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Old 05-16-2013, 10:09 AM   #31
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Registered and licensed are the SAME exact thing. They are used interchangeably. Yes I just did the class. AGAIN. Why anyone would think or believe otherwise is beyond me.

If you don't have a true love for massage, you'll be terrible at it as a job. Kinda like a nurse... you have to really want it. Really really want it.

Good luck!

PS when I get close to retirement I'll teach two providers everything I know. You're welcome to be one.
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Old 05-16-2013, 10:18 AM   #32
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Kayla is the best! You can tell she really enjoys what she does. Sooo talented at sooo many things.
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Old 05-21-2013, 04:47 PM   #33
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Wow! What an offer! I'm flattered! Well I'm on my way home now with my new table! Whoo hoo!
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Old 05-21-2013, 05:01 PM   #34
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Amber, you can do me while THN takes notes.... that way there's not rick of being relaxed to the point of nodding off.
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Old 05-22-2013, 01:43 AM   #35
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Mr. Smooth, if she would like to watch that would be fine with me. I have no issue in training her how to have proper body stance and stability, table height, pressure differences, and directions of muscles. I'd be honored.

And yes, it USED to be called "certified", then "Registered", but the state of Texas has now changed it to LICENSED massage therapist.

You must take anatomy, kinesiology, pathology, clinical, physiology, business, plus do I believe it was 50 hours of HANDS on internship at school in order to be signed up to take your licensing exam at the state regulated facility.

The state now has to regulate that you know almost as much as a real nurse in order to physically touch someone's anatomy. You can cause severe nerve damage if not done properly or cause someone to become very very ill with flu like symptoms.

So, with all of that being said.. THN, I'm ready when you are to train away with my knowledge... and it appears we have a wonderful volunteer already.

TTYS girl.
Take care.
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Old 05-22-2013, 02:14 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by LovingKayla View Post
Registered and licensed are the SAME exact thing. They are used interchangeably. Yes I just did the class. AGAIN. Why anyone would think or believe otherwise is beyond me.

If you don't have a true love for massage, you'll be terrible at it as a job. Kinda like a nurse... you have to really want it. Really really want it.

Good luck!

PS when I get close to retirement I'll teach two providers everything I know. You're welcome to be one.
I have heard so many awesome things about your sessions! Let me say - and I mean this in the nicest way possible - hurry up and retire! Lol!! Kidding kidding. please don't! Let's have drinks first!

As far as level of expertise AR, it's certainly not on par with professional massage - please don't misunderstand me. I don't think my background in nursing qualifies me as an LMT. I only brought it up as a legitimate point that I do have a smidge of A&P knowledge. That's all. Not trying to step on anyone's toes or push myself off as the newest 'bestest' thing in town - just branching out a little. And since I don't do greek or nqns I figure this is the next best thing. ;-)

Time tells all truths. If I'm good, time will tell. If I suck, time will tell. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
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Old 05-22-2013, 05:28 AM   #37
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Go for it. I saw Loving Kayla last week. The massage was unreal and the finish better. The massage with a happy ending is an awesome and relaxing experience. There is some good advice in this thread...especially about the need for a good table. Good luck.
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Old 05-22-2013, 10:56 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by OldGrump View Post
Chill guys, I'd rather hear about THN's new endeavor.

You're more than welcome to come try it out as well.

Originally Posted by raoulduke View Post
Go for it. I saw Loving Kayla last week. The massage was unreal and the finish better. The massage with a happy ending is an awesome and relaxing experience. There is some good advice in this thread...especially about the need for a good table. Good luck.

I picked up a like-new Master Massage table yesterday. Very comfy and STURDY! Raaaaaawrrrrrrr!
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Old 06-02-2013, 07:55 AM   #39
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I have not had the pleasure of meeting you THN, but I am a bot of a massage junkie. IF you are doing a nude rub AND "suck" - then I want in line!! he he
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Old 06-03-2013, 01:32 AM   #40
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I have my incall all set up to start offering FBSM!!!!

Since I have only ever been compensated for my time I'd rather NOT discuss rates or activities - ever. Does anyone have some sound advice on this? If so, please PM ME as opposed to posting those sort of details here.

Many thanks for all the comments, advice and offers. I look forward to this A LOT!

Play Safe & Have Fun
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Old 06-04-2013, 02:25 AM   #41
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I don't post much - but this is an area I can speak to. My first experiences in this world started with receiving massages. I deviated slightly from the typical fbsm provider to try others but found myself gravitating back towards massages. In the past 4-6 years, I've lost count of the number of massages I've gotten. So I will share what I've liked about massages that may assist you.

First and foremost, as others have pointed out - a clean, safe and inviting set up is key. I need to feel safe and relaxed. FBSM is more about the relaxation aspect than anything else. Make sure the sheets are clean, room smells nice , and overall is inviting. Dimly lit, some level of light music to set the tone.

