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Old 05-03-2013, 03:54 PM   #121
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Originally Posted by XY View Post
Prostitution is the business or practice of providing sexual services to another person in return for payment.

It's a way out, easy or not. Big money, no real requirement for an education, or people skills, ...
Barbering is the business or practice of providing hair-grooming services to another person in return for payment - but I appreciate my barber (even though it costs me $15 for 10 minutes of service) and enjoy his company, and I don't look down on him or question why he chooses his line of work.

Originally Posted by XY View Post
I'm sorry Nita you feel I need to "respect" and "idolize" the profession, and the women in it, but I don't.
However, some common courtesy and empathy that are usually afforded another human being would be nice.
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Old 05-03-2013, 04:22 PM   #122
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Originally Posted by jackfengshui View Post
Barbering is the business or practice of providing hair-grooming services to another person in return for payment - but I appreciate my barber (even though it costs me $15 for 10 minutes of service) and enjoy his company, and I don't look down on him or question why he chooses his line of work.

However, some common courtesy and empathy that are usually afforded another human being would be nice.
errrr no one is better than the toys he rents, for 300 Alex
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Old 05-03-2013, 08:33 PM   #123
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Originally Posted by poplips View Post
U gotta share the pussy u find.
Originally Posted by poplips View Post
This pussy has been reviewed here,
It speaks volume when someone chooses to dehumanize another person by referring to her merely as a body part.
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Old 05-04-2013, 01:03 AM   #124
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Default Really?

Real quick and because now I am pissed because of the very callous and condescending nature of the comments that I am seeing and the fact that this thread has been taken way off track so lets get back to it!

It amazes me that anyone can treat another human being the way some individuals do. Anita's original comments were so spot on it was scary because I could not have said them as well!

I can't and won't ever speak poorly about a provider. Their reasons for doing what they are doing are their own and I have to respect that, and so should we all! If a donation is X and the hobbiest only gives x-y they are a thief and I would hope that the provider would post an alert in the powder room to let other providers know what that individual did. If you contract for the service you pay the rate agreed. There are no if's and's or but's about it! There is NO fucking excuse and to be as condescending and misogynistic as some individuals are? Holly SHIT find another fucking hobby!

I hadn't had a chance to read the thread for awhile and now that I have it saddens me that certain individuals feel that it is necessary to blow things up and take the thread off track.

Lets get it back on track and for any of the ladies reading this thread I apologize for the way that some individuals treat you or have treated you. And the gents reading the thread I sincerely hope that you treat each and every lady the way that she should be treated and that if you are dissatisfied with the services that you choose not to return!

Treat others the way you want to be treated! Write honest reviews that reflect your experience and they don't have to be nasty, contemptuous, or degrading because as has been said before by myself and others, that type of behavior, in a review or in other posts, is a reflection of your own delusions of self-importance, and it negatively impacts how you are perceived by both providers and hobbiests alike!

And for those that need it perhaps you really should consider another hobby. Knitting would be a great alternative for some members or perhaps they could take up juggling, yeah thats it! Maybe juggling chainsaws or better yet poisonous snake charming, or alligator wrestling, or swimming off the Great Barrier Reef with an open wound or cliff diving at low tide.

Certain individuals remind me of Francis ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OnpkDWbeJs their callous treatment of providers and other members is disturbing!

So folks lets keep this on track please?

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Old 05-04-2013, 02:21 AM   #125
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Originally Posted by DDarkness View Post
I can't and won't ever speak poorly about a provider. Their reasons for doing what they are doing are their own and I have to respect that, and so should we all! If a donation is X and the hobbiest only gives x-y they are a thief and I would hope that the provider would post an alert in the powder room to let other providers know what that individual did. If you contract for the service you pay the rate agreed. There are no if's and's or but's about it! There is NO fucking excuse and to be as condescending and misogynistic as some individuals are? Holly SHIT find another fucking hobby!
Well said DD. I couldn't agree more.
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Old 05-04-2013, 05:50 AM   #126
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It takes two to tango.....if you have a bad experience with a provider, own up to the fact that some of that is on the hobbyist......paying for service or not, if you show up smelling like you've dug ditches all day long, or like you just ate a bag of garlic, or just act like a jerk, or have a reputation as an ass....you are not gonna get the best someone has to offer.

That applies to the hobby, as well as all parts of life. Treat a waiter poorly at dinner, and you are not gonna get the best service he could give you......and as far as the providers go, well, if you had to get naked with a fat old sweaty smelly-breathed obnoxious old fart with a big fucking mouth, how could they give their best???? I'd be creeped out, and I'm sure many are.....No wonder they end up with favorites.......and treat those favorites well.

