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Old 05-01-2013, 08:28 AM   #1
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Default clap on, clap on, clap o...shit.

Does this worry anyone here? This isn't good. Wasn't sure if anyone posted anything about this here.

Gonorrhea Superbug - Lethal.
Sex Superbug Could Be 'Worse Than AIDS'
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Published: Tuesday, 30 Apr 2013 | 2:45 PM ET
By: Mark Koba
Senior Editor, CNBC

An antibiotic-resistant strain of gonorrhea—now considered a superbug—has some analysts saying that the bacteria's effects could match those of AIDS.

"This might be a lot worse than AIDS in the short run because the bacteria is more aggressive and will affect more people quickly," said Alan Christianson, a doctor of naturopathic medicine.
"Getting gonorrhea from this strain might put someone into septic shock and death in a matter of days," Christianson said. "This is very dangerous."

"It's an emergency situation," said William Smith, executive director of the National Coalition of STD Directors. "As time moves on, it's getting more and more dangerous."
This gonorrhea strain, HO41, was discovered in Japan two years ago in a 31-year-old female sex worker who had been screened in 2009. The bacteria has since been found in Hawaii, California and Norway.

Because it resists current antibiotic treatment, the strain has been placed in the superbug category with other resistant bacteria, such as MRSA and CRE. These superbugs kill about half the people they attack, and nearly one in 20 hospital patients become infected with one, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Though no deaths from HO41 have been reported, efforts to combat it must continue, Smith said.
"We have to keep beating the drum on this," he said. "The potential for disaster is great."

According to the CDC, about 20 million a year contract a sexually transmitted disease (STD) and result in about $16 billion in medical costs. More than 800,000 of STD cases reported are gonorrhea infections, with most occurring in people between the ages of 15 and 24.

Gonorrhea is transmitted through unprotected sexual contact. Untreated, the disease can cause a number of health complications in women, including infertility. In men, the disease can be very painful and lead to sterility. It can also trigger other life-threatening illnesses, including heart infections.

Gonorrhea can be hard to detect. It often shows no symptoms in about half of women and in about 5 percent of men. Gonorrhea infection rates were at historic lows until two years ago, according to the CDC.

"That's what's kind of scary about this," Smith said. "We are at lows in terms of infections, but this strain is a very tricky bug and we don't have anything medically to fight it right now."

Since 1998, the Food and Drug Administration has approved only four new antibiotics of any kind, according to the Infectious Disease Society of America. The last approval was in 2010. Only seven antibiotics are in an advanced stage of development—still years away from approval and use.

"This is a disaster just waiting to happen," Christianson said. "It's time to do something about it before it explodes. "These superbugs, including the gonorrhea strain, are a health threat. We need to move now before it gets out of hand."
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Old 05-01-2013, 08:35 AM   #2
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for some odd reason...and eminen song comes to mine..
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Old 05-01-2013, 09:46 AM   #3
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These "Superbugs" have developed due to the the over Perscription of Antibiotics and "Sanatizing" Cleaning products. They are also Nature's way of trying to reassert its Population control over us. I saw a story a few Years ago about a Girl who won her School's Science Fair by demonstrating that the use of Anit-Bacterial Cleaner caused the Bacteria to become stronger and resistant to the Cleaning agent. Smart girl. We should get her to work on solving this.
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Old 05-01-2013, 12:29 PM   #4
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I see someone using Purell and I think namby pamby wuss nerd. Embracing dirt and germs makes one stronger.

I feel the same way about many 'script drugs. Before I accepted metformin, and I still haven't, I tried working out. It worked. Eating better would too, but ya know. The doc wanted to put me on some cholesterol drug but I refused. I don't want to teach my body not to do what it needs.
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Old 05-01-2013, 07:57 PM   #5
Always Horny
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Originally Posted by RochBob View Post
These "Superbugs" have developed due to the the over Perscription of Antibiotics and "Sanatizing" Cleaning products. They are also Nature's way of trying to reassert its Population control over us. I saw a story a few Years ago about a Girl who won her School's Science Fair by demonstrating that the use of Anit-Bacterial Cleaner caused the Bacteria to become stronger and resistant to the Cleaning agent. Smart girl. We should get her to work on solving this.
Mother Nature always wins out. Always.
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Old 05-01-2013, 09:26 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by RochBob View Post
They are also Nature's way of trying to reassert its Population control over us.
It's a case of the survival of the fittest - and a vivid example of evolution accelerated by human actions.
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Old 05-01-2013, 10:10 PM   #7
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Folks, I doubt that the G-bug has been improving it's survival rate and antibiotic resistance because u use an anti-bacterial soap on your 3rd leg ! or because she is douching with Purell (ouch).
the risk of an std is something we all know and accept if we are gonna "hobby". If we take the risk of HIV then this is just an added factor in the calculation.
maybe another good reason to avoid the BP girls and stick to the pros, who can tell u (trust em ??) they are getting tested.
or does it mean u better stay away from the ATF with 50 YES reviews. Use your main head and play safe.
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Old 05-04-2013, 10:55 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by boyscoutnomore View Post
Folks, I doubt that the G-bug has been improving it's survival rate and antibiotic resistance because u use an anti-bacterial soap on your 3rd leg ! or because she is douching with Purell (ouch).
Well, he is right. Bacteria is becoming resistant due to the fact that people don't finish their entire course of antibiotics that are prescribed to them.
When you start taking antibiotics for a bacterial infection, the "weakest" bacteria are killed first, leaving the strongest for last. When people don't complete their antibiotics due to the fact that they are feeling better, it leaves the strongest bacteria behind to replicate.
The next time you need antibiotics they won't kill the strongest bacteria that you've let live and replicate. Now that bacteria is stronger than ever and you now need a stronger antibiotic to deal with it.

Hand sanitizer and even germaphobes have nothing to do with antibiotic resistance...

The article stated, "Gonorrhea is transmitted through unprotected sexual contact" and was found in Japan on a sex worker who hadn't been screened for STD's in 2 years.

Soooo, be smart, use protection and get screened frequently.
This is really disturbing!
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