Originally Posted by JONBALLS
hey, you all forgot the occasional provider authored review
Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
What influence does the powder room have compared with the men's lounge? Maybe that's not the best way to put it, as this is primarily a men's site, but if I were to piss off a lady, is it likely to get any press there? The existence of that room is a reason I don't think providers should read ROS,.
Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
ops, errr sorry
yes I forgot them, for a long time I gave up even reading reviews. then a few members  at me about that, so I did a lot of review reading past few months. I does seem many reviews done by a male handle for sure where done by a chick.
and the review that was done by a gal with a female profile looks like mods never saw it, mmmm but I may be wrong
I guess we wouldnt have any REAL way of knowing for sure
but we all have intuition,a gut so to speak
this also can piggyback "respect" and
i would like to think any "good" mod wouldnt flaunt even the smallest appearance of inpropriety..
i mean , if your going to accept that position, you should have enough respect for all members to kinda show some humility
and step back abit , check your bias at the door
ehh,,,,,, shit , going to work, will have to think about this
will try to become more articulate with my thoughts later......... have a wonderful day all