When the customer arrives , maybe start with offering them a drink - water , a beer or a glass of wine . Once they have disrobed and are
situated , preferably on their stomach with their face down , start with their head/shoulders. Try to develop a routine where you start at the top and work your way down. Down their upper back , mid back ,
Lower back , etc. initially, get a sense of whether they would like a medium , soft or hard massage . Also attempt to offer various creams or lotions -
some fbsm providers warm up the oil/cream/lotion by microwaving it for a few seconds. Keep them fragrance free, also something that can easily be wiped off, or rinsed off.

The goal for the first half should been complete relaxation . Upper back,
Mid, lower, shoulders , arms,'forearms , buttocks, upper leg, lower all the way down to the feet. During this phase, it would be recommended to focus on pure massage and nothing sensual . It helps build anticipation while also being absolutely relaxed . Slowly, as you've covered from head to two , slow it down and start making it more sensual. More caressing with the fingers , lighter touch and teasing . A slow transition from a true massage over to a sensual massage. This may include further disrobing on your part and gliding ...once you sense to client is ready for the next level,have them flip over. Now, at this point revert to massaging their shoulders again , maybe their chest.
Step back from the sensual part for a few minutes .
This helps build the tease. Slowly, transition back to sensual ..and eventually complete as is best appropriate . Don't rush it, but rather build it back.

Leave yourself about 10 minutes to help cleanse off the lotion and any other residue with warm towels. Maybe do a quick neck and head massage to wrap up .

This is one of many approaches that can be suggested. As
you do more of these , a routine will begin to emerge and certain individuals will probably require tweaks to that core routine . Mix it up.

Lastly PM me for a more detailed approach - and best of luck!!
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Old 06-04-2013, 01:40 PM   #42
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haramikutha, great summary!

a few other suggestions.

1. place the massage table in a relaxed and calming place.
some of the least deliteful massages [fbsm or otherwise] i've ever had were on tables just inside the door of the apt [literally]! it doesnt have to be a bedroom, it could be an alcove, dining room area, etc, just make it nice!

2. ask the client if they are allergic to any kinds of oils or lotions or if they want unscented or dont mind.
one of the best LMTs i ever visited only dipped her fingers into water. no oils or lotions.

3. wrt cleanup/wipe down, either warm towels [i've seen women use crock pots and small warmers] or allow them to use a shower [means more laundry for you]. but anything to let them be able to cleanup/wipe down.

4. wrt music, asian, ambient, relaxing! type "david arkenstone" into pandora.com and you'll get some great music.
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Old 06-04-2013, 01:58 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by thathottnurse View Post

I have my incall all set up to start offering FBSM!!!!

Since I have only ever been compensated for my time I'd rather NOT discuss rates or activities - ever. Does anyone have some sound advice on this? If so, please PM ME as opposed to posting those sort of details here.

Many thanks for all the comments, advice and offers. I look forward to this A LOT!

Play Safe & Have Fun
Just remember that you owe me a FBSM, but I aint mad at you babe
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Old 06-05-2013, 08:29 AM   #44
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Over the last 20 years, I have had hundreds of massages at all levels. To me a good massage is

1. State clearly your expectations as the MT and get the clients expectations.
2. State your rates very clearly. Most FBSM providers charge $100 Massage, $140 TV, $180 FV, Mutual Touch etc. Dont charge $250+ an hour for non provider activities ie FBSM, such as Alea. You wont get much business.
3. Get fee upfront for services.
4. If you are going to provide massage make sure it is a good one. I can get a lame one anywhere.
5. Understand there are many guys out there ,that dont seek L3. Alot of these guys have a SO are just looking to get away for a few minutes.
6. Stripper slides can be a turn off or a turn on for many people. Most people that seek a FBSM only find them a turn off due to private to private contact. We are not looking to get HPV or Herpes from a FBSM.
7. Please enjoy the session also. Nothing worse than a MT with a bad attitude.
8. If I were going in business as a FBSM provider I would mimick www.pamperedbypamela.com She does a great job and her website has all of the pertinent information needed!
9. Most FBSM providers dont screen or screen lightly since they are not breaking any major laws.
10. Establish a regular clientele. I see my MT every week for the last 5 years. That is about $30,000 worth of income to her over that time. Weekly repeat clients are the key to success.

Hope this info helps.
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Old 06-05-2013, 09:15 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by gringo625 View Post
9. Most FBSM providers dont screen or screen lightly since they are not breaking any major laws.
Disagree on this one.

If LE is on the table and L1 or more happens and/or she takes her clothes off, they will get slapped with a prostitution charge just like any other provider.

I've known more than a few that this has happened to in Dallas and Addison, which is why we see some of them disappear, change locations or go UTR.

Screening is highly recommended.
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