I did a lot of reading when I first contemplated joining the scene, and have continued reading since. There's an awful lot to get your head around, and the information you get from different places seems utterly incompatible with information you get elsewhere. (I was expecting hobbyists to be a lot more critical than the ones I've actually met, for instance, just due to the number of discussions of what providers are dogs or not that I've run across.)
However, one of the things that's coming through most strikingly comes from the resources I've seen coming from providers themselves. When the talk gets in any way toward the philosophy end of things, these providers seem to fall into two broad categories.
One--which I'll call the Social Justice Providers--focuses on the affirmation of self that escorting can provide, the need for service providers to stick together, and the unfairness of social stigma against sex work in any of its forms. Here you'll find a lot of talk about Solidarity, about working together to fight against (for instance) other providers not charging enough, and how to change the worldwide opinion of providing. These articles tend to treat providers as a Unit, because we're All In It Together, and what we do affects other providers.
The other--which I'll call the Laissez-Faire Providers--focuses on the freedom a provider has to pursue her needs. The greater social fabric or what other providers are doing doesn't actually matter--the focus is definitely on running their own businesses the best they can, and not worrying too much about how other people are running theirs. There's a lot of room in the market for everyone, and in the end the invisible hand will decide who has the better plan.
I consider myself an Laissez-Faire Provider. Most of the articles I end up reading are from Social Justice Providers, though.
(...and of course, I think most providers are probably too busy with running their own lives to stress about the philosophical overtones.)
So what do you guys think? Does this describe it pretty well? And what are some of your favorite examples of each type?
And is there a similar divide amongst hobbyists? The closest thing I've found so far is the divide between liking a spinner and a BBW. :P (But then, I guess that makes sense--a provider is going to be putting a lot of effort into pulling off their business, and a hobbyist is going to mostly want to have fun once in a while.

But hey, if there's something I'm missing, let me know! I'm curious.)