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Old 05-11-2013, 02:40 PM   #31
Kaci Snow
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I agree both parties time is valuable and should be respected. I know I'v had times when I'v had to cancel or ask for a bit of extra time. As with 99% of the gents here I have a regular job and it does get in the way sometimes but I try my very best to let you know as soon as I know.
In my real life job theirs a million things that can happen.

#1 is children most of us have them I happen to have a few more than others and two have disabilities.
#2 real work I'm in the medical field my patients have already paid me to care for them (they always come first)
#3 traffic and or getting lost. I'm the worst with directions even with a GPS I can get lost in a paper bag.

Even if these things do happen a kind phone call, text or email are in order by which ever person having the issue.
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Old 05-15-2013, 06:16 PM   #32
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I would say that it depends about the lady youre having a date with:
Do you know her well and have an established relationship or is a first time date?

If its a first date I would wait 30 min ... enough time to solve any real life situation or to get in contact to give an ETA or an explanation
Originally Posted by Kaci Snow View Post
...a kind phone call, text or email are in order by which ever person having the issue.
... I agree with you Kaci, a call is much appreciated in any case

If its a lady I know very well, I'd go to have a drink and wait until I finish a couple of drinks or ...

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Old 05-15-2013, 06:32 PM   #33
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I like to Treat this like a real job, i know some people think its just a game and you can just do whatever the hell you want like its a no morals, anything goes kind of profession. You dont get a good reputation by being late, NCNSing people, and being totally unprofessional by cursing clients out.

If i tell someone i will be ready for an appointment at a certain time, there is no way i would take a nap before hand.... I dont think i have ever made a guy wait outside period, i get them up as fast as they can get out of their car. I feel like punctuality is one of the biggest first impressions you can make.

If i think i will not be able to be ready in time for a requested appointment i will not take it.

See how many times you can be late as hell or not call a real job and still be able to come back and make money... *laughs*
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Old 05-15-2013, 06:34 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Mya Michelle View Post
I like to Treat this like a real job, i know some people think its just a game and you can just do whatever the hell you want like its a no morals, anything goes kind of profession. You dont get a good reputation by being late, NCNSing people, and being totally unprofessional by cursing clients out.

If i tell someone i will be ready for an appointment at a certain time, there is no way i would take a nap before hand.... I dont think i have ever made a guy wait outside period, i get them up as fast as they can get out of their car. I feel like punctuality is one of the biggest first impressions you can make.

If i think i will not be able to be ready in time for a requested appointment i will not take it.

See how many times you can be late as hell or not call a real job and still be able to come back and make money... *laughs*
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Old 05-27-2013, 04:27 PM   #35
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Some guys (like me) don't have a lot of "time" to wait around. I really appreciate it when my lady is on the "money" Believe me I've done my fair share of waiting around and it really "sucks". When my date is on time (give or take 10 min considered on time) it really makes me want to "cum" back for more . I think a great resolution for tardiness could be minute for minute. I'm thinking that if I'm scheduled for 1 hr and my lady is 30 min late my session should go to 1hr and 30min for the same 1 hr donation. Whatcha think?
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Old 05-27-2013, 08:55 PM   #36
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I've never had a "back up" when I schedule with a lady; if it falls through, I usually just chalk it up to the "shit happens" category and leave. I've waited up to 30 minutes before without any text or phone reply from the provider - it's only happened twice, but 30's my tops; now, if she responds to a text and says she's running late or something's come up that's got her schedule behind, I've waited longer once. But back-up plans are not my deal, unless Jim and the Twins are just screamin to come out and play - then I might hit an AMP or a topless club - but I don't have a list of plan B providers to call in case the original target doesn't work out
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Old 05-27-2013, 10:28 PM   #37
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what drives me nuts is that I am communicating with a provider and all is well, they are pressing that we are scheduled for a certain time and I commit and get over there, then its the oh wait this long, no this long, and finally just a little longer.

I am in regular communication with a provider as I leave, as I am approaching, and as I exit....communication is key...I don't wait up to 30 minutes, I think it sets a bad precedent in my personal opinion. someone mentioned earlier about not waiting too long because you don't know who is watching, and I agree with that. I had a session scheduled with a provider and was waiting at the hotel and she was precisely as I mentioned before, on her game with responses until 5 mins before I got there then all of a sudden dropped off.....she responded 10 mins after we were supposed to start saying she was still situating the room.....I found that annoying but also got a good catch of the two potential pimps waiting around scoping my car.....got the f out of there very fast....so no I don't wait around anymore....for the money, theres always providers that can be on there game and respectful of the time just as we should be.
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