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Old 05-02-2013, 11:20 PM   #106
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Originally Posted by anita germane View Post
That right there is the inescapable underlying single reason, period! It's always about the "generosity"......

Generosity is what determines the value of an asset as that word never fails to realize itself in threAD after threAD after threAD.
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Old 05-02-2013, 11:26 PM   #107
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Old 05-02-2013, 11:36 PM   #108
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Originally Posted by anita germane View Post
there are many many many gentlemen on

btw..poplips...i have heard how you make your deals with women..you pay them what you think they are worth..not what their donations actually are...you take advantage ...you one badmammerjammer..it will catch up with you..you may mess over the wrong bottom girl...
and your lesson will be learned the hard way..news travels fast in the circut...and from what i have heard about you..it aint good...

Will you not agree with me that some providers are not worth the donation they want? Are you saying we should just pay the girl whatever they want because they may have delusions about what they are offering us? All we're getting is pussy and respite from ardorous relationships. Maybe there is no actual price for it. But negotiating is part of any business. My perspective comes from the experiences of being a John, which limits me in seeing the whole picture. Are animal needs and instincts the only thing that is met in this trade? Is this all you do for us men? What troubles me about your trade is the seedy side to it. The pt issues, the human trafficking, that if you remove one of the participant's desperation the whole trade could disappear. I have met many providers who hold on to their delusions to endure whatever pain this trade causes them. And what this pain is I don't think I understand it, but I know full well it's there. The pain is there because of the type of people attracted to your profession, resulting in PT issues, poverty; there is little longevity in this trade. Studies seem to show that people enter your trade out of desperation. Maybe callous moral righteousness is behind these studies. I don't know. I think it is terrific that you are a people person and enjoy what you do, but for you wanting maladies to befall me because I just want to negotiate with these providers for a different fee schedule sounds stupid. If I were peeing on their faces, slapping them, terrorizing them, then yes let all God's plagues reach my home. But in my case there is no cause for you to wish me ill, if anything it suggests to me that you too have your own delusions about your profession. I can't tell you how many times I meet providers that made me wonder all this potential, this kindness, wasted beauty, that could have led to fulfilling their dreams. I cannot believe being a whore was what they wanted to be as little girls. Sometimes I leave a provider's home and I am thinking, man that was worth more than the 200 I spent. A particular provider comes to mind when she shared a beautiful story about her life. She was a little girl and her uncle came home messed up on PT. He needed a place to rest and her mother put him in bed with her. The following morning the little girl wakes up with a dead man clinging to her. Do you know what she said about this experience? That she was happy that he died with someone that loved him, that he didn't die alone. Right off the bat, you know this provider is worth more than the 200 I spent and the other million 200 other men have spent. A lot of the providers in this trade seem to come from these types of homes. These types of stories. The quality of the individual here definitely superseded any presumptions one may have about people in this trade. I enjoy this hobby because of these stories. It sometimes it's just not about the pussy.
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Old 05-03-2013, 12:05 AM   #109
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Originally Posted by XY View Post
I luv Nita.

Why do you do what you do Nita? You have no other options? You sent out your resume, and nobody called you back? You tried all legal channels before turning to a life of crime? ijs Wait a minute.....it's just for time, anything else is whatever a man and woman decide to do with all their "spare" time together.

"Prostitution is the business or practice of providing sexual services to another person in return for payment [1]. The person who receives payment for sexual services is called a prostitute or sex worker, and the person who receives such services is known by a multitude of terms."

1. "Prostitution Law & Legal Definition". US Legal. Retrieved 19 March 2013.

It's a way out, easy or not. Big money, no real requirement for an education, or people skills, just a knack for evading the law, and convincing the "client" that he is number "1" for an hour, when in reality, clients are most probably thought of as bottom feeders, and a paycheck.

All the aliases, the screening, the PA, the back-channel workings all lead to anonymity and security, the anonymity is just my point, we sift through the options, select and choose based on menu, attitude and age, pay the gatekeeper, and in the end we both get to go our separate ways with absolutely no emotion, drama (most cases), and an air in our step.

Perfect situation for all involved.

