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Old 07-05-2013, 10:41 PM   #46
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you forgot about the donkey.

Originally Posted by ElamEno View Post
Okay we have a Spicy Woman, Bubba you grap the beer, rumor has it that BigCountry made a run on the popcorn, I'll bring the Tabasco sauce and we can all meet up at Coach's.
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Old 07-05-2013, 10:42 PM   #47
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Can I be in the cool kid's club even though I'm retired? If so, I want a cool lookin jacket or at least a tshirt.
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Old 07-05-2013, 10:46 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by clusterlizard View Post
you forgot about the donkey.
Don't think so .... newbies
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Old 07-05-2013, 11:03 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Martyoo7 View Post
So if I delete all of my reviews can I join the cool kids club?

Now that is funny!!!!!!

Can we take a moment....just to lighten things up

Ok, membership applications are beginning to fly base on this on the other thread's push....who else??

And of course it is always about the ladies.....but sharing info always will lead to better experiences!!!
It's another way around the "doing reviews is the only relevant....".

Get it??
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Old 07-05-2013, 11:13 PM   #50
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a provider: you should have a party, invite some of the people from the board.
me: why the fuck would i want to do that?

Originally Posted by ElamEno View Post
Don't think so .... newbies
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Old 07-06-2013, 06:36 AM   #51
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[QUOTE=parttimeplayer;105331642 4
I am assuming you may be a democrat. I asked simple questions in my first post and of course, you didn't answer.


OMG, hot coffee out the nose on this one. One of the "sideline gang"
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Old 07-06-2013, 03:09 PM   #52
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I'm confused....again! I thought there were two types/groups of people on this board.....the lovely ladies and the guys. Now I hear we have the haters, Malwoody's gang, the cool guys gang, the sideline gang, the angry guys, the guys that have done 500 reviews gang...and on and on.....

Can I get a little help here? What group do I belong to? What group should I aspire to be in? Do I have to fill out an application for any of these groups. Is there a certain set of criteria I have to meet to join? Is there a secret handshake or code I need to know?

I'm feeling a bit left out! Hopefully someone will help me figure things out!
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Old 07-06-2013, 04:37 PM   #53
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You belong in the cool ass mo fo ex moderators gang, ya big dummy.
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Old 07-06-2013, 04:48 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by JS42 View Post
You belong in the cool ass mo fo ex moderators gang, ya big dummy.
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Old 07-06-2013, 06:34 PM   #55
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LOL JS.....thanks.....I think!?!?!?!?
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Old 07-07-2013, 09:48 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by Johnny4455 View Post
You've called me disrespectful of women, hypocrite, anger management issues, and now a safety issue. All false. I got another name for you.
Actually that is not exactly correct. I said in Baileys thread about answering her question that your reply to her was disrespectful..and I believe it was, that is not the same thing as accusing you of being "disrespectful of women" but rather making one comment that I found disrespectful and furthermore, I never called you a "hypocrite" either, I stated that said reply by you was "kinda hyprocritical". I critisized a post you made and I can't find anywhere where I ever called you a name..like "d-bag, prick or trollwoody". However, I gave you permission to call me anything you like...and by all means if doing so makes you feel better about yourself....

Originally Posted by Johnny4455 View Post
Trollwoody, one more chance to clarify your earlier post.. are you suggesting that I am a threat to the safety of a provider? It appears to me that is what you posted.
Well you tell me...you admit you have PMd him.. you reoundly chastised me for "layin bait" on the 27th and shortly thereafter I got the PM which BTW is about the darkest thing I have read since Cowtown days...Would you like me to foward it to you so you can read it as well and yes, I believe you have anger issues as well...the continued use of "Trollwoody" says as much..but hey, it's not like you're the only one who has favored it...

Oh and one more thing...the apology, I've re-read the SPA thread and it looks to me like after quoting me and then posting "stupid posting asshole" that that is indeed what you were calling me. You begged to differ so I apologized for the misunderstanding nothing more...I would be happy to publish it here so you can explain to me why I got the wrong idea...
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Old 07-07-2013, 10:08 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by parttimeplayer View Post
Malwoody, there, that better, you seem a little sensitive to cute spinoffs of your handle.

I see where you have posted 2383 times on the little counter. I wonder how many of those could be considered smirky, pointed, and otherwise useless if put up to a vote.

I also see you have your white knights. (that may be the funniest part yet)

I am assuming you may be a democrat. I asked simple questions in my first post and of course, you didn't answer.

I lumped an assumption about you with another poster and you got upset. (HC). But yet you claim I may have anger issues. That is funny.

The simple observation I have is that through the 2383 posts you have made on this sight is this, I have yet to see where you take what others say with any seriousness at all.

Like the rest of us, some of your shit is funny, sometimes right on, but once in a while though you are wrong in the eyes of other posters. When they call you on it, That is when your train comes off the track.

That is all I have to say. Except for the occasional "Yes Malwoody" post the next time you set your sights on whom ever is next in line.
"Malwoody, there, that better, you seem a little sensitive to cute spinoffs of your handle."

Really??..I have no problem with your "bent" whatever, if it makes you feel better about yourself, by all means..

"I see where you have posted 2383 times on the little counter. I wonder how many of those could be considered smirky, pointed, and otherwise useless if put up to a vote."

Maybe you could put up the poll..after all that would be valuable info for this forum...

"I also see you have your white knights. (that may be the funniest part yet)"

I find it amusing as well...I had no idea...

