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Old 01-30-2013, 10:21 AM   #61
Tatiana M.
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Originally Posted by Bigdawg300 View Post
Sorry to hear about your situation. My buddy is going through the same thing. He met a stripper and things progressed from the stripclub to seeing her outside of the club. He is married with kids. Her $$ requests started small, i.e., help with gas, $$ for kids clothes, etc. He fell for this chick and started giving her $$ to help with rent. He realized he was getting too emotionally involved and bailed out. She then started to threaten to tell his wife unless he paid her full rent, which he did for 3 months. She then asked for $15K (yep, $15K) to make it all go away. He said FU and she found out where he lived and told his wife and showed pictures and texts. His wife is talking divorce and is up in his ass. He saved her texts, got a lawyer, and filed extortion charges. Suddenly her ass disappeared, but he still has a rocky marriage. The longer you give small amounts, the more she will pimp you. I am not telling you what to do, just sharing what my buddy is actively going through.
I'm sorry to hear this happened to your friend. In my case, a regular got too attached and couldn't handle it when I ended things with him. So his threat came from outing me to my family, not financial extortion. So yeah, there are some shady people out there for sure, especially if they get too attached. I still think the OP should tell the girl that he came clean to his wife...AND add that wife is so pissed off over this, they are pressing extortion charges against the scammer. Yeah, that should get her out of his hair.
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Old 01-30-2013, 11:35 AM   #62
Capt. Lincoln F. Stern
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coming clean and removing the ammo the blackmailer has may not end it but it takes a lot of the teeth away. Not to mention if you are saving the messages etc you can turn it against them by at the very least post warnings about them with their photos if you have any, link to their ads etc... might cause them a drop in business and if she is trying to blackmail you, she probably needs money so outing her as a blackmailer and causing some loss of business is more effective
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Old 02-01-2013, 01:39 AM   #63
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I would simply tell the extortionist that extortion is a federal crime which the Feds persecute aggressively. I know of a provider who is trying this and she is in way over her head. If I were the guy she is trying to blackmail I would tell her to give me the proof, which in this case is video tapes she made on her cell phone, then I would go to the Feds. Most blackmailers think they are smarter than they actually are and are in reality desperate people who see no other legitimate financial way out of problems they created by their own poor decisions. Call her bluff and if she goes through with it bring in the Feds and turn the tables on her. Extortionists and blackmailers in this hobby deserve whatever bad things eventually happen to them, whatever they are, and I hope that the woman who is blackmailing you and the crazy broad that I know who is doing the same thing regret their actions for the rest of their pathetic miserable lives. There is a reason why they do this, they are either intellectually or emotionally unequipped to be a respectable escort. Hope both of these people end up in an orange jumpsuit in the near future.
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Old 02-16-2013, 07:31 AM   #64
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Yep, simple say I may end up divorced but you will be in jail.
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Old 02-21-2013, 03:28 AM   #65
Alina Lili
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I would get an attorney and have a PI for back-up in case she comes back at you. I'm sorry for this, some really ruin it for the rest.
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Old 03-26-2013, 10:00 PM   #66
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give her the money and get some pussy while you at it...you already paid anyways, should ask for credit, imho.
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Old 03-26-2013, 11:12 PM   #67
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SanAntonman-Do you get your off making jokes at other's hobbist's problems?You truely seem like a "classless/ignorant "individual!
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Old 04-02-2013, 07:13 PM   #68
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Be sure to keep your private life/hobby life completely separate. You never know who anyone is or what they 're capable of. Never meet in thier territory either as it is probably a set up. As far as her telling your wife or whatever shes claiming to do, this is obviously a bluff because if she was serious about it, it would have been done when she said she was going to do it. Shes just using this "blackmail" to string you along. You're basically her go-to guy every time she runs out if cash, because she obviously doesn't know how to manage $$ otherwise she would'nt be so worried about you. A true provider stays conscious of her image and doesn't do anything to compromise her business. She has the attributes of a junkie if you ask me.
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Old 04-06-2013, 02:29 PM   #69
Sexy Latina Vanessa
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It's actually very easy to get someones info from a license plate. Well the actual ownwer of the vehicle. It cost $35 & tells you name, address, and vin #.
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Old 04-06-2013, 05:28 PM   #70
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That is just awful to make fun of others misfortune.... As far as meeting on someone else's territory.. That should not be an issue. Stick to well reviewed providers that know it is just a hobby. Don't play in the clubs or the streets. I hope it works out for the hobbyists and the families.