I'm sorry Nita you feel I need to "respect" and "idolize" the profession, and the women in it, but I don't. It has nothing to do with a childhood trauma, or misplaced rage.....simply put, it is a business transaction.
yep thats right... I cant find anything else to do in this world than this..no one called me back in regards to all the resumes i sent out..looks like im here and your stuck with me..oh boohoo for you..hahah..yea..we all know what prostitutes do..and we all know what johns do..there is like no reason for you to go all "boston legal" up in here..we all kno what u do..... you waste bandwith..

never feel sorry for me..ima gonna be all right... i always bounce back..usually better than when i first went down...

speaking of a life of crime..funny you calling the kettle black..your not an innecent here ..
and the fact you lead girls to this type of "job" is worse in the eyes of the law than what i do...so before you try to degrade me..go to the bathroom and take a look in the mirror..remeber it starts with you...you know..the change in loving yourself..cuz till you do..your behavior will get worse..and your hate will grow deeper...and then...cancer..

you dont need to respect women or people in general..most men that hate dont..they dnt respect even the dog that protects him even after he continues to beat that dog down..

Im honestly wondering why you of all people would even care why i even do this.. you have never even sat down and actually gotten to know me..yet you have no problems talking shit and behind one's back at that...if you had sat down and actually did get to know me..then the questons you ust directed at me would already be answered...hwever giving me the respect to actually sit down and listen to me and
understand where im coming from and picture what im talking about...i doubt you could do that..cuz you see..you dont respect me...cuz iam workin girl..oh and lets not forget the most important part.....im am a strong woman..in mind soul and body....
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Old 05-03-2013, 12:50 AM   #110
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Originally Posted by poplips View Post
Will you not agree with me that some providers are not worth the donation they want? Are you saying we should just pay the girl whatever they want because they may have delusions about what they are offering us? All we're getting is pussy and respite from ardorous relationships. Maybe there is no actual price for it. But negotiating is part of any business. My perspective comes from the experiences of being a John, which limits me in seeing the whole picture. Are animal needs and instincts the only thing that is met in this trade? Is this all you do for us men? What troubles me about your trade is the seedy side to it. The pt issues, the human trafficking, that if you remove one of the participant's desperation the whole trade could disappear. I have met many providers who hold on to their delusions to endure whatever pain this trade causes them. And what this pain is I don't think I understand it, but I know full well it's there. The pain is there because of the type of people attracted to your profession, resulting in PT issues, poverty; there is little longevity in this trade. Studies seem to show that people enter your trade out of desperation. Maybe callous moral righteousness is behind these studies. I don't know. I think it is terrific that you are a people person and enjoy what you do, but for you wanting maladies to befall me because I just want to negotiate with these providers for a different fee schedule sounds stupid. If I were peeing on their faces, slapping them, terrorizing them, then yes let all God's plagues reach my home. But in my case there is no cause for you to wish me ill, if anything it suggests to me that you too have your own delusions about your profession. I can't tell you how many times I meet providers that made me wonder all this potential, this kindness, wasted beauty, that could have led to fulfilling their dreams. I cannot believe being a whore was what they wanted to be as little girls. Sometimes I leave a provider's home and I am thinking, man that was worth more than the 200 I spent. A particular provider comes to mind when she shared a beautiful story about her life. She was a little girl and her uncle came home messed up on crack. He needed a place to rest and her mother put him in bed with her. The following morning the little girl wakes up with a dead man clinging to her. Do you know what she said about this experience? That she was happy that he died with someone that loved him, that he didn't die alone. Right off the bat, you know this provider is worth more than the 200 I spent and the other million 200 other men have spent. A lot of the providers in this trade seem to come from these types of homes. These types of stories. The quality of the individual here definitely superseded any presumptions one may have about people in this trade. I enjoy this hobby because of these stories. It sometimes it's just not about the pussy.
well lets see poplips...lets look at this in another way shall we...
you go to work..you work hard..put in say 60 hours that week...and your company
decides to pay you for 20 hours of work that week..why because they feel your not worth the 60hours of pay,,but yet they chose to hire you at that salary..but oh well...
start suckin wind cuz they aint gonna give it to you..

i dont wish you ill will not at all...i think the ladies you short change probly do...and their bosses most def do...

what i find disturbing about the story you told about that provider..is that her mother would put a man who was allmessed up on PT in the bed with that lil girl....
and him waking up dead in her bed..

we all have stories about why we do what we do..even the men..we are all here for a reason...and hopefully when seeing a lady that is compasionate to their needs will help them in that time they spend together...

not all ladies are on dope okay..i know a good few that have their shit pretty well worked out and this is allowing them to get to where they gotta go...

