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View Poll Results: As a highly respected 40+ married professional how would you handle the situation given you are with
a) Call 911 and get out of dodge knowing that questions Will asked. 14 19.72%
b) Stay with her until help arrives and hope for no questions. 40 56.34%
c) Stay with her for the trip to the hospital letting the cards fall where ever they may. 15 21.13%
Other (Please specify) 2 2.82%
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Old 04-30-2013, 10:25 AM   #1
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Default In the case of an emergency what would you do?

This anonymous poll applies strictly to you married mongers.

You are a married 40+ highly respected professional in your community.

You are with one of your ATF's in the heat of BCD when suddenly she has a medical emergency while still naked.

It could be cardiac arrest, epileptic seizure, she passes out for some unknown reason or perhaps she goes into labor.

Single unattached mongers need not respond. It is a given that you would rise to the occasion staying by her side and offering blood transfusions if need be :-)

As a highly respected 40+ married professional how would you handle the situation given you are with a nude 20ish year old provider?
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Old 04-30-2013, 11:38 AM   #2
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Interesting poll results thus far.

At least 50% of 40+ well known and respected married professionals would stay with a nude 20ish year old ATF all the way to the hospital.

This is in spite of direct questions from hospital staff and possibly cops.

Another 40% would wait for the paramedics and cops to arrive to the bed scene who will also ask questions or ask for ID.

Only 10% said get help and leave dodge before the sheriff arrives. I wonder how honest these answers are?

Are there really that many men willing to put their marriage and career on the line? Impressive!
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Old 04-30-2013, 11:46 AM   #3
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I hope those answers are honest. Anyone who would place their happiness at home over someone else's life... They don't deserve marriage or a career.
I mean, really, you don't want to get outed over something silly, or drama... but the question purports something grave.
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Old 04-30-2013, 11:53 AM   #4
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True but in all three scenarios she is still going to receive the exact same care with or without the guy outing himself.

Whether he calls and waits until he hears sirens, stays on the scene to answer questions or follows her to the hospital for a more intensive drilling she'll still receive the same care.

What's he going to say "I was in the middle of screwing this girl young enough to be my daughter or grand daughter and she just passed out?

I think it would be more about caring and showing support at the risk of losing his own family, career and reputation than providing any useful medical info.
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Old 04-30-2013, 12:04 PM   #5
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I envision in the scenario that it is something life threatening amd as such not safe to leave her unattended (choking hazard, CPR..)
So the two options of staying, making sure EMS has relevant health history and ensuring she's alive en route to the hospital are similar. It what is required of you to keep your man card.
Now as to staying with her until another family member or close friend can provide support.... There's where the question should really focus. That question I don't know the answer to. Health care workers will keep their mouths shut due to HIPAA But a family member could recognize you... or if she takes a turn for the worst en route or just at the hospital. .. uncomfortable questions coming...
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Old 04-30-2013, 12:19 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Silver Dolphin View Post
I envision in the scenario that it is something life threatening amd as such not safe to leave her unattended (choking hazard, CPR..)
So the two options of staying, making sure EMS has relevant health history and ensuring she's alive en route to the hospital are similar. It what is required of you to keep your man card.
Now as to staying with her until another family member or close friend can provide support.... There's where the question should really focus. That question I don't know the answer to. Health care workers will keep their mouths shut due to HIPAA But a family member could recognize you... or if she takes a turn for the worst en route or just at the hospital. .. uncomfortable questions coming...

Very good points.
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Old 04-30-2013, 12:36 PM   #7
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I would make sure she gets any necessary medical help and would wait until help arrives.

There is a far greater likelihood of a 40+, overweight respected member of the community, who is not in shape to pass out, have a heart or other health issue than his 20 something companion.

It would be interesting to know what will the 20 something companion would do....
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Old 04-30-2013, 12:54 PM   #8
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LOL the last girl I tried to wear out damned near killed me....she said at the end "your heart is beating so fast". I said "because u almost killed me.
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Old 04-30-2013, 01:18 PM   #9
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I am kind of shocked that I'm the only one (yes, I'll admit to it) that said "uh, 911 isn't a joke in this town".