Kc 4/11-4/14 pre book now must have p4 I'd or refrence
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Old 04-06-2013, 08:00 PM   #71
Capt. Lincoln F. Stern
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Originally Posted by Sexy Latina Vanessa View Post
It's actually very easy to get someones info from a license plate. Well the actual ownwer of the vehicle. It cost $35 & tells you name, address, and vin #.
costs me 25 bucks a year plust tax for 500 lookups at publicdata.com

from there I can see who ELSE lives at the address, the make and model of car, their DL # etc... then by using the county tax assessor office I can look up the info on their house, the taxes, who owns the lean, etc....

What a lot of people do not understand that public info is out there on the net, you have to know where to look.
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Old 04-07-2013, 09:05 AM   #72
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She obviously isn't one of those forward thinkers. $60 here $100 there. I think I would more insulted that offended. If that is all this dumb ass wants, just give it to her.
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Old 04-07-2013, 05:11 PM   #73
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Man this one is easy. Hire a pi that can set up a scene where you meet her and then a women claiming to be your wife puts on a performance like she caught you with another woman. Purse swinging cussin, spittin crying, then have her go after the extorter for some hair pulling, slapping, cussin, etc.

You want a women that is larger and mure" butch" than the pretty extorter so the " ooh so you like theses skinny pretty b**ches over me!!" comment can fly.

You have to play the part like you you shit your pants. Baby, please stop, baby baby, please....

1) the extorter jets from that scene.
2) now she has nothing to blackmale with.


Be sure to tape the whole thing so we can see.
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Old 04-07-2013, 06:34 PM   #74
Capt. Lincoln F. Stern
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Originally Posted by doc_nasty123 View Post
Man this one is easy. Hire a pi that can set up a scene where you meet her and then a women claiming to be your wife puts on a performance like she caught you with another woman. Purse swinging cussin, spittin crying, then have her go after the extorter for some hair pulling, slapping, cussin, etc.

You want a women that is larger and mure" butch" than the pretty extorter so the " ooh so you like theses skinny pretty b**ches over me!!" comment can fly.

You have to play the part like you you shit your pants. Baby, please stop, baby baby, please....

1) the extorter jets from that scene.
2) now she has nothing to blackmale with.


Be sure to tape the whole thing so we can see.

doing what is in bold might risk assault charges.. more fun to hire a lady to pretend to be wife and instead of getting mad... be all for you doing this stuff and tell her "who do you think picks OUT the ladies"

If the wife is cool with you seeing ladies then those ladies cannot blackmail you.. then you report her to the FBI and they make her life miserable.
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Old 04-11-2013, 08:35 PM   #75
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Hey all. OP here. I thought this thread was buried by now, but some how got resurrected.

So I guess I should give an update. It's been 9 months now, and she hasn't attempted communication of any sort. I was/am ready to tell her (like suggested) that I've already come clean with my wife so that she won't bother me anymore. I'm semi-close with my boss and told him that a woman has been bothering me, so if she calls my work again (the only number she knew) he would help cover. I also have a female coworker with whom I'm friends with that would help cover if needed (like she might play the part of my wife or something).

But since she hasn't tried communicating, she may have stuck to her word, or lost my number, or still is in Vegas.

I've gone back to the strip club a little while ago to tell the bartender what happened, and the bartender says the woman has a reputation for being a liar anyway, and that she wouldn't be welcome back anyway.

So, fingers crossed, but my situation might be over. I'd like to thank everyone here for their advice, and I learned a few valuable lessons along the way.

My marriage is still rocky, (which is what got me into this whole mess anyway) but I think that if I am to visit folks of the female persuasion again, I'll go with the lovely pros on this site. I have met some awesome strippers in the past who know the game, and play by the unspoken "rules", but occasionally you swing and miss.
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