Originally Posted by dirty dog
Yep I sent my Genie a wish, but how come you think I think its better to hurt someone then help someone,.
because you used your wish to hurt me rather than help someone else, even if you have unlimited wishes, instead of wishing to help someone who needs it, you spent time trying to hurt me
I just pointed out your actions to you, I didnt make ya do it
Originally Posted by dirty dog
Are you really that slow, I hoped it hurt to know that someone prayed for you because your obviously a non believer. Its interesting that you want to bring up peoples personal traits, I mean really what have your actions shown about you, lets see you like to attack women (closet homosexual maybe),.
what I say about your wishing doesnt reflect on what I think, I just say things to get you to think about what the hell you are saying/'doing and perhaps explain it on here....you dont do that, yuo just take it in the ass and cry about it, ie this post
Originally Posted by dirty dog
you hate fat people (health nut narcasist, probably spend hours looking in the mirror at your muscles), feel its necessary to attack people who open themselves to the group (probably the last picked during gym class, loner, picked on by other kids).
so now you are sharing with us your thoughts about what you understand from my posts. You made me laugh. Let me correct you......first refresh your knowledge of the brains reward pathways and how drugs cause you to be happy
then get back to me
Originally Posted by dirty dog
OR your simple a jerk who hides behind a key board sniping at women he has to pay to be with wouldn't it be better overall if you just admit your gay and free your self of the anguish and anger.
sorta, being here is sorta fun and I have fun poking at people like you, watching you stumble and have no intelligent comeback cept to call me names, as you did call me gay.
--LOL..shit you are a guy, you noticed I have commented on fat people and you are trying to pick a fight with a guy.....sheesh...well, hopefully life gets better for ya.