I just think..that if a lady shows up..is clean not on anything ..and makes you smile and ya'll had a great time together..well she is everybit worth her asking rate..

I have some really sweet gents that come see me...and they have gotten to know me..some just come get and wanna leave..so they come git and go..however thats all they want from this..pop off..
and others want the companionship..and with me..they get a few laughs cuz im a goofy funny f*ck..ill spout funny things out when im nervous and for some reason it breaks the ice and blamo..we're laghing and having a good time..I do care about the folks that come and visit me..why because its not about the getim in getim out..i like to get to know my people..and sometimes in doin so we go well over the time..and thats okay.because in the long run..he needed someone to talk to and to hold and to just understand that everything will be okay...

look you will do and others will do what they want regardless what is said or how folks feel ..and the end of the day..we all gotta look in the morror..and some of us..we're good with what we see..and others ..arent...

i dont know if you know this about me..some do...but im single..i dont date in my personal life..why..because its to complicated..and so..when a gent comes to see me..he is my guy for that hour..and i treat him like a king in that hour..because he deserves it..

and also..do you know how many providers there are in this city..like 3/4 of the city are providers..the rest are men..lol..and wives....so when a gent decides to see me..
i make sure he is well taken care of ...because i apprecitate that he choose to spend his time with me...

not alot of ladies are like that..but there are those that are..trick is..you gotta find those kinda ladies..and leave the fly by nights alone..and leave the ladies with pt issues alone..understand your just feeding the habit..may as well just get the stuff for them..instead of paying the rate..

i dont man..it is what it is..
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Old 05-03-2013, 01:23 AM   #111
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You missed the point about that little girl. Maybe I wasn't clear. You say that loving yourself is a plus. I don't like Oprah, but let's go with that. It was fucked up about the mother putting the uncle in that bed. Maybe...maybe not. But that she could tell that story with a smile and insight and with so much love and shared it with a stranger that was the beautiful thing about it. I dated a spoiled rich girl who has everything, rich papa, everybody just taking care of the princess, and yet she thinks she suffers cuz the world is so hurtful to her. I don't think she's ever experienced real trauma. I shared that story because providers come from these types of homes, and I wonder if they had had the opportunities of my ex would some of them had accomplished greater things?
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Old 05-03-2013, 01:27 AM   #112
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Originally Posted by XY View Post
lol..now that is cute..
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Old 05-03-2013, 01:32 AM   #113
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Originally Posted by poplips View Post
You missed the point about that little girl. Maybe I wasn't clear. You say that loving yourself is a plus. I don't like Oprah, but let's go with that. It was fucked up about the mother putting the uncle in that bed. Maybe...maybe not. But that she could tell that story with a smile and insight and with so much love and shared it with a stranger that was the beautiful thing about it. I dated a spoiled rich girl who has everything, rich papa, everybody just taking care of the princess, and yet she thinks she suffers cuz the world is so hurtful to her. I don't think she's ever experienced real trauma. I shared that story because providers come from these types of homes, and I wonder if they had had the opportunities of my ex would some of them had accomplished greater things?
i ddnt miss the point..i just saw something else in that story ...sweetheart..i have seen providers come from families with millions.. they dont all come from broken homes, drugs and poverty......i do believe..that anyone given an oppertunity can make greatness for themselves and those around them..
it takes moxy..and a solid set of balls...
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Old 05-03-2013, 07:41 AM   #114
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In my experience, the person saying "its just business" is doing harm. It's a phrase that starts as self-justification but eventually they start to believe it and then use it for others. Literally or not, I'm fucking you, but it's just business.

We're measuring a person's value or self worth, and like it or not, when you value your time you are measuring your worth, against another person's time for coitus. Mixing a very personal act with the measure of self worth that one's income can dictate, and shit is going to get personal. No way it can't.

Some of the experiences we have are priceless. But that doesn't mean $200 isn't enough. I fell off a balcony in Toronto and the next night a provider cleaned my wounds with peroxide. We had great sex but the ten minutes she spent caring for me enhanced the sex and also made it a priceless, personal experience. But it still wasn't worth $200, in terms of being a day's work, (the cost was less, she got paid her asking plus a tip) my point is she gave of herself including genuine concern for me and that is something so priceless trying to quantify it with money is wrong on both ends. And we'd all be healthier if we did it less, too many damn visa commercials.

