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Old 05-31-2013, 09:24 AM   #1
Glenn Quagmire
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Default I blame OBAMA

for turning around the economy.
the dow is over 15k.
Housing is up.
Fannie Mae and Frreddie Mac are making money again.
Housing is up.
Unemployment is down.
Only 1 embassy has been attacked during his administration compared to the 13 in the Bush years.
Banks have more regulations and don't need bailouts.

What a fucking bastard he is...
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Old 05-31-2013, 09:30 AM   #2
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Damnit, I had this thread up yesterday, but it got deleted

I also blame him. Well, because he makes me uncomfortable. You know what I mean!
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Old 05-31-2013, 07:52 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Glenn Quagmire View Post
for turning around the economy.
the dow is over 15k.
Housing is up.
Fannie Mae and Frreddie Mac are making money again.
Housing is up.
Unemployment is down.
Only 1 embassy has been attacked during his administration compared to the 13 in the Bush years.
Banks have more regulations and don't need bailouts.

What a fucking bastard he is...
We don't need any anarchists. We can do it all on our own...fucker
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Old 06-01-2013, 12:05 PM   #4
Glenn Quagmire
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fucker? Now that's an intelligent argument...

But it is true. That's why I am here. I hobby more than I participate in political arguments.
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Old 06-01-2013, 12:57 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Glenn Quagmire View Post
for turning around the economy.
the dow is over 15k.
Housing is up.
Fannie Mae and Frreddie Mac are making money again.
Housing is up.
Unemployment is down.
Only 1 embassy has been attacked during his administration compared to the 13 in the Bush years.
Banks have more regulations and don't need bailouts.

What a fucking bastard he is...
G.Q. good post. The other companies that received TARP loans are doing well too. GM, Chrysler, AIG have turned around and making a profit now. The banks are stable now. Mitt campaigned that he would get the unemployment rate to 6%. It is 7.5% right now and going down. There were 165,000 jobs added in April. Let's see what happens over the next few months. From the front page of May 29th edition of the USA Today, 12.8 Trillion of new STOCK WEALTH produced in the broad market since March 9, 2009 or a 155% gain in the Wilshire 5000 index. The Wilshire 5000 index has over 5000 companies. Clearly, the means of production is not controlled by the state, the socialist tag for Obama does not apply. The economic recovery has been slow but the USA is recovering. Unfortunately it won't be long before IBH and the other right wingers will try to spin this.
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Old 06-01-2013, 04:49 PM   #6
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Blame him for this.
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Old 06-01-2013, 10:55 PM   #7
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Old 06-01-2013, 10:56 PM   #8
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is this becoming ANOTHER Benghazi thread?

Honestly! we need a separate forum for Obama scandals!
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Old 06-01-2013, 11:34 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by acp5762 View Post
Blame him for this.
ACP, is that all you have? You can't do better than this? Donald Trump hired the best investigators that money can buy, and they found nothing wrong with Obama's birth certificate. The troops that are still in Iraq aren't doing major military operations like takeing control of a city or bridge (like in the WW2 movie A bridge two far). The troops are keeping the peace like your local police department. They aren't looking for WMD's any more they know that there are none. Yes, Obama did the surge in AG, to neutralize Al-Quaida, you know the guys responsible for the 9/11 attack. Republican Senator John McClain is on board with it. That is about the only thing that the republicans agree with Obama on, the surge in AG. Some republicans are ok with the bailouts for Wall Street. The fund managers are smiling all the way to the Bank. You should get yourself a good mutual fund like Vanguard and ride the wave.
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Old 06-01-2013, 11:47 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
COF, the decision to not send a jet fighter was made by defense sec Leon Panatta. He did not think it would get there in time. The CIA's original talking points had that the attack evolved from a demonstration in Cairo, Egypt. Do you want to fire the entire CIA? There is no there there. You have a case of poor intelligence, just like Bush and Cheney with the WMD's. Several embassys were attacked in the Bush years and they had three congressional hearings, nothing significant came out of them. COF, you have nothing other than Obama was not a full professor when he taught at University of Chicago. Something that you tried to make a very big deal about in another post. COF, keep looking.
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Old 06-01-2013, 11:51 PM   #11
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Did I mention Benghazi? No. This is the standard answer the Administration gives whenever they are caught in a lie, or other act of corruption. Been hearing it a lot these last few weeks or so.

