Originally Posted by Abbey_Jones
"If you can make a woman laugh, you can make her do anything." ~Marilyn Monroe
Let's not go down that road; we'd just be reprising my response to the "Intelligence is so sexy" comment. Suffice it to say, neither being intelligent or being funny has ever gotten me laid without...
HOWEVER... if you are willing to take my advice about TV shows to watch, catch
Archer sometime. If there's a funnier show on television I don't care if I ever find it.
Ideally, start with Season 1, and watch all of them in order (there's some semblance of continuity in the series; watching episodes out-of-order won't completely kill the experience for you, but I think it makes a lot more sense to watch the show in broadcast order). Seasons 1-3 are available either on DVD or via Netflix Streaming (if you have that); Season 4 is available for pre-order on Amazon.com (yes, I own Seasons 1-3, and I have pre-ordered Season 4; how could you tell?

FX ordered a fifth season; if past practice is any guide the Season 4 DVD will probably be released in late December, 2013 or early January, 2014, with the fifth season premiere closely following in early-to-mid January, 2014 (lasting 13 episodes). Keep an eye on FX in your local listings, but last season it ran Thursday nights at 10 Eastern / 9 Central.
And if you can't get enough of
Archer (I certainly can't), there's a book, too:
How to Archer: The Ultimate Guide to Espionage and Style and Women and Also Cocktails Ever Written, by Sterling Archer (who else?). Kindle or dead-tree versions, take your pick.