Originally Posted by Bairstan
Well. My adventure started much sooner than expected. As I am loading into the b plane I am figuring I am going to be sitting next the the largest, narliest and smelliest person on the fligut. Lucky for me I was not. Slso lucky for me the plane was half empty. A pretty lady about 20 sat next to me in the back row with no one else within 3 rows.
I introduced myself just to be polite and told her jokingly that I would attempt to use her as a cushion if we happened to crash. She giggled and we were off to a good conbersation. The conversation turned into wjat are you travelling for so I told this girl exactly what I was doing. I thought she would stop talking with me at that point which was ok because I really wanted to nap.
But her eyes lit up really big and she let me know how she had always wanted to give some stranger a blowjob on the back of the plane and she started rubbing my junk through my pants. This soon led to her unzipping and setting the monster free. She was really going to town on the little guy. I was sure the other passengers could hear but none of them were looking our way then I woke up. Good thing the little cutey that really was sitting next to me wss slso sleeping becsuse I was a little erect.
I am sorry peeps I have s 4 hour layover here and just wanted to do something.
Bairstan... you freaking crack me up!!
I hope you have a great time... I envy you Bro!!!