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Old 04-03-2013, 11:05 AM   #1
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Default North Korea will regret the new sabre rattling

I have been watching the latest on North Korea with great interest. The North Koreans and their leadership will regret this latest round of sabre rattling.

North Korea has the 4th largest army in the world. Too bad they only have enough food and fuel to go to war for a short period of time, like 60 days. North Korea has no way to expand beyond its small area of the pacific and I am not threatened by this latest round of threats.

The United States could launch a limited attack, like three or four well places missles and this latest round of bullying by a young untested leader would end with a union of both north and south Korea.

Does anything North Korea make sense to anyone? They are simply trying to be placed in a better position to negotiate for food and goods. Too bad the majority of the population of North Korea will ever see any aid, the leadership of North Korea and its more prominant citizens will enjoy a much improved lifestyle.

I say fuck em, you want war bring it. Just like Iraq, North Korea would be left a broken country with many deaths.
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Old 04-03-2013, 11:23 AM   #2
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Their ne wleader has to impress his people with his rhetoric. Is he stupid enough to actually try to pull his sabre out to actually wave it? That is the $64,000.00 question. Everyone knows that the rest of the world could stomp him like an ant if he was to try, but no one knows if he is stupid or crazy enough to push the wrong button.

Unlike with fire ants, where humans have declared a war on them and will kill on site, mankind likes to think we have progressed to the point where we don't to the same to little dictators who might bite or sting us until they actually do sting.

Perhaps Obama should consider trying his gun control tactics in North Korea first as a test, then determine if he can make them work in the US. If he can't outlaw nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, what makes him think outlawing handguns will work?
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Old 04-03-2013, 02:58 PM   #3
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I'm not really concerned with North Korea... I'm more concerned that China will back them if they do decide to be more stupid than they already are.
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Old 04-03-2013, 03:24 PM   #4
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China wont back North Korea, they have too much too loose. China owns more of the US Debt than any other nation. If China were to do something to the United States we might just cancel our debt and seize their assets in this country and its a lot of assets.
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Old 04-03-2013, 04:00 PM   #5
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Look at how much trouble a bunch of guys with no military at all, just cellphones and explosives have caused us the past 10 years.
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Old 04-03-2013, 11:40 PM   #6
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If the US cancelled its debts to China, what makes you think China wouldn't come (or mount a campaign to come) get their assets? And use Dr. Evil of North Korea to help do it? Not being smart ass, just thinking out loud midgetwrestler. Thoughts?
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Old 04-04-2013, 07:11 AM   #7
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The biggest problem with most of the world's military is they have no way of mounting war outside of their immediate area. The Chinese do have a good size navy, but its untested and very vulnerable, as in no air support outside of China. No navy can fight a real war without air support.

Second China has no large aircraft for transporting big equipment and troops a long distance. Its a long way from China to the United States. If a nation cant supply its troops with guns and butter, that army will not survive long. Of course the Chinese could just send troops over until we run out of bullets. The Russian army did this to the Germans in WWII. The Germans finallly ran out of ammunition and other supplies while the Russians just kept sending troops even though the leadership knew these troops were merely lambs for the slaughter, it worked.
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Old 04-04-2013, 07:54 AM   #8
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Sounds like your knowledgeable and you make good points - appreciate the reply
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Old 04-04-2013, 08:00 AM   #9
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I liked Jay Leno's comment. "North Korea has reconsidered it's recent threats and decided to continue on it's original plan. Conquest of America--one nail salon at a time!!"
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Old 04-04-2013, 11:35 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Raddabbler View Post
I liked Jay Leno's comment. "North Korea has reconsidered it's recent threats and decided to continue on it's original plan. Conquest of America--one nail salon at a time!!"
I guess Jay couldn't say: "One AMP at a time!"
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Old 04-05-2013, 04:58 AM   #11
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Midgetwrestler must think that we have a CINC with balls. Obama is weak and clueless as is his foreign policy. The threat from North Korea is real. Their 28 year old leader is nuts! They have a nuke with a delivery system (though it is rather crude, range not a lot of accuracy).
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Old 04-05-2013, 07:14 AM   #12
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Obama may be weak, but the military can handle any job and they wont hesitate to defend our nation and allies, in other words if we are attacked we will respond. North Korea has nukes, but they are crude and the missles are not much better. Again the issue with North Korea is that they cannot fight a conventional war, they dont have the resources. And given the fact that we could launch an air war along with very accurate missles, North Korea would just not exist after a short intense conflict.
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Old 04-07-2013, 11:37 AM   #13
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Default The US has balls, I just hope that laying them on table means we don't have to use them


You want to claim that the administration has no balls? The link above alone shows how big they are. It is the equivalent to us literally laying our junk out on the table and asking to compare sizes.

The thing that scares me the most is that fact that I don't ever see the Korea's unifying unless China steps in and supports the South and the West. North Korea has been under an oppressive political regime for so long that the innocent citizens are effectively brainwashed. That does not create a likely peaceful reunification if the leaders were in fact taken out.N. Korea has been doing it's best to sow hatred for outsiders for 60 years. I do not support war unless in true self defense, and I hate civilians being affected by it even more. I also do not see how any fighting in that country wouldn't include everyone ala Vietnam and the child bombings or worse.

I truly hope China will step in and calm nerves, because I don't think anyone else could do it peacefully. The fact that Russia is being pressed does not bode well either because they still have something to prove on the broader political landscape. I truly hope this ends without a massive death count, but I am worried that it is heating up to a level where it can't be avoided.
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Old 04-07-2013, 11:42 AM   #14
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And Abraham, why exactly do you think that Obama has no balls? What in his foreign affairs has indicted this at all? We have not backed down from anything, and have improved our standing around the world in terms of the UN and others. I for one wish we had done less posturing over the last 13 years because I think we are just creating more terrorists along the way.

I am honestly interested in hearing why you think this, maybe I missed a few things over the past few years.
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Old 04-07-2013, 01:18 PM   #15
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as far as this first post in this thread i had no clue kim don un got a new and better boat i am sure or navy is shaking in there boots as we speak. hell the us navy must be concerned over that
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