"I am assuming you may be a democrat. I asked simple questions in my first post and of course, you didn't answer"

You know if you want to talk politics, there is a subforum on the national board..me, I never discuss politics or religion on a Hooker board but just to help you out a wee bit...Am I a Democrat?..Depends entirely on the issue..of course I guess I can assume since you accused me on being a Dem, you must be a Republican.

"I lumped an assumption about you with another poster and you got upset. (HC). But yet you claim I may have anger issues. That is funny."

Once again, you misunderstand...I get upset when a Hooker gets beat up or some dipshit gets busted..in regards to HC, he made it clear that he didn't appreciate being drug into threads he had no part in so when you invoked his name in something he had nothing to do with I wondered why...Still do..

"The simple observation I have is that through the 2383 posts you have made on this sight is this, I have yet to see where you take what others say with any seriousness at all."

You are entitled to your opinion,,,I respectfully disagree...

"Like the rest of us, some of your shit is funny, sometimes right on, but once in a while though you are wrong in the eyes of other posters. When they call you on it, That is when your train comes off the track."

So I was wrong to do or say...?? If you would kindly provide an example I would be glad to discuss..oh and lastly, My "train" is rolling down the tracks just fine...
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Old 07-07-2013, 10:20 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by malwoody View Post
Glad you brought it up....lets talk about safety...shall we. I consider the two folks who like to use the term "Trollwoody" to have anger issues...when someone takes a SHMB so seriously that they blow a gasket and spew threats towards me and others...personally attack and name call..I consider that a possible safety issue and I couldn't agree with you more about keeping this board "safe"...and to "..
Trollwooddy, you're last post is your little spin on a lot of things, mostly trying to suggest that I am somehow involved with the poster that threatened you. You've been working real hard to make your attacks on me somehow linked to that threat. How many times have i posted that a threat to another poster is wrong? I never communicated with that guy, not once , until after you brought up his threat, and yes, I did pm him suggesting he should apologize and never do that again. I also suggested that he never respond to the bait you lay on this board. You've admitted that is how you use this board, to lay bait, you even adopted layin bait as your signature line. That other poster did apologize to you.

You've saif two things in this thread, that show your colors. One, see the post above. Your words. You suggested in a coed forum that i have anger management issues, and that i am a possible safety issue. Second, you now suggest that I had something to do with another poster threatening you. You ought to be ashamed of that, but you are not. That adds to your fun with using this board as your social outlet. Your an Internet hooker board troll. Your hobby is this board, not the hobby. Truth is trollwooddy, that probably every women i have been with in this hobby would say i acted in a very respectful way with them. Truth is trollwooddy, i do not have "anger management issues" . Truth is i have never suggested to anyone to threaten someone else.

Am I angry that you have suggested in a coed forum that i am a safety issue to providers, and that i was a party to threats made to you? yes, I am angry. It's bullshit what you are doing.

What are you going to do about it trollwooddy? Consider these false accusations against me fair "bait" you lay in your trolling, and come back with a responsive post that is snarky, and not funny? Or are you going to be honest and admit you went too far with these two false accusations?

Honestly trollwooddy, can't you admit that saying i am a threat to providers, or that i was part of a threat to you is wrong?
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Old 07-07-2013, 10:34 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by Johnny4455 View Post
Trollwooddy, you're last post is your little spin on a lot of things, mostly trying to suggest that I am somehow involved with the poster that threatened you. You've been working real hard to make your attacks on me somehow linked to that threat. How many times have i posted that a threat to another poster is wrong? I never communicated with that guy, not once , until after you brought up his threat, and yes, I did pm him suggesting he should apologize and never do that again. I also suggested that he never respond to the bait you lay on this board. You've admitted that is how you use this board, to lay bait, you even adopted layin bait as your signature line. That other poster did apologize to you.

You've saif two things in this thread, that show your colors. One, see the post above. Your words. You suggested in a coed forum that i have anger management issues, and that i am a possible safety issue. Second, you now suggest that I had something to do with another poster threatening you. You ought to be ashamed of that, but you are not. That adds to your fun with using this board as your social outlet. Your an Internet hooker board troll. Your hobby is this board, not the hobby. Truth is trollwooddy, that probably every women i have been with in this hobby would say i acted in a very respectful way with them. Truth is trollwooddy, i do not have "anger management issues" . Truth is i have never suggested to anyone to threaten someone else.

Am I angry that you have suggested in a coed forum that i am a safety issue to providers, and that i was a party to threats made to you? yes, I am angry. It's bullshit what you are doing.

What are you going to do about it trollwooddy? Consider these false accusations against me fair "bait" you lay in your trolling, and come back with a responsive post that is snarky, and not funny? Or are you going to be honest and admit you went too far with these two false accusations?

Honestly trollwooddy, can't you admit that saying i am a threat to providers, or that i was part of a threat to you is wrong?
Yeah...let's talk about spin...I noticed you convienently omitted the namecalling you accused me of because it does not exist... and hey...you and you alone chastised me in a very strong way about how I dealt with the youngster...tell you what Johnny..I'm going to foward you the PM...yeah..you read it and then tell me where I was wrong to poke him...sorry man...the fact that you protested so strongly and you were the ONLY one gave me great pause...hey you didn't call me a "d-bag" and a "prick" after I said anything...you stated that you "always" thought I was those terms of endearment...I've critisized what you posted... and the worst name I ever called you was "Johnnyboy"...

PM on the way...
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Old 07-07-2013, 10:52 PM   #60
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Check out # 29 and tell me what that looks like....?...Explain to me how I would NOT think you were calling me a "Stupid posting asshole"...

Read those PMs yet??
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