Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Actually the claim is a given (yes, the bar is pretty low when talking about politicians) as conservatives have a ethical code. Sometimes they fail to live up to their code but they have one. Liberals by their very value system don't believe in ethical codes. Look at ANY liberal cause and it will conflict with another liberal value. Their values make no sense. You do need to separate politicians from the general public. Also note that "everyone does it" has been a defensive postion going back to Bill Clinton. When they can get you to accept that everyone does it then they win. You will lump all people together with the slimy even if that person is above reproach. Don't buy into the liberal line.
About ten years ago the liberal Kansas City Star did a report on the graft and corruption in the Missouri state house. They listed the politicians in order of the amount of money or gifts they had recieved. Dead last on the list (meaning the least corrupt) was a republican representative who had accepted a dinner from a supporter and then reported said "contribution" to the ways and means committee! Was he talked about for being 100% correct? Nope, he was still included in the corruption list as was everyone else. The Star did not even consider that some people were not corrupt. According to the Star, they were all guilty to different degrees. By the way, his meal was a small salad worth about ten dollars.
I disagree. For one thing, not all conservatives are Republicans and not all liberals are Democrats (as the thread is first about).
Second, even within Republicans and Democrats, both groups are so large they're made up of many smaller coalitions working together under the same overarching umbrella. They may have decided that they've found a group of organizations they can stomach working with, but fundamentally everyone is in it for themselves.
Third, "ethical code" is a loose and broad term. The KKK has an ethical code. Is it a code that most people would adhere to or believe is moral? No. The basic premise of their organization is such that most other people these days would find them abhorrent.
The same arguments you say liberals have above can easily be reversed upon conservatives. You say you believe in freedom, but you are for continued heavy control and punishment for marijuana use (some of you may say you individually support decriminalization of marijuana, but that is not the stance of the Republican party). You say you believe in privacy and equality, but you still refuse to allow gay couples the same rights heterosexual couples have. You say you want less government... except when you're making rules telling people what they can't do or when you're expanding the military.
In short, every large organization is going to have conflicting stances within itself. I'd say both organizations are about as corrupt as any large organization or corporation can be expected to be. You may have individuals who are well behaved, but we all know of the corrupting influence of money and it's not surprising at all when politicians get exposed in scandals given the amount of money that's often thrown at them.