But hey, if you like having the most dishonest and corrupt President in history, you've got your wish.
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Old 06-02-2013, 12:37 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by flghtr65 View Post
ACP, is that all you have? You can't do better than this? Donald Trump hired the best investigators that money can buy, and they found nothing wrong with Obama's birth certificate. The troops that are still in Iraq aren't doing major military operations like takeing control of a city or bridge (like in the WW2 movie A bridge two far). The troops are keeping the peace like your local police department. They aren't looking for WMD's any more they know that there are none. Yes, Obama did the surge in AG, to neutralize Al-Quaida, you know the guys responsible for the 9/11 attack. Republican Senator John McClain is on board with it. That is about the only thing that the republicans agree with Obama on, the surge in AG. Some republicans are ok with the bailouts for Wall Street. The fund managers are smiling all the way to the Bank. You should get yourself a good mutual fund like Vanguard and ride the wave.
You're caught up in this like a fly in a spider's web. You've submitted to this cause the media tells you to. Obama has about as much interest in you as he does in who wins the World Series. This is all about power not a dam thing else. If it were we would be out of the Middle East a long time ago. You think they are there to uphold the peace, that's laughable. Oh and you think Mutual Funds are stable investments, hahahaha. Come on man the Interest rates are so low you'll never make shit on your investment. Just because Wall St. is laughing all the way to the Bank doesn't mean any of us will. The Auto Bailout was basically done with our Money. That's something nobody wants to admit. This country is broke, we are bankrupt. The Auto industry is struggling to pay back the bailout that's why China is part owner of GM essentially. America is not a producing Country but a consuming country. Go find something you own that was made, marketed and assembled in America. You'll get tired of looking, I guarantee it. I don't blame Obama for all that is wrong with our country. I blame him for letting it continue and so should everyone else.
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Old 06-02-2013, 12:42 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Did I mention Benghazi? No. This is the standard answer the Administration gives whenever they are caught in a lie, or other act of corruption. Been hearing it a lot these last few weeks or so.

But hey, if you like having the most dishonest and corrupt President in history, you've got your wish.
COF, you did not mention any issue. I picked one(Benghazi) for you. Fast and Furious, although IBH still thinks Obama is at fault here, clearly the ATF agents in Arizona started the FAST & FURIOUS gun walking/running program for NINE MONTHS before they sent Holder the first email about what they were doing. You have nothing here. The IRS and the Tea party applications, Steve Miller the director who was fired testified before Congress that some low level employees made some mistakes processing the workload and one employee was reassigned. He testified that nothing was politically motivated. Maybe the woman who took the fifth knows something, but right now you got nothing on Obama. The most corrupt president, well, that would be Tricky Dickie Nixon by far. Ah those tapes. Keep looking COF. By the way I would have passed your class, the formula for the Multiplier is M = 1 - 1/1-XPC. Since you are the economics teacher, you can tell me what X really is.
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Old 06-02-2013, 12:50 AM   #14
Chica Chaser
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Originally Posted by flghtr65 View Post
COF, you did not mention any issue. I picked one for you. Fast and Furious, although IBH still thinks Obama is at fault here, clearly the ATF agents in Arizona started the FAST & FURIOUS gun walking/running program for NINE MONTHS before they sent Holder the first email about what they were doing.
I think you might be delusional if you truly think Holder had no idea F&F was going on. Its completely inconceivable.
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Old 06-02-2013, 01:01 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Chica Chaser View Post
I think you might be delusional if you truly think Holder had no idea F&F was going on. Its completely inconceivable.
CC, come on now, It is all over the internet, that Fast and Furious started in Feb 2009, and the Arizona ATF agents sent Holder the first email in October 2009. Even IBH does not dispute this. Go check his postings. IBH still thinks that Operation Wide Receiver and Fast and Furious are totally different Gun Walking Programs. Again you have NOTHING! I will give an example of Delusional - Michelle Bachman. It's a very good thing, she will not run for office again.
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