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Old 06-13-2013, 09:57 AM   #16
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+1 to what Raquel said. Know who you are visiting well. That is your best line of defense against getting caught.

That aside; Its legal to visit someone in a hotel/motel. People do it all the time. Its legal to have sex in a hotel/motel. People do it all the time. People come and go all the time in hotels/motels. Its normal and expected. The front desk may keep an eye out for people that do not fit so knowing the provider does not go in dressed as a street walker is important. But they expect people they do not know to be coming and going.

Fitting in and acting like everyone else is the best way to not be noticed. Lots of guys coming and going for an hour at a time at an appartment or home is FAR more likley to be noticed by neighbors because its not normal behavior. As for cameras, yes, most hotels/motels have them. Now a days, lots of home and apartments have them too so your very likley on someones camera if you got to a home or appartment as well.

If your being set up for a sting it does not matter where you go. Looking like you are doing the same things as everyone else around you will lower your visablitly.
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Old 06-13-2013, 11:27 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing View Post
Lots of guys coming and going for an hour at a time at an appartment or home is FAR more likley to be noticed by neighbors because its not normal behavior.
This has always concerned me about apartment incalls. Especially if the woman does not live there. I always wonder the neighbors know or think. I know we live in a world where we barely know our neighbors, and pay less attention to them than in the past, but certain things have to be noticed even if the neighbor is not nosy. It's been a long time, but back in the days when I lived in an apartment, you'd notice certain things, most obviously if someone was actually living there. So ladies, i am sure it has come up before, so what if anything do you tell your neighbors?
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Old 06-13-2013, 11:38 AM   #18
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Given the current state of security concerns in the US, I know I am far more aware of people and traffic in my neighborhood than in the past. I would think I am not the only one.
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Old 06-13-2013, 12:52 PM   #19
jimmy simpson
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Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
Dickhead? Seriously, you have me all wrong ... I am a giant dick. In the linck below, you will see just how big a dick I am.


Now back to the original topic ... evaluate the ladies you are seeing. Simple as that. The ladies I see, I would be comfortable seeing them at a Motel 6 or a Conrad Hilton or wherever. You are not visiting the hotel, you are visiting the lady.
Hey I'm not the first to call you that! The problem is you remind me of a guy I work with. Every time I'm in a group conversation, he always laughs at me and makes fun of me in front of the other people. I'm not the most confident guy in the world so I hate when he does that.

2 bad experiences at hotels. Once I was walking through a lobby and the people at the front desk started questioning me. Where are you going? What room number? What's the name of the person you are visiting? I just left. I called the provider later and she said the manager threatened to call the police because he knew what she was doing.

Another time I went to the providers room and she was on the phone arguing with the front desk. Next thing I knew the manager was knocking on the front door. I told the provider that I didn't want to stay
And asked for my donation back. She wouldn't give it back but I didn't want to argue with her since the manager was banging on the door.

y an asked for my donation back. She wouldn't give it to me and I didn't want to argue withh
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Old 06-13-2013, 01:37 PM   #20
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I want to know the names of those hotels, jimmy.
Just for future reference.
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Old 06-13-2013, 06:34 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by jimmy simpson View Post
Hey I'm not the first to call you that! The problem is you remind me of a guy I work with. Every time I'm in a group conversation, he always laughs at me and makes fun of me in front of the other people. I'm not the most confident guy in the world so I hate when he does that.

2 bad experiences at hotels. Once I was walking through a lobby and the people at the front desk started questioning me. Where are you going? What room number? What's the name of the person you are visiting? I just left. I called the provider later and she said the manager threatened to call the police because he knew what she was doing.

Another time I went to the providers room and she was on the phone arguing with the front desk. Next thing I knew the manager was knocking on the front door. I told the provider that I didn't want to stay
And asked for my donation back. She wouldn't give it back but I didn't want to argue with her since the manager was banging on the door.

y an asked for my donation back. She wouldn't give it to me and I didn't want to argue withh

You won't be the last to refer to me with other names. Have no fear I do not care, I just wanted to correct your thincking on that one. I will continue to laugh at you and every other fucktard on this, or any other SHMB. You are not special so there is no reason to exclude you, you are just like all the rest of us ... I actually did not even look to see who the OP was before I commented, it could have been anyone. Just remember I am a giant dick with 1.3" of dangling death.

