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Old 03-09-2013, 09:07 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by Kinda Random View Post
I don't know butt there seems to be a big misconception that modtards are fair, impartial, consistent and intelligent. In my opinion if they had any of those attributes they wouldn't be modtards...ijs
This couldn't be any better said.
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Old 03-09-2013, 09:39 AM   #47
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Sounds like this rule needs a re-write. I also corrected a grammatical error (I think).


#9 - No form of private communications between members are to be posted in our forums. This includes the contents of emails, PMs, IMs, private chat logs, privately shared images, etc. This is an invasion of another's privacy and will not be allowed.

If this is how it is being interpreted, this is how it should be written...

#9 - No forms of private communication are to be posted in our forums. This includes the contents of emails, PMs, IMs, private chat logs, privately shared images, etc. This is an invasion of another's privacy and will not be allowed.

If the member thing is important...

#9 - No forms of private communication in which at least one participant is a member are to be posted in our forums. This includes the contents of emails, PMs, IMs, private chat logs, privately shared images, etc. This is an invasion of another's privacy and will not be allowed.

And, if the point is to protect male clients...

#9 - No forms of private communication in which at least one participant has a "member" are to be posted in our forums. This includes the contents of emails, PMs, IMs, private chat logs, privately shared images, etc. This is an invasion of another's privacy and will not be allowed.

You're welcome. Carry on...
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Old 03-14-2013, 02:20 PM   #48
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So Zodiak...you get the point yet? I know it takes a slap from your betters to affect change, so did the slap hurt too much?

Put the fucking post back up...
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Old 03-30-2013, 10:22 AM   #49
Poet Laureate
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Mods, like referees, umpires, chaperones, cops, and hall monitors, are necessary, much as we sometimes dislike them. Consider:
1) Legal liability. Shyster Jon and a few others can expand on this, but having worked with and for lawyers, and having had a lawyer for a parent, rest assured there are serious legal issues that prompted this rule.
2) Some of us have no editor in our keyboards, and when that is coupled with posting while angry, things get put out there that we soon wish we could take back. Mods often do this for us.
3) Honest misunderstandings do occur, but since many of us post before getting all of the facts, well, we've all seen the results of that. Mods help along those lines, too.
4) This is supposed to be as anonymous as we can make it. If personal information, regardless of whose it is, is allowed to be put out there with no safeguards, how safe is yours? How safe is mine? How long before the entire house of cards comes tumbling down when people leave in droves because they're afraid of being outed and there's no one to stop/censure/ban the outers?
Mods often protect us from ourselves, and if they occasionally err on the side of caution, I think that's preferable to having no oversight at all. I was once umpiring a Little League baseball game. The boys were 14-15 years old, and the game was very competitive. I was working alone, and admittedly wasn't the best ump in the league. Both managers were chirping at me for the first two or three innings. Finally I took off my mask and told them either STFU or they could finish the game without an umpire. (Anyone who's ever played competitive sports, I can hear you thinking 'Good luck with that!') After giving it some thought, neither said another word to me or in my direction that wasn't civil and respectful for the remainder of the game. The point is, we need some oversight. If you're going to advocate a mod's removal, fine, but don't just be a rabble rouser. Volunteer to take his place. And if your first thought is that you could never be approved as a mod, you need only to ask yourself why to get another answer as to why we need them.
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Old 04-01-2013, 02:17 PM   #50
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I thought my head was gonna fall off from shaking it while reading this thread. One busybody member has a temper tantrum because he doesn't agree with an application of a hooker board rule. BFD. No adult here wants to read this crap. We're here for pussy, and we know the best way to get pussy is to be respectful to each other, watch each others' backs, and follow a few basic, common sensical rules. Mr. Temper Tantrum: I see you've been a member of this board since 2010, you've posted over 8,000 times, yet you have only three reviews. My advice to you is fuck more, act like a crybaby less. And if you can't play by adult rules, please leave.

Originally Posted by Poet Laureate View Post
Mods, like referees, umpires, chaperones, cops, and hall monitors, are necessary, much as we sometimes dislike them. Consider:
1) Legal liability. Shyster Jon and a few others can expand on this, but having worked with and for lawyers, and having had a lawyer for a parent, rest assured there are serious legal issues that prompted this rule.
I can't speak to Eccie's reasons for having the rule barring reproduction of private communications, but I can surmise of a concern for violation of state 'two-party' laws which require both parties to certain conversations to consent to the recording and dissemination of the conversation, as well as federal laws that have the same effect.

There could also be a concern for facilitating an invasion of privacy tort, but I think that's a bit of a stretch.

It's not hard to follow the rule and still make your point. Rather than writing this:

Larry the Limpdick Hobbyist: Want pussy. How much?
Wanda the Wonderfuck: Me no talky price.
Larry: You hag! Me wrote bad review!

...Wanda could write, "Larry asked me to name a price for my time. Of course, I declined to do that. Larry became upset and threatened to write a bad review." See? Same effect, and you'd comply with the rule.
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Old 04-01-2013, 10:23 PM   #51
Capt. Lincoln F. Stern
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I have to admit it is refreshing to see others point out that Mods screw up... and seeing how this thread is about 1 month old.. no mention of AA's points being removed nor any public explanation or apology from Zodiak.... how about another MOD step up and award points to Zodiak for abuse of power?
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