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Old 06-19-2013, 06:43 PM   #16
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He has also stated that just because the OP asks, does not mean it should be... especially if the OP is getting his ass handed to him.
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Old 06-19-2013, 06:45 PM   #17
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Hey Crypt....first off, we all know this is not a life or death situation. And thanks for your insight.

And yes, I understand our current mods are out of commission....so thanks to all of you guys for helping out.

Secondly, yes I realize that an admin is allowed to moderate in any area. And certainly it is not your job (or I'm sure your wishes) to answer for anyone's action other than your own.

But I would think that, in addition to an Admin having the ability to moderate anywhere on Eccie. He would also be the best informed, in terms of enforcing St Chris' rules.

Now correct me if I'm wrong...but doesn't St Chris generally hate seeing the closing of threads?? Sure there are those situations which mod closing of a thread is correct.
But I thought simply having the OP's request of closing a thread was no longer a reason.

OPPPPPSSSSS>>>>>I see we have a couple of postings going on, at the same time. Thus double ground being covered at the same time.

Guess us hillbillies in KC, got used to outstanding moderating from our local mods. I guess we will need to put up with you lesser knowledgeable Mods/admins until
our Rock Star Mods get back in town.....where is the sarcastic font when I need it, LOL

And yes...if this is the biggest problem we have both in Eccie land, as well as during our day. Then today is a GREAT DAY!!!
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Old 06-19-2013, 06:46 PM   #18
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It was the admin's decision sir. In his opinion based on all the factors he felt it was time to close the thread. I would suggest you PM him directly to find out his reasons. I have already told you what was probably the reason.
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Old 06-19-2013, 06:58 PM   #19
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Again thanks Crypt...this small debate is really not your headache.

Thanks for being a good sport.

Will be interesting to see if the Great and Mighty Admin decides to stick his toe into this discussion.
IMO, I'm guessing not, since we all know his closing was an over reaction.

But again, wouldn't this be nice, if it was the biggest issue all of us Eccie members were facing, lol

Anybody want to meet at Coach's......I'm kidding, for gosh sakes

EDIT: Modda, perhaps when you get back in town, you can supplement your Eccie income, with some Eccie training income to Admins & out of town Mods on
how to properly inforce St Chris's rules for Eccie land!!!
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Old 06-19-2013, 07:19 PM   #20
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Default As the moderating and administrating turns....

Crypt - thank you for your thoughtful and informative posts regarding the closing of a particular thread in specific and closing of threads in general.

Not that you care, but I am fundamentally and vehemently opposed to closing any thread or moving it to the staff room when considering that other methods of dealing with whatever issue arises within a thread are available to a moderator and in this case an administrator.

Techniques such as editing out the offensive or statements that run afoul of the guidelines and nudging the discussion back on track are much more effective ways of dealing with situations such as this.

Even in the case of an OP requesting the closing of a thread, proper thought and discretion should be exercised instead of the almighty "CLOSED" action.

However, as we all know, the egos of the administrators and "Super Moderators" (what a joke that title is) must be satisfied above all else.

So, Chica Chaser, enjoy your power as we look upon you with disdain!

And as VK said, if this is the worst thing we must endure in ECCIE EGO land, we're still having a pretty good day! I had a great one going and I'm going back to it!

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Old 06-19-2013, 09:23 PM   #21
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Default Chica Chaser

Originally Posted by CryptKicker View Post
It was the admin's decision sir. In his opinion based on all the factors he felt it was time to close the thread. I would suggest you PM him directly to find out his reasons. I have already told you what was probably the reason.
I think he has a tendency to throw his weight around and I'm surprised he has been at it this long and after reading through the thread again and then seeing him close it...well it raises some questions.

I wonder what some of the folks in the fight club might think?

Be nice if the CEO weighed in.
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Old 06-20-2013, 08:04 PM   #22
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I'm not going to second guess the decision to close the thread but I will say I think the person that closed it owes you guys an explanation.

