that in a general sense. I have some problems with this case. Mainly with the way Florida Law defines self defense. I haven't read or heard of anything where Zimmerman actually tried to subdue Martin. In other words did Zimmerman try to subdue Martin empty handed to minimize his assault. Then when Zimmerman realized his efforts where to no avail the use of deadly force was all he had left to keep Martin from projecting great bodily harm or possibly even death. Instead it looks as if Zimmerman immediately went for his gun. Apparently in Florida showing an escalation of force leading to the lawful use of deadly force on an unarmed subject isn't required.

absolutely NO attempt to make a citizens arrest, and hold the person until police arrived
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Old 07-09-2013, 01:35 PM   #59
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Me still thinks Zim man gets manslaughter.
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Old 07-09-2013, 02:19 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Legally, there is a conflict between manslaughter (negligence) and his self-defense claim.

He intended to pull the trigger and he intended to shoot Martin.

There will be no evidence that Zimmerman was "negligent" in shooting Martin. None.

Following him, not "obeying" the dispatcher, not staying in his truck, etc. etc., are not "negligence" in the discharging of his firearm, which he intentionally removed from the holster, intentionally pointed it at Martin's "center mass," and intentionally pulled the trigger.

It may be easier to legally prove "negligence" for purposes of a manslaughter charged, so long as self-defense was not in play in the scenario. Since it is, it doesn't work.

What are you all going to post if the Judge doesn't submit "manslaughter"?

Play the "dumbshit" Judge card?

And for those of us who are still alive when the appeal is finished, will there be a new thread opened announcing the reversal of his manslaughter conviction?
Ah gotcha, so since he's admitting "I intended to pull the gun and shoot him, but it was in self-defense" there is no negligence factor that can be used in the manslaughter charge?

So essentially, because of the self-defense claim, the state is forced to put forth a murder claim? (if they want to prosecute him at all)
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