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Old 06-20-2013, 09:15 PM   #16
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I'm here for the variety. Sometimes, shallow is good.
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Old 06-21-2013, 07:09 AM   #17
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I must be a very shallow person.

I understand what the OP is talking about and it lends more credence to the WALDT concept. I do have children older than some providers here. I never bought into the concept of feeling bad about dating girls younger than my own. I built a chain pharmacy buding in Stephenville while my daughter attended classes at that local university. I had the opportunity to date a girl her same age. I did and would again. WALDT

Looking back at some of the grammar threads, I posted that I didn't care if the provider could be grammatically correct in her postings. I was going to have sex with her, not debate her. When it comes to a hard body younger provider, I have one goal in mind. It's my illusion and I can fill it any way I want. If by the norm it makes me shallow, brand me.

I do agree that being able to carry on a conversation on an extended visit is vital. In that situation I need her to have some concept of current events. Conversation fills time between rounds and perhaps brings the two closer together for the ultimate illusion of passion.
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Old 06-21-2013, 09:28 AM   #18
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+1 cheater.

when i am paying for an hour of companionship i ain't lookin to have an intellectual conversation......
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Old 06-21-2013, 10:37 AM   #19
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I have yet to find a woman who can carry on an intelligent conversion while her mouth is full...
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Old 06-21-2013, 11:10 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by WTM View Post
I know that what I am about to share with everyone is very "shallow." But when it comes to beautiful women, I am naturally very "shallow" (and I do not take offense to "shallowness" in the ladies either).

Anyway . . . .

When it comes to the ladies, especially the younger hotties, my sentiments are best expressed by John Milton (played by Al Pacino) in The Devil's Advocate:

"There's this beautiful girl just fucked me forty ways from Sunday. We're done. She's walking to the bathroom. She's trying to walk. She turns. She looks. It's me. Not the Trojan army just fucked her. Little ol' me. She has this look on her face like: 'How the hell did that happen ?' "

There is nothing better -- except doing it again, and again, and again.

+ 100
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Old 06-21-2013, 12:29 PM   #21
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I understand your reason and logic behind only seeking women over 35 years old. It makes sense to me, because the clients I am personally most compatible with are those 45 and over. It isn't because I dislike or have anything against younger men, it is just a compatibility pattern I have recognized. At the same time, if I were to find a client that liked all of the same bands as I do, I don't think that alone would tell me anything about our compatibility.

A person who knows the members in a band might still get on my nerves. We can have everything in common, but if the person is immature and loud and talking about girlfriend or boyfriend issues, I am sorry but I need to run the other way. I don't find someone's knowledge of band members to be grounds for determining whom to arrange a date.

I like to learn. If I only meet with people who have the same knowledge as myself, I'm less likely to learn new things. If I could paint a picture, it would be of two people facing each other, and in my hand is a thought. My fist is closed, holding on tightly to a thought. Now, do I want to give the thought to the person in front of me, putting it in their head, teaching them something new. Or do I want to take the thought, putting it in my head, and me learning something new. Do I want to add to my brain and my knowledge and understanding, or do I want merely voice what I have already mulled over. I like to learn, which is why I find it fun meeting with friends with whom I honestly have very little in common.

There's the physical aspect to the hobby, but for me, it's nice to have at least an ounce of chemistry. My reason for age is maturity, being able to carry an adult conversation, and the challenge. I am not sure I would need the same likes and similar interests to hit it off with someone.

It appears you're tired of meeting dummies and bimbos and you want something more than just a hot body in front of you. To providers in their 20's, I can almost see you saying, "Dammit you fucking idiots!" While age and experience brings wisdom, I wouldn't throw every provider under the bus who is under 35. In the same way, I wouldn't assume every provider over 35 will be your heaven on earth.

I appreciate your post. It is nice to see people out there who need more than a hot body to get turned on.

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Old 06-21-2013, 03:44 PM   #22
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While I agree with txcowboy mostly, how younger than your daughter is creepy and all of that, but having been musically involved since I was 12 I have to diverge a little. Yeah, the old stuff is great, especially the great old stuff, but culture and technology move on. I heard all that the first time, and there's ELP and EWF and Hendrix and all sortsa shit on the ipod, but there's also recent music. Sometimes I don't even know what it is, I just pick an internet radio station and let it record over night. I do know that the "Americana" movement is probably the dreaded folk music resurrection James Taylor spoke about in his concerts past and present, and I can do without whiners and mandolins, but we should all be open to any music, whether we like it, or understand it or even if it makes us incomfortable. Music is a by product of the culture it was produced in, and if you tune that out the world is passing you by.

And all you, my old mofo contemporaries, are damn near an embarassment sometimes with your stick in the mud musical tastes and comments. I mean, wtf, you guys sound JUST LIKE MY PARENTS did when I stayed up till midnight to hear Hendrix on AM radio. Like what you like, but keep your mind and your ears open.
Just sayin'.

And what daty/o said? That has validity on a case by case basis!
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Old 06-22-2013, 12:33 PM   #23
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Not too long ago I was sitting in a dark little strip joint, almost weeping with nostalgia while the DJ played that 1993 tune Dreams. As the music drew to it's close, a toothsome young lady, probably born the same year the tune was, sat down beside me. "I bet you don't know who's singing," I said. "Cranberries," she replied. Instant love.
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Old 06-22-2013, 02:06 PM   #24
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To the OP: There is always something in common. They have the lock, I have the key that match.
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Old 06-25-2013, 11:35 AM   #25
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To each his own...and for me I prefer (not in an exclusive way..simple said "I'd rather") be with women that have some of my life experiences. Music was simply one of many realms that get my attention. Others might be "Who's Lady Bird Johnson?".....Point to Hanoi on a World Map (trick question).....Who is Ho Chi Mihn?.....Who's Dan Pastorini? Who's Lew Alcindor?

I prefer some semblance of a connection (no..not the one you form once you're rolled the condom into place!) to make the session worthwhile.
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Old 06-25-2013, 04:28 PM   #26
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9 times out of 10 I'll pick closer to my age but every once in a while, the option to go younger gets the 10th choice.
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Old 06-25-2013, 06:51 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by txcwby6 View Post
To each his own...and for me I prefer (not in an exclusive way..simple said "I'd rather") be with women that have some of my life experiences. Music was simply one of many realms that get my attention. Others might be "Who's Lady Bird Johnson?".....Point to Hanoi on a World Map (trick question).....Who is Ho Chi Mihn?.....Who's Dan Pastorini? Who's Lew Alcindor?

I prefer some semblance of a connection (no..not the one you form once you're rolled the condom into place!) to make the session worthwhile.
Ted Kennedy was shot???
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