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Old 05-07-2013, 10:21 PM   #1
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Default warning Spotted a BP harem in TX - Killeen/SA/Austin/Corpus

So I was looking through BP and I saw this Hott black chick so I was Like Ohhhh click! and I saw she only has 2 photos...not really a red flag but I couldn't help but think "I wonder if she's real" you know with all the B&S on BP. so I googled her number AND.....


Low and behold escort phone search brings up two Totally different pictures but Wait that's not as deep as the rabbit hole goes little Alice

My Provider brings up and ADs for a doubles pair (MERCEDES & LEXUS) with pics neither the same as the one on BP OR EPS


But lets go deeper still...

yet another (different girl) attached to the same number (I think she's real though like the girls in MP) running 40, 60 & 80 "specials" (<-sad and Strong indicator of being handled by a pimp only pimps make girls sell themselves so low)


so at THIS point we have 4 different girls ALL with the same number. granted they are Not all posting from the same date but within a maybe 8month time frame.. All offering ONLY Incall (which means hotel hoping and no way to travel on their own)

Deeper into the rabbit hole
2 LAST post of links on BP in killeen 2 girls 3 different numbers (???) one of the numbers is the same number from the Austin BP post(posted yesterday) AND SanAntonio (posted literally today) both the girls in the killeen look NOTHING like the girl in the Austin post (real pic though) this is a CLEAR sign of a harem



and Here's where I drop a little insight and give my suspicion

All these girls have the same number not because they are B&S but because this number belong to a Pimps GV and whenever he gets a new girl he just post her under his number (this is done to keep track of how many calls she gets and if the guys are coming through, if not its probable he'll make her walk the track for $40 BJs to "make some money" and she won't be able to refuse because Its either that or get put out on the street anyways)
Most likely the Incall (if its "private") is at his ghetto pimp shack or a motel/hotel Really close by so he can keep track on how many guys are coming to see her.

now why I suspect (with good reason) its a Pimp number with a harem. the way an operation like this works is you have several girls (split up) either in groups or pairs across different cities in florida it was tampa, orlando, palm springs,& miami here I guess its probably Austin, Killeen, San An, and probably San Marcos

when a girl gets a date (they tend to be booked in a room with 2 beds) she does the 2-call system to check out the date before giving out the room number (usually to see if its a black guy who looks like a pimp or if the guy gets out the passenger side) then when the date shows up the other girl(s) hides in the bathroom (she's the back up if shit goes down 'cause 2 angry hoes is scarier the One!) or she'll hide behind bed #2 cause she's too lazy to squat it out it the bathroom. (If you're lucky girl #2 is walking the premise or sitting on the stairs outside)

Also if an AD says 24/7 that means her pimp wants her on call 24/7 to make that money (she does not get a say in this BS)

also when a girl puts 100% independent like 80% of the time she's not
indy women don't need to put that on their post

so just letting guys know beware of this number (for those of you who Still use BP) 512-997-5542 & 512-812-1384 & 512-701-5372

P.S I am NOT available 24/7 I have a life the requires sleep
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Old 05-08-2013, 07:15 AM   #2
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This is nice information and conjecture, but it's not an alert. Moving to coed.
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Old 05-08-2013, 04:49 PM   #3
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Old 05-09-2013, 12:30 AM   #4
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Fist link


2nd link

3rd link

4th link

5th link

fixed the links idk y they stopped working the websites are all still there
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Old 05-09-2013, 06:36 AM   #5
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Ok, I was bored and browsing an escort-site.com address, for those still using one.Here are some interesting quotes I found. So for $280 an hour, you define a GFE outcall as “ a 10-20min body rub (optional). Drinks and flirtatious chatter. Possibly some Boys II Men or Kenny G. Friendly kisses, mutual petting and sensual body exploration.”“unless you believe you are Hitler incarnate, then we might have a problem” “just as you would if you had made an appointment to see a lawyer”And you offer a “GFE with Cherries” on Top: "For those of you wondering about a pleasure receiving activity bareback, that is only available to gentlemen callers who show me a recent (no later received then a week prior to apt. date) clean bill of health. Safety First!" Kudos to you for no upsell on BBFS.
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Old 05-09-2013, 10:19 PM   #6
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Thanks SA for the info and entertaining speculation. I saw a BP ad by another cutie and when checking the number I found it was the first post for a few other ladies. Speculated about much the same myself.

Kal El69 - for a self proclaimed super dude (with no reviews no less) you sure aren't too nice to the ladies. Cut the girl some slack. I don't think we want to scare providers off by being snarky to them do we? She has more than three times the posts you do and has been on the board a month less. At least she posts and tries to make it interesting. Someone from Wakeup should appreciate that I would think. I don't see any scintillating posts from you and the excitement level has not gone up measurably since Mar 18, 2013 so get post some reviews and get some cred and then maybe you can get a rep as a cranky ass rather than just an.....

