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Old 07-08-2013, 03:04 PM   #991
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Originally Posted by YummyMarie View Post

2. Last time I cried: daily...okay, not daily, but yesterday. I read something on a SHMB and thought WTF is this world coming to?!?! I'm a weakling, what can I say?
My job is to toughen you ladies up.

Crying ...there's no crying in baseball or hookerville!

Originally Posted by YummyMarie View Post
Hint: sarcasm is the spice of life...smh
Now that is wtf I'm talking about. Put on your big girl britches and sling it back!
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Old 07-08-2013, 03:25 PM   #992
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Originally Posted by YummyMarie View Post
For Glynette...after these messages, a real-life YummyStory...
Bronies and Resident evil 4.... the best of both worlds! lol

Thanks lovely!!
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Old 07-08-2013, 03:25 PM   #993
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A few weeks ago, I went out dancing with a girlfriend of mine. She's a blonde-hair, blue-eyed hottie with the all-american barbie doll look, only shorter in height. Yeah, we have a history of hooking-up from time to time, but primarily, we just like to dance and have a good time while scoping out both men and women. We'll call her "Barbie," from this point on.

Now Barbie had invited some other people along whom I had never met. One of them was a cute latina with the angelic face of a young and innocent Hilary Duff. From this point on, I will refer to her as "Hilary." Barbie told me she had just met Hilary recently as well, so I asked Barbie if it would be okay if I flirted with her (Barbie) the way I usually do, considering our history. Barbie smiled coyly and said, "I think that might make some of my friends uncomfortable...Hilary seems a little reserved and uptight."

The night was just getting started, but I could feel the naughty side of YM emerging, and thoughts of testing the waters with the so-called "up-tight" Hilary began dancing around my head in a most defiant way...

The club we went to had an array of different dance areas with music tailored to different themes for the variety of its patrons. Hilary and I were the only Latinas in the the group, so naturally, we asked around to see if anyone would join us in bachata, cumbia, or salsa dancing. No luck, so after enjoying some drinks and other more mainstream beats, we were left to our own devices to get our latin fix. Laughing and having a good time, we grabbed each others hands and mutually pulled each other onto the dance floor. Yes, I was woman, but I could tell the curiosity was rising in her. There were many cheers and eyebrow lifts, light touches, and exaggerated conversations which led others to believe we were deaf for getting so close to each other to speak. By the end of the evening we had been singing karaoke, and toward the end of the way-too-sappy chick-song, hers arms were gripped tightly around my waste (note...there are 2 other ladies in our group on stage not getting this kind of treatment). And caught on a video which we laughed about later, my hands had found themselves cupping her natural breasts (damn...this is where I noticed the "up-tight," as her clothing kept me from feeling the warmth of her skin). No, she DID NOT refuse or even wince at their placement. Did I mention that her boyfriend was home sleeping? Did I mention that her male co-worker was there? She had plenty of reason to be uptight. But alas, I am a gentlewoman (at first), and said our giggling goodbyes and exchanged numbers...

She called me the evening of the 4th of July...ready to party...(to be continued)...
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Old 07-08-2013, 07:08 PM   #994
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Hot story YM.
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Old 07-08-2013, 07:49 PM   #995
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Haven't gotten to the hot part yet...

Un/fortunately I have surprise out of town visitors this week, so the next installment will have to be tomorrow sometime.

While we are awaiting the next installment, please finish this sentence with truth or fiction to your desired amusement:

"This one time at (bandcamp) I..."

Until then, I'm sending my love to my very patient and perveted peeps...muah!
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Old 07-08-2013, 09:30 PM   #996
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"This one time at (bandcamp) I..." Masturbated in my tent (silently) and received several mosquito bites for the trouble.
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Old 07-08-2013, 10:41 PM   #997
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This one time at band camp Sally played my flute.
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Old 07-08-2013, 11:07 PM   #998
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This one time at band camp.... well.... I really wanted that Klondike Bar...
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Old 07-09-2013, 07:35 AM   #999
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Originally Posted by YummyMarie View Post
For Glynette...after these messages, a real-life YummyStory...

Nightmare Moon is awesome.

Originally Posted by thirtyfour View Post
"This one time at (bandcamp) I..." Masturbated in my tent (silently) and received several mosquito bites for the trouble.
When I was in high school, "mosquito bites" was a term used to describe chicks with small boobs. Maybe you're saying you got lucky with a small-breasted woman?
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Old 07-09-2013, 08:10 AM   #1000
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Old 07-09-2013, 08:17 AM   #1001
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This one time at (bandcamp) I was lucky enough to watch a sexy woman masturbate with a hitachi wand and squirt so much and so far it was unbelievable!
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Old 07-09-2013, 09:45 AM   #1002
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Originally Posted by YummyMarie View Post
Stay tuned for the story of my "Aiding in the corruption of a perfectly grown-ass woman..."


The random HOT DREAM I had last night about Olivia Howard...mmm


BONUS FEATURE: Web-camming with theCFE. Note to self..."Invest in flood Insurance."
LOL, you know you're on my list of sexy, hot ladies ! Do tell..................
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Old 07-09-2013, 11:35 AM   #1003
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Originally Posted by stickitinyou View Post
This one time at (bandcamp) I was lucky enough to watch a sexy woman masturbate with a hitachi wand and squirt so much and so far it was unbelievable!
REALLY?!?! What a coincidence!!! Was your bandcamp in Las Vegas too?
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Old 07-09-2013, 03:19 PM   #1004
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So it was the evening of the 3rd of July, and I had tentative plans to hang out with a friend and her hubby. They had endured a tough work week, so by the end of the evening, they weren't feeling down to put up with my usual night-owl shenanigans. I forgave them for being responsible adults, and within a couple of minutes, my phone went off. Hilary was up for dancing, but her boyfriend was a being a hermit, and she wanted to have some fun.

