Date: 04/27/2013
Provider: Vanessa Johnson
Phone or Pager: (512) 222-8107
URL / Website:
City: Austin
State: Texas
Area / Address: Northwest Arboretum
Appointment Type:Incall
Provider Category: Independent
Activities: "your dick is not coming anywhere near me. I am a companion"
Session Length Scheduled: 2 hrs.
Fee: unknown
Total Paid: Zero
Was Tipping or Upselling an issue? No
Was the Description you were given accurate? She claims yes
Hair Color and Length: see pics
Age: 29
Race: Caucasian
Perfume/Fragrance: n/a
Smoking Status: n/a
Where did you hear about this provider? BP post
To quote her email received this morning...
[private communication removed - GM]
Would you recommend this Provider to others? NO
![Mfr Omg](
Such a waste! But thankfully NOT my time or cash. This is the 2nd "big breaster" in this town to pull the attitude crap and hold them hostage. Oh and that last photo in the post: Downloaded! Always pays to ASK QUESTIONS, guys. Later