If I am there, I am there not as a friend but as a business patron. Obviously I am *friendly* but I am also not in the position to answer all sorts of embarrassing questions, even if I know that they are absolutely in the provider's best interests. Would the knightly thing be to take the damsel in distress all the way to the hospital? Of course. I am not a knight, I am a rogue, and I am attracted to similar rogues, and if the tables were turned I would not begrudge the young lady in question in the slightest for beating feet to avoid a possibly dangerous set of questions.

Does this mean I lose my man card? I've been judged for being too honest before.
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Old 04-30-2013, 01:39 PM   #10
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If she's stable Qziz, then you don't lose the card. But the gravity of the situation I drew up in my mind, shows the girl unstable and not safe to leave alone until EMS arrives. If seizures or cardiac arrest happens, there are things even untrained, scared adults can do to keep that person safe and give her a better chance. If you bail on someone in that situation, then yeah you lose the card. No dishonor in beating feet, but only if she's not worse off medically.
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Old 04-30-2013, 02:44 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Tan Khan View Post
It would be interesting to know what will the 20 something companion would do....

I was in my late 20's when this happened 3 years ago.....

(I cut and pasted from old thread)

while with a long time client this afternoon he was acting funny....stuttering..confused. ..unable to speak at times...this kept happening in lapses the 3rd time it happened I asked him to smile and he could not (I remembered that was one of the signs) so I pretty much threw him in the car and flew to the ER..
.He has no family in Texas so I passed my self off as his niece who was just connecting with that side of the family so I didnt know any medical history ...

Long story short I learned today that acting fast may have saved a life......

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Old 04-30-2013, 03:45 PM   #12
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Cody you're pretty bright , Any idea why LamyTeerryFen is Spamming your thread ? And why a Polish ad for PVC windows ?
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Old 04-30-2013, 05:24 PM   #13
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Better her than me !!!

... and as I care for people I meet personally in life, I'll do everything she needs to survive so I can bang her again, lol.

Nosy questions don't need to be answered just the facts that medics/doctors need to know to help her professionally.

My story runs something along the lines - I was in the vicinity, somebody ran out and called for help. That person is gone and I am here to help. Might just make you a hero on local news....
Yikes... local news.
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Old 04-30-2013, 07:34 PM   #14
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With all of this it really got me to thinking, what WOULD I do? So, I've decided to share with you

Toyz Top Ten Things to do with a Fading Hoogar

10). Put a party favor in her mouth and push on her chest...everytime she blows out it'll make that funny noise. You're saving her life & having a fun time on top of it.
9). Start telling her about your exe, your lousy boss & all the bad things that have happened in your life...she has no choice but to listen
8). Motorboat while singing "on the good ship lollipop"
7). Try all those positions you were scared to ask about
6). Pour all the shit out of her purse, find the lipstick, and write Haikus all over her body
5). Sit her up in the hotel chair and have a fun game of "patty cake, patty cake"
4). Turn on "Sportscenter" and move her into FF position...you've always wanted to cum listening to Boomer talk about "HE COULD GO ALL THE WAYYYYY"...
3). Put your boxers on her head, put on her dark sunglasses, put a cup in her hand and sit her on the corner of 6th and Lamar with a "HO LESS" sign around her neck...
2). Take her phone, and text the same message to all her Johns. 'YOU LIMP DICKED ASSHOLE, FUCKING YOU WAS ABOUT AS PLEASURABLE AS A GARLIC ENEMA"
1). If she starts turning blue, turn her over for doggie so you don't have to watch...

OK...I have to say this before someone thinks I am NOT just joking...I am...I would make sure she got the proper medical attention & probably bring flowers when she recovered....
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Old 04-30-2013, 08:09 PM   #15
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I'll preface this by saying that I've never been in this situation, but it seems to me that medical first responders couldn't care less who you are or why you were there, only what pertinent medical info you can provide. If LE responds they might ask some embarrassing questions, but they haven't caught you in the act and they have better things to do in that situation anyway. My only concern would be if they looked around the place and found some illicit substances, that might get a little uncomfortable.

At any rate, I'd at least stay until help arrived.
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