I know from many years of experience being a moderator/admin that not everyone is always going to agree with everything you do.....actually you learn that in the first week! LOL!! Lord knows I made some (ok….probably a lot of) decisions that weren't very popular with some people but.....I always tried to explain why I made the decision. I would also listen to what the people who disagreed had to say. Sometimes they changed my mind and sometimes we had to agree to disagree but at least I did my best to explain why. In my not so humble opinion the members that support this site deserve that……..

Time for me to return to my own little reality!

Be safe everyone and HAVE FUN!!!
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Old 06-20-2013, 08:40 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Bubba View Post
I'm not going to second guess the decision to close the thread but I will say I think the person that closed it owes you guys an explanation.

I know from many years of experience being a moderator/admin that not everyone is always going to agree with everything you do.....actually you learn that in the first week! LOL!! Lord knows I made some (ok….probably a lot of) decisions that weren't very popular with some people but.....I always tried to explain why I made the decision. I would also listen to what the people who disagreed had to say. Sometimes they changed my mind and sometimes we had to agree to disagree but at least I did my best to explain why. In my not so humble opinion the members that support this site deserve that……..

Time for me to return to my own little reality!

Be safe everyone and HAVE FUN!!!

Think about it.

Most of the guys here are threatened by the BBC.

But ECCIE charges the same for premium access.

Maybe you could give the nervous bunch a discount, based on, hmm, length or something.
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Old 07-03-2013, 05:53 PM   #24
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Looks like another mod decided to close a thread


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Old 07-03-2013, 06:01 PM   #25
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Default Correction....

Not just a "mod" but a "Super Moderator"! There is evidently a distinct difference, not just semantic.
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Old 07-03-2013, 06:02 PM   #26
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I'm guessing someone, I wonder who, kept hitting the red triangle "help me" button...just a hunch

Why does the phrase...."Young, dumb, and living with mum" phrase come to mind???

And this after St Chris recent appearance in today's KC forum, approving members policing members

Yea, Yea and his talk about the "Welcome" forum guidelines.

Some of these Mods should go start their on Site, instead of enforcing their views...rather than St Chris views. After all, he just owns this joint, lol

Of course after these posts....I'm sure we will get the "politically correct" view from some out-of-state poster, justifying the closing, highjacking threads, blah, blah, blah

But in reality, I think that thread has probably served it purpose, just fine, lol

Dam shit stirrers!!!!!
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Old 07-03-2013, 06:28 PM   #27
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What he said!

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Old 07-03-2013, 08:17 PM   #28
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Hopefully no one will threaten to "kick my ass" if I offer my take on a couple things. Those that know me know how fragile and timid I am.....

Ok....here goes, but remember, be gentle, I am very sensitive!

First....as for closing the thread noted in eframz’s post – I think Bearcub handled it very well. The thread should have been closed. The thread was clearly an ad posted in the wrong area. I also applaud the fact that it appears he took no action against anyone in that thread (if he did and I missed it…then so be it….it was probably the right thing to do). He could very well have given a few people points for a variety of reasons and suspended or banned the Youngster for his threats! Also, like many of you, I have never been a fan of staff taking actions in areas they are not assigned, except in emergencies, but……as I understand it the local staff is on sabbatical so Bearcub stepped in to help. GOOD ON HIM!! I’m not saying all of this because I think any of the current staff need my “validation or approval” of their actions. I am speaking to this because I am a member with an opinion. I call BS when I see it just as I say Good Job when I see that as well!

Now then, on to the direction the thread took…..it’s probably just as well that I missed it because thanks to BigCountry hoarding it all, I couldn’t find any popcorn. Ok…back to my thoughts on that thread…..you know, on second thought I will just put this way, I think a guy I have known and respected for a long while took a young man to school. I truly hope that young man learned something though my fear is all was for naught. I also am very afraid that the angry displayed in that thread could be directed at other, much more vulnerable people. I do of course, hope I am way off base!!

My long time mantra is and always will be….If you can’t have fun, don’t show up!!

Just the thoughts of a lost and wandering soul……………
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Old 07-04-2013, 07:48 AM   #29
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Seems to me some people around here are pretty selective when it comes to what threads are okay to close.
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Old 07-04-2013, 07:59 AM   #30
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JS42.....are you by chance referring to me? Inquiring minds would like to know.
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