She can run her biz and website the way she wants. You don't have to patronize her, but she does bring some variety to our little corner. I love her masks and we need more BDSM providers around here I would guess (not my cup of tea, but I'd try sometime in the right situation).
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Old 05-10-2013, 03:30 PM   #7
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Trolls die when they are not fed........Do not feed the trolls.....
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Old 05-12-2013, 09:21 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by OldSarge View Post
Trolls die when they are not fed........Do not feed the trolls.....
Good point, will follow in future LOL

I'm intrigued by that "fist link" - never done that but could be an adventure
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Old 05-12-2013, 10:01 PM   #9
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Did somebody say fist? Lol
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Old 05-12-2013, 10:02 PM   #10
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Thanks for the info SA. We appreciate it. I was actually looking at one of those ads and thinking about calling one of them. Glad I didnt now. Always a good idea to avoid any girl if there is even an thought of "management".
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Old 05-17-2013, 03:14 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Kal El69 View Post
Ok, I was bored and browsing an escort-site.com address, for those still using one.Here are some interesting quotes I found. "For those of you wondering about a pleasure receiving activity bareback, that is only available to gentlemen callers who show me a recent (no later received then a week prior to apt. date) clean bill of health. Safety First!" Kudos to you for no upsell on BBFS.
I will only say 2 things instead of going on a bitch rant at you liked I'd prefer.

1.) "Kudos to you for no upsell on BBFS" <- that is because I don't offer that. Period. but you knew that and this was probably some underhanded attempt to imply that either I do to keep business or I should because no one would want to see me otherwise base off what you randomly pasted together off my site. most escorts use escort-site btw.

2.) You DO realize, right. that you are a GROWN ASS MAN. picking on a 22yo girl like some insecure attention seeking high school bully.
Do you even realize how stupid that makes you look? o.O

Originally Posted by austxjr View Post
Thanks SA for the info and entertaining speculation. I saw a BP ad by another cutie and when checking the number I found it was the first post for a few other ladies. Speculated about much the same myself.

....she does bring some variety to our little corner. I love her masks and we need more BDSM providers around here I would guess (not my cup of tea, but I'd try sometime in the right situation).
thanks although it's less speculation and more I know how the operation works because I use to be a traveling pimped out BP hoe back in florida. thank god I'm back in TX no more threats of being put out on the street if I'm not on the clock 24/7 and other such horrible nonsense. PHEW!

Also typically guys who seek out BDSM aren't really like that Hardcore bondage porn scenes you might have stumbled across

its more they either have the fantasies of a femme domme i.e a confidant woman who "takes controls" and has her VERY sexy way with him typically these male fantasies involved maybe being tied up with a scarf and blindfolded during a bj (which heightens the sensitivity and Adds to the risque excitement) also followed by a ride a cowboy not a horse mentality

OR they have fantasies about vise versa but usually with a little added spanking and/or a forced orgasm while she cuffed and begging for more ect. ect.

I'm mean I'm sure there are guys out there looking to put a girl in a harness string her up and do whatever or use face mask with just a mouth hole and nipple clamps, or fisting a hog tied woman and those old fashion punishment holding stalks. but those guys are few and Faaaaar between

also not MY cup of tea either.... o.o'

so go ahead indulge your inner fantasy you don't have to be hardcore to part take in BDSM

Originally Posted by jacjo6776 View Post
Thanks for the info SA. We appreciate it. I was actually looking at one of those ads and thinking about calling one of them. Glad I didnt now. Always a good idea to avoid any girl if there is even an thought of "management".
I'm glad my post could help you. and Yes definitely good to avoid girls managed not by a trusted reputable agency. and just so you know No agencies take ebony girls (you wouldn't believe how many times I was turned away) also google a girl's pic it's the fastest way to see if she uses fake pics. (I've seen a lot of complaints in general about BP bait and switch)
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Old 05-17-2013, 07:56 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by OldSarge View Post
Trolls die when they are not fed........Do not feed the trolls.....
Worth repeating....
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Old 05-17-2013, 08:15 AM   #13
Kal El69
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Sarge. They arent listening to you... lol. You dont have an army here.So, Secret. I have a qeustion for you. Are you telling us you are $280 an hour for a possible CBJ? Is that what you mean by bareback services are onlly offered if we have a Medical Doctor note that says we dont have STD?Is that how it worked when you were a "pimped out" florida "ho"?I pulled my comments above off of your website. YOU made YOUR OWN definition of GFE as "a 10-20min body rub (optional). Drinks and flirtatious chatter." for $280 bucks with a "POSSIBILITY" of some "Friendly kisses, mutual petting and sensual body exploration". I am not hitler and I don't get tested for STD's every week. I am wondering WHO you have been seeing. YOUR AD uses the term "Bareback".... I didnt' make it up.Thanks for all the attention, I LOVE IT. Love my fans. Big smile for you all.
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