Interestingly enough, when I didn't return Hilary's call immediately, she called up her old high school sweetheart. That tells me she's looking for trouble. We meet up, make introductions to the man she has in tow, and get our dance on. This time, there are no co-workers or new friends around to keep up the illusions of being uptight. The fun ensues as we pick up where we left off. Unlike the last time, the drinks are flowing more easily for her, and I have a good time allowing a few gents to spin me around and pay my tab. As she and I return to each other, we've both eased into a more comfortable and touchy-feely flirtation. I leave little hints here and there about my attraction to women, contemporaneously complimenting her sexiness and the appeal of other beautiful ladies that cross our path on the dance floor. She is all smiles and beginning to grind on me. I'm amused that the guy that she is there with is acting so non-chalant like he "be big pimp-in." He has no idea what kind of force of nature he is dealing with when YM enters his world... I'm thinking, "Does he realize he's the chump here?" But honestly I'm okay with that as I'm in no hurry to take advantage of this girl. He can have her once I get her worked-up, and if I choose to go further, he can have my leftovers. The way I see it, I'm doing this dude a favor

During one of the last song or two, she's flashes her pearly whites at me, grabs my hand and waist, and plants a sweet and taunting kiss on my cheek. It's past "drunk-thirty," and they begin to turn on the club lights. She looks at me and proclaims, "I'm not ready for this night to end, where are we going now." Those big brown eyes linger on me in hopes that I've got the answer. "Let's find and after-hours club," she suggests. YM knows of one after hours club, but it would have been a little over the top for newbie (and I am much too gentle-womanly to watch her get eaten alive by drunken, horny swingers).

The club closes and we haven't come to a concrete decision, but we do agree to meet up around the corner at a fast food joint to discuss our options. My answer: I have an apartment in the city, stocked with the finer, more fun things in life. Does she know this is my "incall?" Not at all. As far as she is concerned, I am a lady who owns my own business (which I do) and does well enough to have a place in the suburbs, and a party/crash pad in the city. And who am I to burst her bubble? I present the latter option, and she eagerly, "says, YES, OMG! Let's go to your place. I am SO READY to fuuuuck!" I think, "wow, she's looking at me, but her dude is looking at me too, hoping that I throw him a bone...hehehe."


She and her dude follow me to my med-center incall. I call a male friend of mine to join us at the incall. I have decided AGAINST taking advantage at this point, and figure I would take the pressure off of her by evening the male:female ratio. Upon her arrival, we pour some drinks and I give her the tour. She is in awe of my set-up, and comments about how it is like walking into a model-home. I don't know about all of that, but I am proud of it. We put on some sexy beats and the men just chill, wondering what's next.

She and I sit on the bed and she turns to my nightstand. On the second shelf, she notices my Hitachi Magic wand and grabs it immediately. "Hey, what's this?" she asks..."oh just little bit of fun for the bedroom." I snatch it from her, we take a sip of our drinks, and with my other hand, I flip on the switch. She's eyes me curiously, but I don't hesitate after I set my drink down. I put it in front of her face between the two of us like a giant undulating microphone (karaoke flashback). "Feel this," I say while motioning her hand to grab its head and feel the intense vibrations. Her eyes widen as she grabs it and giggles. Her guy walks in and makes himself comfortable on the bed next to us as he observes our little show and tell. I still have it gripped at its base and guide it lightly down her chest, and confidently press it firmly between her legs. She shudders..."wow..." I don't intend to pounce, only tease, so I let up and allow her to toy with it a little more as I get up to give her some cooling off space. She sips her drink, and picks it up a few more times to playfully poke and prod her dude with it. He is getting tired, I can tell, but is willing himself to stay awake to collect some bread crumbs. She puts it down and turns once again to the night stand. She notices something that most people overlook. Pushed to the back of one of the shelves is a plastic shoe box. "What else do you have here?" Hilary Duff is about to lose her innocence I think to myself...

To her blushing delight, she examines the numerous naughty, phallic, and battery-operated devices in this small treasure chest. When asked why do I have so many, I simply answer that I like toy stores, am filled with curiosity, and possess a healthy sexual appetite. In her eyes, I was a rock-star.

This is where my story ends...for now. I offer the two of them the comfort of my bed, while I turn my attention on my gentleman friend in the living area. By this time, her senses were heightened, her curiosity piqued, and her man needed a reward for driving her around to chase her white-rabbit.

She wants to be conquered. She NEEDS to be conquered. The guy in the bed was a temporary substitute for whatever she has been missing at home. I have no doubt they would have found a quiet place to get their freak on. Did I corrupt her? No; I just provided the excitement she craved that night. I am guilty of no more and no less.
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Old 07-09-2013, 04:59 PM   #1005
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YM you are guilty of corrupting that young woman. We all know you are leading up to getting your hands on her body and do nasty things. We out here all wish we could be a fly on the wall to watch you debase her.
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