When you go into hotels walk in like you own the joint. I have never had an issue in any hotel. Front desk tards recognize fear, or anxiety, if you do not show it they leave you alone. Many of us, including me, are nervous and anxious prior to an appointment ... its natural.
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Old 06-14-2013, 11:38 AM   #22
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Hotels, apartments, condos or private residence are all the same. Traffic is traffic especially if this is what the lady does on a daily basis not even to mention if several working out of the same place. I don’t care how discrete or low volume one tries to be. Everyone have to be cautious and careful.
Yes you are going to have noisy neighbors. Heck I’m a nosey neighbor
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Old 06-14-2013, 11:55 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by BrandyMichelle View Post
Hotels, apartments, condos or private residence are all the same
Eh, I don't think so. Yes, I agree with everybody who's said a hobbyist's risk is lowest seeing a provider he's seen before without issue. But what if a guy is seeing a provider for the first time?

My views:

Higher-risk: Seedy motels; hotels in high-risk cities, such as Addison, Plano, Garland, and Arlington; apartments and hotels where a provider both lives and works; a hotel room or apartment where more than one provider is working

Lower-risk: Nice hotels; quiet, gated, apartment or condo complexes with the provider's unit in a corner of the place

I'd also say the younger the provider, and/or the higher volume the provider maintains, the greater the risk of getting busted. This isn't a hard rule, but it seems fairly true.

My views are based on about 20 years of hard-core hobbying, and more important, having represented hundreds of providers and hobbyists over the past 25 years or so.
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Old 06-14-2013, 02:58 PM   #24
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I don't like and won't go to "extended" stay motels, even though several well known and desirable providers use them. They're just gross. The places, not the providers. Big hotels with a known quantity, yes. All the way down to Holiday Inns. Travelling salesmen places (LaQuinta, Red Roof, Quality Inn et al) are doubtful. Anything lower than that, forget it, because who I wanna see isn't there.

The only thing wrong with security cameras is if you do something stupid or something bad happens after you leave then the dreaded "have you seen this man" newscast videos start. And it's a whole episode of Law and Order CI playing out with YOUR face. If you're playing that paranoid scenario out in your head, you should inverstigate a hobby that involves small trains, old automobiles or livestock shows. If you grow a set they'll be right there above your taint. At least that's where I have been advised to look for them.
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Old 06-14-2013, 03:17 PM   #25
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I have been to a couple of hotels where you need to use their parking and can only pay by credit card to get out which I didn't know until I was leaving. I don't want a hotel parking charge on my credit card, but didn't have a choice. Plus, as OldGrump said, you never know who you might see in a hotel lobby. I really am not as concerned about LE as I am the issues I listed.
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Old 06-14-2013, 03:37 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by jfdallas View Post
I have been to a couple of hotels where you need to use their parking and can only pay by credit card to get out which I didn't know until I was leaving. I don't want a hotel parking charge on my credit card, but didn't have a choice.
Buy a card. Walmart sells them for $3.00. You can load one for a certain amount, then throw it away, or you can reload it. If you choose to reload it, you'll need to give them a name and an address to mail the card with the name you give them on it.
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Old 06-14-2013, 04:07 PM   #27
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If I had a hot neighbor that had hourly clients I would want to know when my hour was and keep my mouth shut.....
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Old 06-14-2013, 04:37 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by digitalbananna351 View Post
If I had a hot neighbor that had hourly clients I would want to know when my hour was and keep my mouth shut.....
The way to tell for certain if any girl is a provider is to give her the Eccie hand-sign and see if she responds. If you haven't been told the hand-sign, you haven't written enough reviews yet.
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Old 06-14-2013, 04:55 PM   #29
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Thanks for the tip ShysterJon!
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Old 06-14-2013, 05:03 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing View Post
Lots of guys coming and going for an hour at a time at an appartment or home is FAR more likley to be noticed by neighbors because its not normal behavior.
Exactly. There's always the possibility of that nosey busybody neighbor. When I was living in apartments, just the close proximity to your neighbor will bring attention to any kind of unusual comings and goings. If there's a lot of traffic next door, you're going to notice.

I'm much more comfortable meeting in a hotel. Upscale with a lot of traffic is preferable so as to blend in. However, I did have one session that was so loud the front desk was called and someone ended up knocking on the door until we answered. They just asked us to keep it down, but I didn't appreciate the unintended coitus interruptus.
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