I have to give kudos to poplips for not taking any personal shots at anyone. The story of the uncle is a touching example that providers are people too. But I can't resist asking: did she tell you that story behind the dumpster, or was it on the walk back to the car?
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Old 05-03-2013, 10:57 AM   #115
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It is clear that there are providers and hobbyists who take an exclusively hard, cold business approach to their interactions. There are hobbyists who have no respect for providers and providers who despise their clients. But ECCIE is quite a diverse community. There are also quite a few providers and hobbyists who, while not losing track of the basic sex for money nature of the transaction, also enjoy people on other levels. It is not always evident who is who, but usually it is quite apparent after one meeting. Sometimes it can even be sensed in advance through websites and email communication.

Not all providers and not all hobbyists are alike. Although that should be quite obvious, some of the discussion in this thread seems to have over-generalized. Hobbyists who care notice that extra touch of humanity that some providers have and repeat with them (providing, of course, that the physical stuff is also top notch). There are providers who notice and appreciate the positive attitudes and behavior of clients. Some hobbyists and providers could not care less about such things. I think ECCIE has its share of people with both approaches, as well as people whose position is somewhere in the middle, who may well be the majority. These demographics are also represented in the GOBC, Anita. We have no spokesperson.
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Old 05-03-2013, 11:32 AM   #116
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Originally Posted by brasil View Post
It is clear that there are providers and hobbyists who take an exclusively hard, cold business approach to their interactions.
errrr its not easy ta crush someone ya like

errrr sorry it was on my mind from another threAD
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Old 05-03-2013, 11:36 AM   #117
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A favourite quote from a Windsor gal pal of mine..

"Try and put yourself in a provider's place. It's one thing to have one's own insecurities. We all have them. But to have every flaw put out there for everyone to see takes a piece of your soul. It's one thing to say "sticks and stones", but this kind of cruelty (because it can go waaaaaaaaaaay past insensitivity) can cut a woman off at the knees. And there is not one fucking thing we can do about it.

You see, if any of the ladies here retaliate,it hurts their business. That's the whole bottom line. We're damned if we do and we're damned if we don't. However, on the plus side, I reiterate that there are more good guys out there than fuckwads and this is just part of the downside of being in a semi-public eye."

I would just like to also add to this.. all kinds of people work and care about their job. Too much extreme negativity in the air in this biz( or on any board)..is going to chase the pussy away..as Jokacz link pointed out

Here is an example, its not all about the money:

If there's a gent who is always critical, and a lady has a chance to discover that by reading his degrading, critical, graphic...she might choose not to see him. Now imagine this particular lady is new to the area, she is gorgeous, stunning.. the kinda gal the pickiest guy has been waiting for. Finally a dream come true for those who have super high visual standards. But, she has been doing her research on the board and the reason she decides against seeing a gent who is always critical could be for the simple fact she has some tiny mole or something that she feels insecure about. To her it is ugly. Of course she doesn't want to book an appointment with a guy who she feels is going to write about her flaw. Yes she is worried about other guys being turned off by the review and could damage biz, but more then that a woman does not want to be humiliated by her own insecurities and have them exposed. This is devastating and embarrasing on a personal level.

...Now, the negative guys might start wondering as the reviews pile in.. hey?! Why won't she see me, she has such glowing reviews..well it might be because the beautiful new sp is worried about a silly little mole and she feels that the guys she is turning down are the kinda gents who are going to freak out about if..and Voila.. you have just cock blocked yourselves from meeting the sp who fits the high standard you have been looking for, over a mole that might be uber sexy in the right place... Ya never know..anyways..
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Old 05-03-2013, 12:12 PM   #118
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FF, maybe you should stop reading reviews.
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Old 05-03-2013, 12:27 PM   #119
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Why? I have no problem with 80% of them. I don't even have a problem with all negative ones. Like I mentioned reviews, posts..allow me to make an informed choice. I think avoiding the read could be dangerous, and I have found that out the hard way in the past.

To each their own at the end of the day.. you can lead a horse to water, but I am pretty sure water games should be consensual

Happy hobbying.
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Old 05-03-2013, 01:06 PM   #120
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a wise provider will not react on a "No" review. That does not mean action was taking.
That depends on if there was something worthy to learn to take action on.
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