Let's be real........I doubt that any of the hobbyists who write those disparaging comments would qualify for the cover of GQ...........

There are ways to say what you feel needs to be said in a review, with resorting to "name calling". I always find it sadly humorous when I read a review commenting on all kinds of bullshit, like "stretchmark's" and "too fat" or whatever the cosmetic complaint may be. As many have stated, those commentaries reflect more on the writer than the lady reviewed......

After reading this thread, it does make me think that the providers should be able to read the ROS, and be able to comment. Fair's fair, after all.........

What's even more amazing is that after some of the stuff that some people write, that any provider would actually want to see them, money or not!

I'm surprised that Dearhunter hasn't had anything to say on this......where's the Prophet when you need him!!

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Old 05-04-2013, 07:07 AM   #127
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The Fucking Prophet was elevated to godturd.
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Old 05-04-2013, 09:00 AM   #128
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errr if a review could reflect on the OP or provider/s and or ahem both. Then the system works as is.
Does not matter if it was a "yes" or a "no", or why.

edit add:
I may not play the way poplips or others play. But I find him entertaining. I like to entertain and be entertained.
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Old 05-04-2013, 11:05 AM   #129
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Old 05-04-2013, 11:20 AM   #130
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Originally Posted by Lexxxy View Post
I also use reviews as a screening tool.
errrr so what ya think of mine??????

edit add:
I hope you find them entertaining
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Old 05-04-2013, 02:42 PM   #131
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I don't understand, and maybe some can help, what exactly is it that I'm doing wrong or proving that I am a misogynist and treat these providers in the wrong? Why can't I write a review that tells people I wasn't pleased with her looks, I mean, when we go to a bar and see chicks, do we think they are all beautiful? the fat, the gross, the thin, the skin? Everyone is beautiful in their own way? I'm not on Oprah. It's like everyone here has beer goggles or something. Why are so many on this site so quick to stand up for these providers, and frankly, I don't think providers should be reading ROS, it's an opinion we share with our fellow man. The fact that they can and some on this site know they can, makes them all very self-conscious about what he will say and want to show them all how sensitive men they are. Sometimes, these postings sound like guys have just stepped out of a feminist class or something. People need to stop the pretense. Is it possible the word pussy was used to emphasize why we're all here for? or did some of us got lost in our own delusions about why we're here. And frankly, someone, telling me this hobby ain't for me because of this misogyny that I display I say to them it is precisely because of this misogyny that this hobby is for me. Some may want to hobby because they like to pretend some girl loves them, some got the Pretty Woman mythos, some want to approval of a woman because I guess in real life they don't get some, some do it cuz they know it's all fake and is a respite from a relationship, maybe some do it cuz their wives don't give head or seldom gives anal, others maybe because it's safest and discrete way to cheat without complicating things. Ron Jeremy said it best, when he was fucking some girl in the ass and then stuck it in her mouth, "That shit is nasty." Some may want to hobby because they don't have to worry about being less than perfect for the real object of their desire. I get tired of running and working out so I can feel my girl desires me. I get tired of saying all the right things, and being sensitive so my girl still wants to be with me. Sometimes, I just wanna get fat, wear sloppy clothes, be poor, less than ambitious, crude, not overextend that part of my brain that has learnt all that feminist claptrap, and just pay some woman to give me head, to swallow my cum, to let me fuck her in the ass, to cum on her face. I can be critical of her because that is their job. If a provider starts getting fat, she needs to work out, stopping the oreos and bacon, because her commodity is her body, and if they do not, it's an insult to the john, as if they were bottom feeders and should just be happy they are getting a bj and some pussy. I once got involved my professor who was a very sexual woman who made the comment that men that masturbate to porn have very little respect for themselves. Of course, she was liberal feminist who wrote poetry on the side. I wonder what she would think now if i told her what i was doing.
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Old 05-04-2013, 03:19 PM   #132
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DD seems to have an overwhelming desire to shape a hooker site.

eehh.its been tried before

the idea gets dredged up from time to time , it will pass
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Old 05-04-2013, 03:25 PM   #133
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If I was looking, and lookin in Buffalo. your reviews would be one of the better ones ta check. If I agree with your ways or not. Hay another guy put out some scary shit your way and some treat him like a hero. errrr WTF

guessing Lexxxy will not answer my question. crap oh well
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Old 05-04-2013, 03:49 PM   #134
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We are just having a discusion on everyone's perspective, and opinions are like assholes, everyone has one...
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Old 05-04-2013, 04:03 PM   #135
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FF, I agree with you, it's sad that some people cannot appreciate or respect other people's opinions. Good post.
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